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Use reference material...

Posted By: me on 2009-06-27
In Reply to: EndoCatch bag? Endocatch? - PAMT~MDM

Subject: Use reference material...

....as one of the "stupid" QA people, let me tell you that if you have reference material from which you are quoting, you do not have to worry about being wrong.  Stedman's Medical & Surgical Equipment book has Endocatch, and that's what I use.  Any company who would make up their own version, I wouldn't work for. 

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Awesome reference material!
Subject: Awesome reference material!

Thanks you very much, Kathy!

Surgery reference material
Subject: Surgery reference material

Let me start by saying, THANKS!  I love this sight. You guys help me so much.  I am an MT in training, and little over half-way through my course.  I have really been struggling with operative reports.  Between the garggling and mumbling of the doctor's dicactation and all the new surgical instruments and drug references, I have at least 50 terms throughout a 5 minute document that I have researched for the past 5 days, spending more hours than I can count, trying to figure out these terms.  What I want to know is, does anyone know of a good website, or anything that lists surgical instruments and/or drugs, such as anesthesias, by branch of medicine? (I am on ophthalmology surgeries right now, ack!).  I am learning a lot through this process.  I just seem to be stuck right now.  Thanks! 
s/l curotenacious material...sm
Subject: s/l curotenacious material...sm

There is a sebaceous cyst that is open already.  I was able to remove the ____ (s/l caritenacious) material, which was cream colored.  


Thank you.  

Oxinium™ Material. sm
Subject: Oxinium™ Material. sm

The Oxinium material has proven to be a superior metal for use in the production of knee and hip implants due to its hardness, smoothness and resistance to ...
www.voteoxinium.com/1100_oxmaterial.html - 16k - Cached - Similar pages
More results from www.voteoxinium.com »

carcinogenic material s/l taluines??
Subject: carcinogenic material s/l taluines??

In the remote past he had been exposed to other carcinogenic materials such as benzine, s/l taluines??  I have no idea.  Thanks for any help.

Varilux graft material
Subject: Varilux graft material

FYI - new Dualmesh graft material for umbilical hernia repair (or other I suppose) - posted a couple days ago - now confirmed as Varilux.
s/l serous angulenus material
Subject: s/l serous angulenus material

Diagnosis: prepatellar hematoma of the right knee.

Physical examination today reveals the right knee incision is clean without any drainage, except for just a couple of drops on the dressing. Otherwise, there is no fresh S/L serous angulenus material can be expressed. tia.
pain med/ortho material
Subject: pain med/ortho material

doc saying --- Right femur fracture, status post ORIF with s/l 'explanted material'.  Has any body heard of that, or what it could be?  Explanted - I mean.  Is that a typical ortho term?  Thanks!!
Tonsil examination s/l cageous material.
Subject: Tonsil examination s/l cageous material.

ICopiOs - a bone graft material
Subject: ICopiOs - a bone graft material

Got a size of suture material or the part being sutured? nm
Subject: Got a size of suture material or the part being sutured? nm

Healos synthetic bone-grafting material. (nm)
Subject: Healos synthetic bone-grafting material. (nm)

They often use contrast material to confirm placement of a catheter
Subject: They often use contrast material to confirm placement of a catheter

So if the patient is allergic, they would premedicate with Benadryl.  They do that before a lot of diagnostic procedures.
The word is lathe -- its a machine material while working on it.
Subject: The word is lathe -- its a machine material while working on it.

Is there a suture material that sounds like Monopril but spelled differently?
Subject: Is there a suture material that sounds like Monopril but spelled differently?

Most stents are made of a metal or plastic mesh-like material.
Subject: Most stents are made of a metal or plastic mesh-like material.

If he is going to suction out disk material, it could refer to a retractor with a side port on it.
Subject: If he is going to suction out disk material, it could refer to a retractor with a side port on it.

I know I got that one before, I just cannot specifics.
On CT angiogram: s/l "ro gene eous" material in the prepontine cistern. sm
Subject: On CT angiogram: s/l "ro gene eous" material in the prepontine cistern. sm

head CT angiogram, which showed no evidence of arterial aneurism but previously described the rogeneous material in the prepontine cistern reflects a combination of vascular structures and vein hardening artifact. 
and your reference for this was?...nm
Subject: and your reference for this was?...nm

Here's another reference for you. SM
Subject: Here's another reference for you. SM

Thank You!! I just could not reference it! nm
Subject: Thank You!! I just could not reference it! nm

reference sm
Subject: reference sm

reference sm
Subject: reference sm

If you look down a little further that reference gives both
Subject: If you look down a little further that reference gives both

I think m/sec is a lot clearer, personally. I always put cm/sec, why not m/sec?


in reference to what?
Subject: in reference to what?

Here's another reference from BOS
Subject: Here's another reference from BOS

if you have it, pages 46-47.   I've had accounts that didn't want departments, etc. capitalized no matter how they were used, all lower case, so definitely account preference as people said below.  I  prefer to capitalize when referred to as an entity, such as you said or as in BOS, patient was referred to Anesthesia for evaluation... I really dislike typing, the patient was seen by nutrition or wound care or speech, etc. but if verbatim and that's the way they want it, that's what the account gets.
Thank you for the reference! :) nm
Subject: Thank you for the reference! :) nm

What is it in reference to?
Subject: What is it in reference to?

Another reference
Subject: Another reference

Another reference to AG and the one I use:



What is it in reference to??? There is a
Subject: What is it in reference to??? There is a

can I get a reference please?
Subject: can I get a reference please?

What is this in reference to??? nm
Subject: What is this in reference to??? nm

Can somebody with an OB reference
Subject: Can somebody with an OB reference

book tell me if it is a Schultz mechanism or Schultze mechanism for the delivery of the placenta?  I can't track down anything verifiable on the internet.  Thanks very much.   

ok, how about a different reference?
Subject: ok, how about a different reference?

Thanks for the reference!!!
Subject: Thanks for the reference!!!

Look up contractions in GI reference NM
Subject: Look up contractions in GI reference NM

Maybe, though can't find a reference. sm
Subject: Maybe, though can't find a reference. sm

I remember seeing a TV commercial just last week about something with similar S/L, but I'm hesitant to say it indeed was Zytora.

Reference cited
Subject: Reference cited

According to Vera Pyle's CMT:

disc - alternative spelling of disk. See: disk.

disk, disc (Gr. diskos, L. discus)-a circular or rounded flat plate. Note: Disk appears to be the preferred spelling, although disc is also used, especially in names of anatomic structures.
thank you so much. i could not find any reference to this.
Subject: thank you so much. i could not find any reference to this.

I found reference to
Subject: I found reference to

Lateral, unilateral (which may fit if one-sided cancer), and ventral surface, also oroantral, which wouldn't fit unless they went through the sinuses. LOL Wish I could hear what you're hearing to help more. 
fetor reference. sm
Subject: fetor reference. sm



A very offensive odor.


[L. an offensive smell, fr. feteo, to stink]

fetor hepaticus

fetor oris

I'm thinking in reference to
Subject: I'm thinking in reference to

Cool reference! Thanks. nm
Subject: Cool reference! Thanks. nm

sorry, can find no reference
Subject: sorry, can find no reference

looked in Stedman's, no reference for radian nerve. If QA wants you to use it, ask them what references they are using. sorry.
You NEED to buy reference books and USE them.
Subject: You NEED to buy reference books and USE them.

reference from google sm
Subject: reference from google sm

www.medicinescomplete.com/mc/martindale/current/999904-n5813-q.htm - Supplemental
ortho web reference
Subject: ortho web reference


Check out the online reference books!

ah, C and S. That's why couldn't reference! Thx.
Subject: ah, C and S. That's why couldn't reference! Thx.

Nevermind, not a med reference....nm
Subject: Nevermind, not a med reference....nm

now I'm curious what reference you have for this . . I
Subject: now I'm curious what reference you have for this . . I

cannot find anything in stedman's gyn book, spellchecker, no web site on google shows it as a MEDICAL word, so always good to learn something new.
Can anyone reference which is correct...S1, S2 or S1-S2?
Subject: Can anyone reference which is correct...S1, S2 or S1-S2?
