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What are symptoms? Could be amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ?

Posted By: nm on 2008-02-26
In Reply to: ESL doc - please see message - mt12

Subject: What are symptoms? Could be amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ?

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The symptoms of perimenopause or perimenopausal symptoms. Why not?? nm
Subject: The symptoms of perimenopause or perimenopausal symptoms. Why not?? nm

Is it possible that "mild" lateral could be "mid" lateral
Subject: Is it possible that "mild" lateral could be "mid" lateral

in placed sclerosis?
Subject: in placed sclerosis?

Dr. Says:  On her abdominal x-rays, a 2.5 cm gallstone was noted in the right upper quadrant.  She was also noted to have extensive degenerative changes, particularly with disk space narrowing (s/l in placed) sclerosis and osteophyte formation in the L2-L3, L4-L5 and L5-S1 areas with multilevel facet arthrosis.  She also has moderate thoracolumbar scoliosis.

What could that be? Any ideas?

could just be sclerosis
Subject: could just be sclerosis

but if you definitely hear atherosclerosis that would fit as well.
s/l sclerosis
Subject: s/l sclerosis

osteosclerosis joint
endplate sclerosis?
Subject: endplate sclerosis?

heterogeneous sclerosis?
Subject: heterogeneous sclerosis?

Could it be dermatophilus sclerosis?
Subject: Could it be dermatophilus sclerosis?

Pt with multiple sclerosis. sm
Subject: Pt with multiple sclerosis. sm

Motor strength - right over left - Deltoid 5/4, biceps 5/4, triceps 5/4, grip 5/4, s/l "AOSL" 5/4
in regards to multiple sclerosis
Subject: in regards to multiple sclerosis

s/l subcoronal sclerosis...sm
Subject: s/l subcoronal sclerosis...sm

'X-ray of the lumbar spine reveals vertebral marginal spurring at the lower lumbar spine, narrowing at L4, L5 and S1 disk spaces and s/l subcoronal sclerosis at these levels.'

maybe subcortical sclerosis (nm)
Subject: maybe subcortical sclerosis (nm)

3+ nuclear sclerosis or three plus nuclear sclerosis
Subject: 3+ nuclear sclerosis or three plus nuclear sclerosis

first s/l is nuclear sclerosis. Second is dermatochalasis. nm
Subject: first s/l is nuclear sclerosis. Second is dermatochalasis. nm

Yes, I listened again and it was fissuring and sclerosis. Thanks
Subject: Yes, I listened again and it was fissuring and sclerosis. Thanks

multiple sclerosis therapy - tes-a-fab-ray
Subject: multiple sclerosis therapy - tes-a-fab-ray

The patient is going to try a multiple sclerosis IV therapy.  The doctor is talking way too fast for me to really guess on a sounds like but the best I can come up with is tes-a-fab-ray.  I don't have much more information than that.  Steroids are failing as a therapy so this appears to be the next step.  TIA for any suggestions!
Echocardiogram shows LVH s/l noderic sclerosis
Subject: Echocardiogram shows LVH s/l noderic sclerosis

Nevermind. He's saying mild aortic sclerosis
Subject: Nevermind. He's saying mild aortic sclerosis

s/l fishing and sclerosis with Sever's disease. nm
Subject: s/l fishing and sclerosis with Sever's disease. nm

BOO symptoms
Subject: BOO symptoms

probably "upper tracts"
any SOB symptoms?
Subject: any SOB symptoms?

BP or BM symptoms
Subject: BP or BM symptoms

There are B symptoms. sm
Subject: There are B symptoms. sm

B symptoms - General Practice Notebook

B symptoms are features of lymphoma, and include:. fever; drenching night sweats ... B symptoms are signs of a poor prognosis in patients with lymphoma. ...
www.gpnotebook.co.uk/medwebpage.cfm?ID=-1093664726 - 27k - Cached - Similar pages


Onset of b-symptoms may suggest that the lymphoma is progressing. B-symptoms include unexplained and persistent:. Fever and chills Drenching night sweats ...
www.lymphomation.org/symptoms.htm - 62k - Cached - Similar pages

maybe symptoms?
Subject: maybe symptoms?

Subject: symptoms-NM

Is this someone with URI symptoms? nm
Subject: Is this someone with URI symptoms? nm

Subject: symptoms?

Subject: symptoms

Pt with URI symptoms took old Rx of s/l ben zo lin nm
Subject: Pt with URI symptoms took old Rx of s/l ben zo lin nm

sub-symptoms. nm
Subject: sub-symptoms. nm

And the symptoms are....
Subject: And the symptoms are....

heart problem in a young person (30s), sudden stabbing pain, no alleviating factors, had a syncopal episode as a teenager, big-time family history for coronary artery disease.  I don't know enough about EKGs to know how abnormal this is, and I'm really thinking this is Brugada syndrome.  The doctor has questioned the patient about young deaths in his extended family.  Brugada? Bueller? Bueller?
GI symptoms
Subject: GI symptoms

Subject: symptoms


s/k *rhinroudy* symptoms
Subject: s/k *rhinroudy* symptoms

I KNOW that is not the right spelling, but can't seem to get it correct. 

He admits that he is under a fair amount of stress but overall he feels well, exercises well, has not gained weight, or having sleep problems.  No impressive _______ symptoms. 



any one heard of AT&T symptoms
Subject: any one heard of AT&T symptoms

REVIEW OF SYSTEMS:  No fevers, chills.  Patient is concerned about her weight gain that has occurred, 30-40 pounds over the last 1 or 2 years.  Patient denies any headache.  No *AT&T symptoms.*  No chest pain palpitations shortness of breath or cough.  No heartburn although she has had the need for Pepto Bismol occasionally.  The patient states, she gets nauseas especially at bedtime. could that be what the doctor is saying?

sure it's not HEENT symptoms?
Subject: sure it's not HEENT symptoms?

Do you have any other context, symptoms, etc.?
Subject: Do you have any other context, symptoms, etc.?

Could be a lot of s/l, even maybe Barlow syndrome or Tourette syndrome said really fast or slurred...
Not sure of #1; #2 may be sicca symptoms. nm
Subject: Not sure of #1; #2 may be sicca symptoms. nm

Might be Duraxin for symptoms
Subject: Might be Duraxin for symptoms

But Lyme is usually treated with antibiotics
complexive symptoms?
Subject: complexive symptoms?

With his S/L: complexive or complex of symptoms and his response to antibiotics, he almost certainly has a chronic active Lyme or Lyme-like infection. 


how about "complex of symptoms"
Subject: how about "complex of symptoms"

s/l trianjunal symptoms
Subject: s/l trianjunal symptoms

The patient denies trauma or hitting her head.  There is no s/l trianjunal symptoms she feels by now.  This has occurred during the procedure while her husband is in the hospital. 
sentence and symptoms please..sm
Subject: sentence and symptoms please..sm

the last word is Garamicin...can't guess the middle two.  
end organ symptoms?
Subject: end organ symptoms?

S/L Tunisma symptoms?
Subject: S/L Tunisma symptoms?

Infectious disease patient. 

No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.  No tunisma symptoms.  No urinary symptoms....

Any ideas?

Symptoms word help
Subject: Symptoms word help

This is what was dictated:


due to his antiprominent three deficiency, he has not been able to undergo any type of surgical procedures


How is this typed?  Thanks.

if symptoms worsen?
Subject: if symptoms worsen?

thinking maybe the doc is slurring the words together.
array of symptoms
Subject: array of symptoms

array of symptoms
Subject: array of symptoms

Maybe for IBS type symptoms? sm
Subject: Maybe for IBS type symptoms? sm



See this link.

