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and thanks but Google DIDN'T fail - I

Posted By: MDmt on 2006-12-28
In Reply to: Stedman's derm book states Tindall effect. nm - Google fails again

Subject: and thanks but Google DIDN'T fail - I

was searching in the wrong places using the wrong key phrases - my husband calls that operator error NOT google failure LOL Thanks anyway, it was Tyndall after John Tyndall

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I did Google it, but I didn't know it was a hearing test it didn't pop up. Sorry to bother you
Subject: I did Google it, but I didn't know it was a hearing test it didn't pop up. Sorry to bother you.

Thank you!! I'm surprised Google didn't ask me if I mean trabeculation!
Subject: Thank you!! I'm surprised Google didn't ask me if I mean trabeculation!

It was just a source I found using Google. I didn't mean it to be condescending.
Subject: It was just a source I found using Google. I didn't mean it to be condescending.

Hey thanks! didn't think of "spencer" duh..found on Google book search, sm
Subject: Hey thanks! didn't think of "spencer" duh..found on Google book search, sm

Thanks again!

The “seven stages of Spencer” is an organized technique of range-of-motion exercises and post-isometric stretching to improve functionality of the shoulder. ...

I didn't try Google - only looked in Stedman's Ortho book. I wonder... nm
Subject: I didn't try Google - only looked in Stedman's Ortho book. I wonder... nm

Fail or Fao sign?
Subject: Fail or Fao sign?


The sentence is: 

X-ray examination on the lateral view shows a _______ sign consistent with a small effusion in the elbow joint and probably a tiny radial head fracture if visible.


Thanks for your time!!

I fail to see how that helps them
Subject: I fail to see how that helps them

So they pass the test (with help here or wherever) and then they get in the job and fail. Are you really helping?
"clip to fail" fusion?
Subject: "clip to fail" fusion?

Patient has S/L "clip to fail" fusion of C2 on C3.
No, I didn't mean that as a slam that you didn't research!!!
Subject: No, I didn't mean that as a slam that you didn't research!!!

I just meant that it's checked and verified for you.  Shitzoo showed up on Google, too.  LOL 
Thanks again...tried that but didn't get anything because I didn't know how to spell it. (nm)
Subject: Thanks again...tried that but didn't get anything because I didn't know how to spell it. (nm)

I too love Google but be V_E_R_Y careful w/google
Subject: I too love Google but be V_E_R_Y careful w/google

Google is great for retrieving anything faster than the speed of light *lol* - but if the info comes from a nonverifiable medical website, be very wary.  There are a few I trust only...the NIH for one (Nat'l Institute of Health) and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and a few others out of the government actually.

As for prescription places, I trusted rx.com for far too long, there are many more reliable drug websites out there... medilexicon.com is a great site and to confirm a proper name of a disease or things like that, there is whonamedit.com which, if you write to the site owner, can be added to (I have done some communication with the site owner so this is 100% true). 

When I first started using google in MT work about 8 years ago as google is not that old, (got online 12 years ago, been an MT since 1980), I had looked up Spironolactone, and Google gave the spelling to me incorrectly and (who knew it was wrong?!?!??) I used their spelling and I was wrong. 

So, only advice is be VERY CAREFUL what YOU CHOOSE to use as far as websites go regarding MT/ME work because in the end you're the one responsible....not google. 

gotta be careful w/Google....I love Google
Subject: gotta be careful w/Google....I love Google

Didn't think of that! Thanks!! nm
Subject: Didn't think of that! Thanks!! nm

No, you didn't. nm
Subject: No, you didn't. nm

Oh! Thank you - wonder why this didn't
Subject: Oh! Thank you - wonder why this didn't

come up on my abbreviation website!
You know, I didn't think of that....sm
Subject: You know, I didn't think of that....sm

I am going to listen again and I bet that is it. Thank you so much!
I didn't see that, thank you!
Subject: I didn't see that, thank you!

Thank you. I didn't think of that.
Subject: Thank you. I didn't think of that.

You could be right. 
I didn't think it could come
Subject: I didn't think it could come

in 1200 mg. I left a discrepancy marker in 1 of my reports for this, and the QA took out my marker and put in Dilaudid 1200 mg like the dictator said. Go figure.
I didn't think of that - this could be it! Thanks. nm
Subject: I didn't think of that - this could be it! Thanks. nm

Okay, just didn't think
Subject: Okay, just didn't think

she lie herself down sounded right, so wanted to be sure. Thanks!
I didn't have the
Subject: I didn't have the

first one, but I use 911 all the time for everything! I've done a few OP reports, but I have 34 to do today and I am on my 5th one after 2 hours of working! Thanks for the help!
didn't think so! - nm
Subject: didn't think so! - nm

Didn't you ever get this?
Subject: Didn't you ever get this?

The reason it didn't occur to people was that you didn't give enough information to let them know it was part of the physical exam, either HEENT or neuro exam. When clues are provided, people are happy to help. Otherwise it's a lot of effort on their part and none on the person asking the question.

Conjugate gaze palsy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Conjugate gaze palsy refers to an inability of both eyes to move in the same direction ... Other binocular: Conjugate gaze palsy - Convergence insufficiency ...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_gaze_palsy - 31k - Cached - Similar pages
oh wow i didn't see that thank you!
Subject: oh wow i didn't see that thank you!

She didn't
Subject: She didn't

you must not have read her post, which states:

"I agree it looks weird, but "appropriate for gestational age" is a compound modifier for "infant." Weird or not, that's the way it is. My opinion, if the correct way looks too "weird" for you and you don't mind getting pinged by QA, then use no hyphens at all because "gestational- age" definitely should not be hyphenated."

Another option, if this is not a verbatim account, would be to re-cast the sentence.
Sorry. I didn't know that. nm
Subject: Sorry. I didn't know that. nm

Didn't mean to
Subject: Didn't mean to

add past tense. Sorry... :-)
You didn't think it may have
Subject: You didn't think it may have

been BioCleanse?? :-)
I didn't know you
Subject: I didn't know you

could drink marijuana...What will they think of next???
I didn't say
Subject: I didn't say

IBS "disease." You did..
THANK YOU...I almost didn't
Subject: THANK YOU...I almost didn't

hear joint in there. Thanks a million :-)
not sure why that didn't come through, but should
Subject: not sure why that didn't come through, but should

be the number "1"
sorry it didn't post right - here it is
Subject: sorry it didn't post right - here it is


didn't find it
Subject: didn't find it

thanks for the list, but didn't see anything similar
sry didn't see post. tks!
Subject: sry didn't see post. tks!

No I didn't mind
Subject: No I didn't mind

I'm suspect of the real identity of the person posting as the president of Sten-Tel (in 2 places already).  I guess my attention wasn't garned here so it was reposted at the top of the board.  Anyway I said what I felt I wanted to say and he didn't want to engage, so I can let it be.


thank you - didn't even dawn on me
Subject: thank you - didn't even dawn on me

Not the OP, but, yes, it was really necessary. It didn't hurt and it may help.
Subject: Not the OP, but, yes, it was really necessary. It didn't hurt and it may help.

I didn't think they allowed it on
Subject: I didn't think they allowed it on

THANK YOU very much!!!! Didn't hear *t* in that...
Subject: THANK YOU very much!!!! Didn't hear *t* in that...

thanks mucho :)
Thanks. Didn't know it. New account (nm)
Subject: Thanks. Didn't know it. New account (nm)

Sorry, didn't see other responses
Subject: Sorry, didn't see other responses

Well, that didn't show up too well now did it!
Subject: Well, that didn't show up too well now did it!

Anywhoo, the site: http://www.medabbrev.com/main.cfm (which you need to be a member of, I believe to access it), says cc is now to be changed to mL because it is listed as a dangerous abbreviation, along with a whole other list of em.

That's all I wanted to post. 

you didn't give much to go on so this is a WAG
Subject: you didn't give much to go on so this is a WAG

otomastoiditis (oto·mas·toid·itis) (o”to-mas”toid-i´tis) mastoiditis combined with otitis media, usually of the suppurative type.

Oh well in your OP, you didn't state it that way.
Subject: Oh well in your OP, you didn't state it that way.

cc:  Patient Name (Enclosure:  MRI results)  I guess .
lol, she most certainly did, you didn't comprehend it.
Subject: lol, she most certainly did, you didn't comprehend it.

Yes, I know. The point is, he didn't SAY that sm
Subject: Yes, I know. The point is, he didn't SAY that sm

Although he does mention "near the perforation" later in the report.

My point is, docs sometimes use the abbreviations they use in speaking in their reports as well. Most of the time I will type them out, but it bugs me either way - I like to type verbatim and not add anything the doc didn't say, but if he says it wrong, what are you going to do? (Except maybe leave him a message.)

I thought about that too, but didn't think
Subject: I thought about that too, but didn't think

oh, I didn't see this post.....
Subject: oh, I didn't see this post.....

in that case I do 3-4 mm


TY - it is Prolene, no I didn't try that
Subject: TY - it is Prolene, no I didn't try that