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Posted By: Horski on 2008-09-01
In Reply to: GI - Briana

Subject: colostomy

I actually had that surgery. It is common to have a colostomy and then six months later have it reversed or sometimes they call it a takedown. There is a cecostomy that is a fecal catheter if I am reading right so it could be either colostomy or cecostomy.

An ileal resection is the treatment, so I don't know how it was put in as part of the disease.

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Subject: Do they have a colostomy or ileostomy? Might be appliance is intact. nm

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He's definitely saying Hartmann's ________ procedure, and the blank sounds like "lung."

Thanks so much! 

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Surgical skin prep? Colostomy bag prep? Or something else? nm
Subject: Surgical skin prep? Colostomy bag prep? Or something else? nm
