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maybe "...transverse, compatible with colitis"...??

Posted By: vn on 2009-05-18
In Reply to: please help urgent - paige

Subject: maybe "...transverse, compatible with colitis"...??

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akin ( essentially similar, related, or compatible )
Subject: akin ( essentially similar, related, or compatible )

transverse myelitis? nm
Subject: transverse myelitis? nm

P.S. Transverse and axial are the same
Subject: P.S. Transverse and axial are the same

Should have checked the illustration better before posting!
could it be something transverse myelitis?
Subject: could it be something transverse myelitis?

s/l transverse (sallise) fascia
Subject: s/l transverse (sallise) fascia

s/l (sallise). dictation:  transverse (sallise) fascia.

I can find age-dependant and transverse, too, but not your s/l. Sorry..nm
Subject: I can find age-dependant and transverse, too, but not your s/l. Sorry..nm

maybe transverse colon mesentery end??
Subject: maybe transverse colon mesentery end??

just a stab
How about a transverse elliptical incision??? nm
Subject: How about a transverse elliptical incision??? nm

low or lower transverse incision
Subject: low or lower transverse incision

Cesarean section was performed with a low transverse incision ... it's hard to hear if the Dr. is saying "low" or lower" transverse incision .. would it matter which one it is or should it be one over the other? thanks for help.
first one is transverse and longitudinal scans
Subject: first one is transverse and longitudinal scans

When typing words such as mid portion, mid transverse, etc. do you put them together such as
midportion, etc. etc. of  keep them separated, mid portion and all other words that fall into this category.
Each vertebra has 2 transverse processes and 1 spinous process.
Subject: Each vertebra has 2 transverse processes and 1 spinous process.

So, depending on what the doc says, the spinous process of C5 would be correct. Also, the spinous processes of the cervical spine would be a correct statement. Spinous process of the cervical spine would be incorrect as there are 7 cervical vertebral bodies with 3 processes each.
Long shot here, but could doc be saying transverse 4 mm vertical incision
Subject: Long shot here, but could doc be saying transverse 4 mm vertical incision

Transverse sagital. My money is on ureteral jets. Maybe he slurred? nm
Subject: Transverse sagital. My money is on ureteral jets. Maybe he slurred? nm

s/l da-pan-colitis
Subject: s/l da-pan-colitis

She is a 27-year-old woman who is diagnosed with severe ulcer (da-pan) colitis.

Any thoughts? Thanks!
are you sure its for colitis - Lo-Ovral BCP
Subject: are you sure its for colitis - Lo-Ovral BCP

s/l cedephoseal ? colitis
Subject: s/l cedephoseal ? colitis

Any ideas??



may be ulcerative colitis. nm
Subject: may be ulcerative colitis. nm

Med for ulcerative colitis
Subject: Med for ulcerative colitis

They have found some thickening and improvement in the stool number with **s/l equestrian*** 1-3 times daily. 


thanks in advance

ridogrel ? (for colitis)
Subject: ridogrel ? (for colitis)

granulomatous colitis I think
Subject: granulomatous colitis I think

colitis (see below for what type)
Subject: colitis (see below for what type)

amebic colitis see under dysentery.
antibiotic-associated colitis see under enterocolitis.
collagenous colitis a type of colitis of unknown etiology characterized by deposits of collagenous material beneath the epithelium of the colon, with crampy abdominal pain and watery diarrhea.
granulomatous colitis transmural colitis with the formation of noncaseating granulomas.
ischemic colitis acute vascular insufficiency of the colon, affecting the portion supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery; symptoms include pain at the left iliac fossa, bloody diarrhea, low-grade fever, and abdominal distention and tenderness.
mucous colitis former name for irritable bowel syndrome.
regional colitis , segmental colitis transmural or granulomatous inflammatory disease of the colon; regional enteritis involving the colon. It may be associated with ulceration, strictures, or fistulas.
transmural colitis inflammation of the full thickness of the bowel, rather than just mucosa and submucosa, usually with formation of noncaseating granulomas. It may be confined to the colon (segmentally or diffusely) or be associated with regional enteritis in the small intestine. Clinically, it may resemble ulcerative colitis, but with deeper ulcerations, stricture formation, and fistulas, particularly in the perineum.
ulcerative colitis chronic ulceration in the colon, chiefly of the mucosa and submucosa, manifested by cramping abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and loose discharges of blood, pus, and mucus with scanty fecal particles.

It was collagenous colitis, ty ty ty!
Subject: It was collagenous colitis, ty ty ty!

s/l starcoral colitis
Subject: s/l starcoral colitis

The patient had a CT scan that also showed a very distended rectum and a question was raised as to whether the patient could have s/l starcoral colitis
Med for colitis s/l fluorista nm
Subject: Med for colitis s/l fluorista nm

Pseudomembranous colitis
Subject: Pseudomembranous colitis

? C. difficile colitis maybe - nm
Subject: ? C. difficile colitis maybe - nm

pseudomembranous colitis
Subject: pseudomembranous colitis

? mesalamine (Asacol) -- pt. with colitis. (nm)
Subject: ? mesalamine (Asacol) -- pt. with colitis. (nm)

History of s/l psuedomemanous colitis. Help?
Subject: History of s/l psuedomemanous colitis. Help?

Medication help pls..s/l "lovall for radiation colitis" thanks. nm
Subject: Medication help pls..s/l "lovall for radiation colitis" thanks. nm

Just clostridium difficile....unless doc specifically says colitis. nm
Subject: Just clostridium difficile....unless doc specifically says colitis. nm

ciprofloxacin has led to the development of s/l *seedofacil colitis*
Subject: ciprofloxacin has led to the development of s/l *seedofacil colitis*

Searched up and down and can't find this one.  I've found a few things like pseudofolliculitis, but that doesn't seem to work as it is 'razor burn'. 
Rowasa for ulcerative colitis/proctitis? sm
Subject: Rowasa for ulcerative colitis/proctitis? sm



Or you can go to the MPT site and click on therapeutic etc





Medication sounds like low-vall. For colitis. any help is appreciated :) nm
Subject: Medication sounds like low-vall. For colitis. any help is appreciated :) nm

Has anyone heard of a steroid enema used for ulcerative colitis?
Subject: Has anyone heard of a steroid enema used for ulcerative colitis?

s/l Kennisar suspension for ulcerative colitis - thnk you in advance
Subject: s/l Kennisar suspension for ulcerative colitis - thnk you in advance

List of illnesses in hx- s/l Sodo magallant varies colitis??? I am stumped.
Subject: List of illnesses in hx- s/l Sodo magallant varies colitis??? I am stumped.