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maybe "...would require packing" - as to the other

Posted By: vn on 2009-06-09
In Reply to: Help with a sentence and word. - mt

Subject: maybe "...would require packing" - as to the other

one, there are sooooo many catheters - can you listen again and maybe you can come up with a different s/l?

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" Cauterize packing" ??
Sounds like "at this time we initiate cauterize packing with dry sterile dressing. Help! TIA.
maybe iodoform packing? nm

nasal packing
Subject: nasal packing

Bingo. That's it. Can't see the forest for the trees on that spelling. Those words are almost twins. Many thanks.
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Rhino is a brand name of packing. nm
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you'll have to research further
iodoform gauze packing? nm
Subject: iodoform gauze packing? nm

Think it's just short for vaginal packing. Don't
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I found an Iofoam, a topical foam and then idoform gauze??
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It could be ABG, ABD. Any ideas?

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I have come across this before but for the life of me cannot verify spelling this time around.  Please help!
Miragel and Merocel nasal packing. Please see context.
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DICTATED: Some "Miragel" packing was placed in the ethmoid areas bilaterally and a small piece of Merocel was placed to hold the "Miragel" in place. He is obvsiouly distinguishing between 2 types of nasal packing material. Can't find the "Miragel". Any clues?
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s/l Acrum packs?
Probably Merocel nasal packing as in my Surgical Word Book. nm
Subject: Probably Merocel nasal packing as in my Surgical Word Book. nm

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