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nope-those are great suggestions though, thanks-heisasuperspeedtalkerinabighurrydrivingmecrazy-nm

Posted By: sassee on 2007-08-23
In Reply to: thrush? drainage? exudate? nm - They drive ya nutz!

Subject: nope-those are great suggestions though, thanks-heisasuperspeedtalkerinabighurrydrivingmecrazy-nm

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hard to tell since her words run together. thanks everyone for all the great suggestions!
Subject: hard to tell since her words run together. thanks everyone for all the great suggestions!

nope, regular great dictator, very clear. Spells: A-L-O-N.
Subject: nope, regular great dictator, very clear. Spells: A-L-O-N.

Great credentials. Great advice.
Subject: Great credentials. Great advice.

Thanks for the suggestions
Subject: Thanks for the suggestions

It was almost midnight last night and my Stedman book lists about 15 "M" signs. I was hoping someone could help narrow the search, and yes, of course, I would look up any definition before using it. I sent it to QA due to the late hour. I'll have more time to devote to it today.
Thank you all for your suggestions . . .
Subject: Thank you all for your suggestions . . .

and it still may be what he is saying, but as you guys mentioned, rather than 'maneuver' it is usually followed by either 'sign' or 'test'. It really sounds like Dover's (or 'there was'), so I am just not sure.

Thanks again for the thoughts.
Tried your suggestions, but they
Subject: Tried your suggestions, but they

did not work.  I wound up for a second losing sound through my headphones.  I'll try again when I have a little time to spare.  It is actually just this one particular doc I have to turn up, so usually it is not really a big deal, but man, is it loud for this guy.  I cannot seem to locate the spellcheck under your second suggestion.  Thanks so much for replying.  I really appreciate it. 
Thanks for the suggestions, but I think
Subject: Thanks for the suggestions, but I think

spirochete got butchered by a false start --

You're right, though . . . pretty disgusting stuff (ewwwww!)

Happy 4th!
A few suggestions...
Subject: A few suggestions...

Angiogenic, angiolupoid, angioma, angiomatoid, angiosarcoma

Hope that helps!
Any suggestions?
Subject: Any suggestions?

The dictator says, "G4, P1, 1-1-3"  What does the 1-1-3 mean and how do I express it?

any other suggestions.
Subject: any other suggestions.

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

EXTREMITIES: Extremities show [hemerisnos] bilaterally.

P*?! Any suggestions?
Subject: P*?! Any suggestions?

nephrolethiasis with status post pyelolethotomy? s/l.


Thanks so much for the suggestions
Subject: Thanks so much for the suggestions

I am looking them up and listening again.  I am pretty sure you got it!  Thanks again.
Thanks for all the suggestions, I still don't think I have it.
Subject: Thanks for all the suggestions, I still don't think I have it.

Darnit.  He speaks English very plainly, so unless there is a skip on the tape or something, I have no idea.  I think I'm going to have to leave a blank this time.  There is no mention of this diagnosis anywhere else in the report either.  I wonder if QA will be able to get it. 
Good suggestions, but he says it clearly sm
Subject: Good suggestions, but he says it clearly sm

each time I get him. I sent both of today's reports to QA. I'll let you know what I find out. Thanks!

Thanks for the good suggestions
Subject: Thanks for the good suggestions

It may have been gutters and he was just mumbling it...I already flagged and sent it, but thanks for the help.
Thanks for all the suggestions.. I am leaving it for QA since i am not sure! thanks for help
Subject: Thanks for all the suggestions.. I am leaving it for QA since i am not sure! thanks for help

Any more suggestions besides Thyamex?
Subject: Any more suggestions besides Thyamex?

Most likely vomitus. Thanks for all the suggestions!
Subject: Most likely vomitus. Thanks for all the suggestions!

Thanks for excellent suggestions, sm
Subject: Thanks for excellent suggestions, sm

I'm sure she is saying some version of "mentating" or "orientation" but I will have to send blank, as it is so not clear exactly what it is.

Medication s/l Sirculax...any suggestions? NM
Subject: Medication s/l Sirculax...any suggestions? NM

wasn't trying to be rude, just the suggestions--sm
Subject: wasn't trying to be rude, just the suggestions--sm

given had absolutely nothing to do with the low back, which she specifically mentioned in her post. Not all MTs are way off in what they are asking about or looking for and some of these suggestions that have nothing to do with their requests can be very misleading, as well. JMO and again, not meant to be rude.
thanks for the suggestions, but i definitely hear a P sound. =) nm
Subject: thanks for the suggestions, but i definitely hear a P sound. =) nm

SL subacute O-DEN infarction??? Any suggestions???
Subject: SL subacute O-DEN infarction??? Any suggestions???

Mr.___ today denies any worst headaches in his life or history of intracranial hemorrhage.  He has had the episode of left side weakness in the past and findings on the MRI suggested for subacute ** infarction.

S/L space difficulty?? any suggestions? thanks!!1
Subject: S/L space difficulty?? any suggestions? thanks!!1

Mr. ___ today denies any worst headaches in his life or history of intracranial hemorrhage.  He has had the episode of left side weakness in the past and findings on the MRI suggested for subacute old infarction.  He denies any new symptoms and today has stated some visual symptoms of blurring but no binocular visual loss, new focal motor weakness, ***difficulty or sensory loss. 

Thank you both. I'm not sure. It sounds like both suggestions at different times.
Subject: Thank you both. I'm not sure. It sounds like both suggestions at different times.

got it!!! C. trachomatis... thanks for your correct suggestions!
Subject: got it!!! C. trachomatis... thanks for your correct suggestions!

None of your suggestions make any sense
Subject: None of your suggestions make any sense

with the word impingement, however. Impingement of a walker, leg brace or artificial knee joint does not make sense if it's a hip, as the sites I found suggest. The sites I found suggest it is another name for a specific part of the femoral head.
that is what I was thinking but wanted to see if anyone else had any other suggestions. Thanks.
Subject: that is what I was thinking but wanted to see if anyone else had any other suggestions. Thanks.

He was s/l "triangly" placed on IV nitroglycerin. Suggestions?
Subject: He was s/l "triangly" placed on IV nitroglycerin. Suggestions?

Thank you both! I will listen to see if I can make either of those suggestions work. nm
Temporal bone s/l bitrisis? Any suggestions? nm
Subject: Temporal bone s/l bitrisis? Any suggestions? nm

Doc constantly says bipolarism. Cannot document. Any suggestions?
Subject: Doc constantly says bipolarism. Cannot document. Any suggestions?

suggestions on how to transcribe 0 negative 3 positive
Subject: suggestions on how to transcribe 0 negative 3 positive

This is dictated in a neuro operative report on a patient with Parkinson disease.  The doctor is doing insertion of bilateral deep brain stimulators:

Macro stimulation using 0 negative 3 positive pulse width of 90, frequency 145 resulted in tingling of the left side at threshold of 2.5.

or would it be easier to understand like this?

Macro stimulation using 0-/3+ pulse width of 90, frequency 145 resulted in tingling on the left side at threshold of 2.5. 

I honestly don't really understand what I'm transcribing here, so maybe a comma should be after the 0-/3+. 





None of the two suggestions match as to what he is saying! The doc has a strong accent and he clearl
Subject: None of the two suggestions match as to what he is saying! The doc has a strong accent and he clearly says the word ending with "odiets" . I

I have sent it for QA. Thanks for all your help
Some suggestions: Toronto SPV stentless or tilting disk or tricuspid aortic valve? nm
Subject: Some suggestions: Toronto SPV stentless or tilting disk or tricuspid aortic valve? nm

Subject: nope

It's test for tears ducts. It's an ophthalmic term.
Subject: nope

He said it very very clear. I searched for nearly an hour and couldn't find a doggone thing. :)
Subject: nope...nm

nope, that's not it (i wish it was). nm
Subject: nope, that's not it (i wish it was). nm

nope, that's not it....thanks!
Subject: nope, that's not it....thanks!

Subject: nope..

Unfortunately doctor just says in past surgical history "appendectomy and "vintage".    he may have to get a blank, but i detest leaving blanks!
Nope...that's not it:(
Subject: Nope...that's not it:(

Nope, that's what he said...
Subject: Nope, that's what he said...

"I debrided all the material out of his maxillary sinus using a straight, uncurved, whatever..."   I let hubby listen too (he's got a good ear) and that's what he heard too. 



Subject: nope............................nm

Subject: nope......................nm

Subject: nope

I would have to disagree with you on that one and haven't seen a company yet accept it that way.  The norm is followup for noun and follow up or follow-up for a verb.  What I'm trying to find is a REAL rule for this somewhere in some book.
Nope, don't think it was either of those....
Subject: Nope, don't think it was either of those....

I just sent it to QA and was gratified to see they had no clue either so the blank got sent on to the client. Guess whatever it was he mangled it beyond recognition LOL. Thanks for the suggestions though!
Subject: nope

all i can hear is "preston to cultures over both lower extremities"  I have been looking online for an hour and can come up wiht nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Nope.

Subject: Nope.

Nope :( nm
Subject: Nope :( nm