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pathology help

Posted By: DebM on 2008-06-19
In Reply to: Maybe chondronecrosis? - GA_MT

Subject: pathology help

It could be, but he is putting in there chondro"radi" necrosis" that extra noise in there.  I guess I better give him a blank and sticky note.  Thanks so much for your help.

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In my lab we use HER-2/neu FISH or HER-2 FISH.
Subject: pathology

granulomatous & submural
Subject: Pathology

All biopsies go to Pathology, so you cannot go wrong typing that.  They don't go to Histology anyway....only after Pathology sees the biopsy and cuts a section - then Histology makes a slide. Don't you love annunciations like that!?
? pathology...nm
Subject: ? pathology...nm

Subject: Pathology

Anyone have any ideas on this one? Cortices show s/l menariali of normal appearance. Thanks
Subject: Pathology

Sure.  It reads - Kidneys: The kidneys have a thin capsule.  The cortices show _____ of normal appearance.  I originally had glomeruli.  But the more I listened it just didn't sound right.
Subject: Pathology

Sure.  It reads - Kidneys: The kidneys have a thin capsule.  The cortices show _____ of normal appearance.  I originally had glomeruli.  But the more I listened it just didn't sound right. It goes on to state tubules are not remarkable.  I appreciate your help.  thanks.

I am working on a Pathology report and I am stumped on a word.


Sections of the heart (show as marked triperchapy) of the myocardial fibers.


The red is what it sounds like to me.  THANKS!!!!

LAM pathology? sm
Subject: LAM pathology? sm

he stated that the patient will only have IV antibiotics only. He does not need oral antibiotics. We will see this patient back again in 2-3 weeks. s/l LAM or lam pathology was requested again and there had been no change.
it was lab and pathology. Thanks anyway.
Subject: it was lab and pathology. Thanks anyway.

s/l "skinny lip" was sent to pathology
Subject: s/l "skinny lip" was sent to pathology

any ideas???
pathology regarding angiosarcoma
Subject: pathology regarding angiosarcoma

Patient had wide local resection of an angiosarcoma of the ear and cheek. This was a high-grade angiosarcoma.

He had additionally some advanced __solary lasdosis __and some early basal carcinoma with negative margins in the resection as well.


Pathology Report
Subject: Pathology Report

Submitted tissue acronym for PRA, ERA
Pathology questions
Subject: Pathology questions

The first s/l oral, but the 2nd is "in formalin" without a doubt -- that's a fancy way of saying formaldehyde.
specimens are usually sent to PATHOLOGY. NM
Subject: specimens are usually sent to PATHOLOGY. NM

Pathology report
Subject: Pathology report

Would you send a specimen to the pathologist "informally"?
pathology report
Subject: pathology report

pathology report was returned as reactive follicular and pericortical hyperplasia with s/l sy-no-fis-e-o cytosis and a flow cytometry was done.

pathology of --enlarged node in his right groin

Pathology Report
Subject: Pathology Report

That's sinus histiocytosis
pathology diagnosis help
Subject: pathology diagnosis help

The doctor says - suspected squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx, versus (s/l) "chondratating necrosis."  Any help would be MUCH appreciated.  Thanks.
untorn pathology sm
Subject: untorn pathology sm

Her MRI scan shows some patellar chondrosis and some other degenerative changes. There is no evidence of any frank meniscal tear, and her medial compartment does not show any s/l untorn pathology
a (s/l skinnylip) was sent to pathology - nm
Subject: a (s/l skinnylip) was sent to pathology - nm

got it - he's saying "path" for pathology nm
Subject: got it - he's saying "path" for pathology nm

Pathology Report HELP!?
Subject: Pathology Report HELP!?


The kidneys have a thin capsule a gourdaseese? that show memaru-lie?? of normal appearance. The tubules are not remarkable.

Any ideas?

spine pathology
Subject: spine pathology

this is a pain mgt patient with neck pathology...
Pathology report
Subject: Pathology report

I am doing a gallbladder path report, she is describing yellow S/L (bosselated) gallstones.

Thanks in advance.
none key seeding granuloma? - Pathology
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Veryrarely do pathology terms---HELP!
Subject: Veryrarely do pathology terms---HELP!

Fine needle aspiration of submental mass.  Several passes made, placed on slides, preserved with alcohol.  Several passes made, placed on slides and preserved with sicomono fluid.

THX in advance for your help!

Placenta pathology shows...
Subject: Placenta pathology shows...

512 grams, trivascular, no evidence of ________-itis.  one syllable and "itis".  thick ESL accent.  drawing a blank here; help please!!! 
cytolyte fixative - used in pathology (nm)
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the second one is probably "in formalin" for pathology nm
Subject: the second one is probably "in formalin" for pathology nm

A s/l skinny-lips was sent to pathology
Subject: A s/l skinny-lips was sent to pathology

A s/l skinny-lips was sent to pathology.  Help? Thanks!!!

stedman's pathology book:
Subject: stedman's pathology book:

has cysticercosis titer,
cysticercus (noun form) - pleural cysticerci
Cysticercus bovis, etc. (names of causative organism)
 MT 50 what do you say?  is cysticercosis the name of the disease and cysticersus the lesion caused by the disease?

s/l Afercan features - pathology
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dictated "benign cell demonstrating ______ features is noted" for breast cyst fluid.

The pathology report showed
Subject: The pathology report showed

moderate epithelial dysplasia with dysplastic epithelial s/l invaginations?
I transcribe Pathology - I would use 'lymphatics'
Subject: I transcribe Pathology - I would use 'lymphatics'

hope it helps!
s/l rivnant cervical pathology
Subject: s/l rivnant cervical pathology

a Pap smear every year for three years would resolve any concern of future s/l rivnant cervical pathology
sure it's not malignant cervical pathology?
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HELP! Cytology/pathology term
Subject: HELP! Cytology/pathology term

Hi All!  Please help me if you can with finding a bacteria/organism term.  I am unfamiliar with this altogether so my clues in trying to find the correct term may be somewhat limiting. 

The dictator states "wet prep found initially no pathogens but on one field found some epithelial cells with budding hyphae (or hyphael) vinilia (sounds like) 

Hope this helps in your helping me.  Any and all help in finding the correct term is greatly appreciated!  Thank you for taking your time out to help a fellow MTranscriber. 

s/l a skinny lip or lift was sent to pathology
Subject: s/l a skinny lip or lift was sent to pathology

Pathology Report s/l alveolar
Subject: Pathology Report s/l alveolar

Doc is going over the lungs on an Autopsy Report.

"....The alveolar walls are thickened. The vessels are congested. Moderate numbers of neutrophils are in the ALVEOLAR walls." The problem is, that he sounds like he is saying "NOVEOLAR". But that just doesn't make sense. Any ideas if he meant Alveolar and dictated incorrectly??

Thank you!
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chronic type patent products of s/l Agonellus <- spelled phonetically...  Thank you
Is patient in labor or does she have some kind of pathology
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Glad to help. Hang in there. Pathology is hard. nm
Subject: Glad to help. Hang in there. Pathology is hard. nm

Pathology help: stratified s/l tensilate nuclei . Thanks
Subject: Pathology help: stratified s/l tensilate nuclei . Thanks

Is pathology transcription hard to learn?
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Background is in acute care...want to learn pathology.
I've done pathology and a very renowned thyroid oncologist -
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He spells Hurthle every time.  Don't know what Hurtle is.
reviewed pathology of *inter_____* core biopsy??? thanks. nm
Subject: reviewed pathology of *inter_____* core biopsy??? thanks. nm

does anybody think it could be foreign pathology. That makes sense doesn't it? nm
Subject: does anybody think it could be foreign pathology. That makes sense doesn't it? nm

prostate cancer pathology results - high-grade s/l PINC found?
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The pathology report reveals malignant mixed müllerian tumor with no myoinvasion.
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