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protein G cell antibody

Posted By: mt on 2009-03-27
In Reply to: please SM TIA =) - bowser

Subject: protein G cell antibody

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Abnormal Protein S, s/l CNN and possible lipid antibody. sm
Subject: Abnormal Protein S, s/l CNN and possible lipid antibody. sm

Doc says, "pt  has hx of abnormal protein S, (s/l) CNN, and possible lipid antibody,  all three.  Hx of DVT in 2001.  She had pulmonary embolus in June at which time she had Factor V difficiency.  She has multiple coagulopathies."   Any help appreciated.Thx. mmw 

protein S, C and ? (maybe stuttering) possible lipid antibody...
Subject: protein S, C and ? (maybe stuttering) possible lipid antibody...

s/l triglusovil protein antibody positive
Subject: s/l triglusovil protein antibody positive

anti-smooth muscle antibody positive and s/ltriglusovil protein antibody positive.

This is the spleen lab tests. Any ideas?

parietal cell antibody-negative
Subject: parietal cell antibody-negative

Protein S is a vitamin K–dependent anticoagulant protein, thus low levels tend to
Subject: Protein S is a vitamin K–dependent anticoagulant protein, thus low levels tend to

increase the tendency for coagulation/DVT. In this regard, I agree with you.

However, maybe the elevation of protein S at the time of the DVT rules out protein S deficiency as a probable cause of the thrombotic episode. Is there any such implication? The clotting mechanism involves a complex cascade of activation events of numerous factors, and Protein S is just one cofactor for another anticoagulant protein.

Still, it would be wise to flag the doctor and let him put the final word.
Maybe hairy cell CLL or T-cell CCL (also Sezary syndrome. nm
Subject: Maybe hairy cell CLL or T-cell CCL (also Sezary syndrome. nm

York cell or yolk cell tumor?
Subject: York cell or yolk cell tumor?

The dictator is spelling it but he is oriental and does the R for L substitution!

Testicular cancer.  Yolk or York?   I did a google search and York University has a lot of research papers on such subjects.  Otherwise, nada.

I know there are yolk sac tumors but that's a different type.

non-small cell or nonsmall cell?
Subject: non-small cell or nonsmall cell?

I was taught that typically we do not use hyphens but QA changed mine.  That doesn't mean it is correct (as we all know), so thought I would ask you all. 

Thanks for your help!

T-cell rich, B-cell lymphoma?
Subject: T-cell rich, B-cell lymphoma?

antigliadin antibody (AGA)....nm
Subject: antigliadin antibody (AGA)....nm

s/l myeloprocillis antibody??
s/l myeloprocillis antibody??
antibody tests
Subject: antibody tests

any clues about "anti rivin, anti smith, antirivin" antibody tests/  What is a good web site for these things anyway?  Thanks !
Question regarding an antibody...sm
Subject: Question regarding an antibody...sm

She had a syphilis that had come back slightly elevated but then the (s/l anti- treponene ) antibody was negative.  


I can only locate  treponema and treponemal antibody ?


Any help is appreciated and have a good weekend.

There's a Jo-1 antibody and anti-Jo-1?
Subject: There's a Jo-1 antibody and anti-Jo-1?

s/l ALAL antibody
Subject: s/l ALAL antibody

He developed s/l ALAL antibodies and it has become difficult to find appropriate units for transfusion.
s/l antinuclear antibody xc
Subject: s/l antinuclear antibody xc

s/l antinuclear antibody XC or HC, in CBC



antiyellia antibody
Subject: antiyellia antibody

Sjogren's syndrome antiyellia antibody????
Protein S
Subject: Protein S

Blood work at the time of the DVT showed that she had a slightly elevated protein S.

The doctor first says slightly low...(then says) elevated protein S. Doesn't it make sense for it to be low?

She has been on Coumadin for the DVT and a pulmonary embolism.

Did you mean ?protein?
Subject: Did you mean ?protein?

1-2+ protein UA
Subject: 1-2+ protein UA

Urinalysis shows...

is it 1 to 2+ protein?
1 to 2 plus protein
1-2+ protein?

please help thank you in advance
positive cardiolipin antibody
Subject: positive cardiolipin antibody

positive cardiolipin antibody
just a thought--atypical low antibody
Subject: just a thought--atypical low antibody

Probably Anti-smooth antibody-nm
Subject: Probably Anti-smooth antibody-nm

aloantibody?? or aloe antibody??
Subject: aloantibody?? or aloe antibody??

More recently, the patient was found to be iron deficient and has been treated with several courses of IV Ferrlecit and also placed on Procrit to help support her hemoglobin.  This was done, because on screening for a possible transfusion, the patient was found to have ALO or ALOE ??antibodies, but the development of a new autoantibody rendering it very difficult to cross match her for red cells.  The patient, however, did not have autoimmune hemolytic anemia, just serological findings of an autoantibody.

Another one, human antiKEMERIC?? antibody
Subject: Another one, human antiKEMERIC?? antibody

During that period, we did human antiKEMERIC? antibody against Remicade.
s/l sedocolium receptors antibody
Subject: s/l sedocolium receptors antibody

may be acetylcholine receptor antibody
Subject: may be acetylcholine receptor antibody

Antinuclear Antibody test 1:160
Subject: Antinuclear Antibody test 1:160

C-reactive protein
Subject: C-reactive protein

Could he be saying Ig A and M monoclonal protein? nm
Subject: Could he be saying Ig A and M monoclonal protein? nm

C-reactive protein
Subject: C-reactive protein

Total protein
Subject: Total protein

sorry...he is an ESL saying total protein
Subject: sorry...he is an ESL saying total protein

under PMH I am hearing: Positive Cardiolite antibody. HELP!!!!!
Subject: under PMH I am hearing: Positive Cardiolite antibody. HELP!!!!!

Ceruloplasmin and an antinuclear antibody test???CMP???
Subject: Ceruloplasmin and an antinuclear antibody test???CMP???

Means nonreactive and no detectable antibody. sm
Subject: Means nonreactive and no detectable antibody. sm

Department of State Health Services - Microbiology Lab Tests ...

Interpretation: Nonreactive indicates that the patient does not have detectable antibody ... Rubella (Immune Status Only, for Maternal Child Health Clients) ...
www.dshs.state.tx.us/LAB/mrs_mic_test_q-r.htm - 71k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Prenatal Screening Serology

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Rubella Immune Status METHOD: MEIA (Microparticle Enzyme Immunoassay). Not Immune ... Nonreactive qualitative test. Reactive. Reactive qualitative test. ...
www.oregon.gov/DHS/ph/phl/docs/prenatal.pdf - Similar pages

any chance he means hepatitis C antibody... sm
Subject: any chance he means hepatitis C antibody... sm

and is therefore saying "positive hepatitis C AB"?

I know that isn't the "right" abbreviation for antibody, and I know that there's a cAb (I believe that is correct), but that was my gut instinct, that this person means hep C antibody is positive.
I found HSA (human serum antibody) and HLA-B nm
Subject: I found HSA (human serum antibody) and HLA-B nm

Pt with lupus had antibody s/l "ampi thysen". sm
Subject: Pt with lupus had antibody s/l "ampi thysen". sm

Antibodies to s/l ampithisen,anti-hu, anti-yo , and anti-ri
antinuclear antibody is separate test from CBC...sm
Subject: antinuclear antibody is separate test from CBC...sm

may be saying antinuclear antibody assay and CBC? 
IgG lambda monoclonal protein....
Subject: IgG lambda monoclonal protein....

cyclic citrinolated protein???

Ever heard of cyclic citrinolated protein?


cyclic citrullinated protein
Subject: cyclic citrullinated protein

cyclic citrullinated protein
Probably protein autoimmune syndrome nm
Subject: Probably protein autoimmune syndrome nm

Are you sure it is not BMP, bone morphogenic protein. nm
Subject: Are you sure it is not BMP, bone morphogenic protein. nm

Sorry should be bone morphogenetic protein
Subject: Sorry should be bone morphogenetic protein

BMP (bone morphogenetic protein). Don't about the 10.
Subject: BMP (bone morphogenetic protein). Don't about the 10.

medication s/l bena-protein
Subject: medication s/l bena-protein

Alpha field protein?
Subject: Alpha field protein?

Is anyone familiar with a lab test that sounds llike an alpha field protein? 
BMP = bone morphogenic protein (nm)
Subject: BMP = bone morphogenic protein (nm)

Is this for rheumatology? There is anti-smooth antibody test. nm
Subject: Is this for rheumatology? There is anti-smooth antibody test. nm
