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pubic escutcheon nm

Posted By: M.A. on 2007-04-20
In Reply to: s/l pubica skuchin????? (liposuction) - bjpnc

Subject: pubic escutcheon nm


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Subject: escutcheon

escutcheon ?
Subject: escutcheon ?

escutcheon - shieldlike pattern of distribution
of pubic hair
pubic symphysis?, nm
Subject: pubic symphysis?, nm

pubic symphyseal region - nm
Subject: pubic symphyseal region - nm

Maybe pubis inferior for the pubic bone? nm
Subject: Maybe pubis inferior for the pubic bone? nm

says trace edema up to the s/l mid-pubic line?
Subject: says trace edema up to the s/l mid-pubic line?

see this link for info on pubic symphysis maneuver. sm
Subject: see this link for info on pubic symphysis maneuver. sm



Look at about the second paragraph. Think this is it.

possibly fracture of pubic ramus s/l Piteogritis Help!
Subject: possibly fracture of pubic ramus s/l Piteogritis Help!

Going nuts. Spent 4 hours on this already. Any suggestions? Thanks!

...pelvic films do not show any evidence of a pelvic fracture or *______ fractures.


... no evidence of a compression fracture, pelvic fracture, or pubic ramus fractures.

Are we not professional enough to mention pubic hair in public?!!! Sheesh...nm
Subject: Are we not professional enough to mention pubic hair in public?!!! Sheesh...nm

Review of MRI shows some mild edema within the pubic s/l syn-th-o-ceel region.
Subject: Review of MRI shows some mild edema within the pubic s/l syn-th-o-ceel region.

Thanks so much!!!
Bone scan is reviewed dated 03/06/09 which shows increased activity to the pubic bones at the sm
Subject: Bone scan is reviewed dated 03/06/09 which shows increased activity to the pubic bones at the sm

s/l synthesis. Thanks!
Hip/pelvic films - small symmetrical developmental s/l live-ostoses of superior pubic rami
Subject: Hip/pelvic films - small symmetrical developmental s/l live-ostoses of superior pubic rami
