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thank you guys for the help. i relistened. it's aggravation. =)

Posted By: nm on 2005-11-24
In Reply to: aggravation??? nm - MarQ

Subject: thank you guys for the help. i relistened. it's aggravation. =)


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aggravation??? nm
Subject: aggravation??? nm

Ditto aggravation, or exacerbation
Subject: Ditto aggravation, or exacerbation


Thanks, but I just relistened and that is
Subject: Thanks, but I just relistened and that is

I appreciate the help though.
no - I relistened
Subject: no - I relistened

It still sounds like Seladat 200 mg ? I'm at a loss - I've tried googling, searching books, etc. and still can't come up with anything even spelling with a C?
I relistened and he says BUN thanks anyway
Subject: I relistened and he says BUN thanks anyway

Ok, I relistened and slowed it down...
Subject: Ok, I relistened and slowed it down...

I am still hearing psor-i-a-cytic

I guess I will flag this one and come back and let you know what happens. Thanks to everyone that helped!
Thanks, he said it too fast. I relistened, and you are right! nm
Subject: Thanks, he said it too fast. I relistened, and you are right! nm

Well, I went back and relistened,
Subject: Well, I went back and relistened,

proud flesh and then changed to pride flesh . . . I had never heard this term, but was able to find proud flesh (still cannot locate pride flesh, but this is a verbatim account and he clearly changes from proud to pride, so I'll give him what he says)

Thanks all!
I went back and relistened and thats what he said...
Subject: I went back and relistened and thats what he said...

I searched and searched for this sounding drug. Thank you.
I went a relistened and it was pilonidal THANKS
Subject: I went a relistened and it was pilonidal THANKS

I relistened and yes it was BARTHOLIN.. thank you so much
Subject: I relistened and yes it was BARTHOLIN.. thank you so much

i relistened and that is what it was. thanks a bunch
Subject: i relistened and that is what it was. thanks a bunch

Relistened, not Dakin unless doc is a bit off today, which could be, lol
Subject: Relistened, not Dakin unless doc is a bit off today, which could be, lol

Thanks anyway.
Yeah, just relistened and I think he has a little accent,
Subject: Yeah, just relistened and I think he has a little accent,

I relistened, its not occult, she says what s/l neocult anemia n/m
Subject: I relistened, its not occult, she says what s/l neocult anemia n/m

i relistened and heard "phone nurses" this time. thank you so much!!! NM
Subject: i relistened and heard "phone nurses" this time. thank you so much!!! NM

Not Lodine or Ecotrin. I relistened and whatever this med is has "date" at the end pretty clea
Subject: Not Lodine or Ecotrin. I relistened and whatever this med is has "date" at the end pretty clear.

I think I'll just leave the blank. This guy is horrible, mumbles, repeats, mutters, you name it! ;o;
Just got it when relistened for the 100th time. Taken off Soma "and had no" acute withdrawals
Subject: Just got it when relistened for the 100th time. Taken off Soma "and had no" acute withdrawals. Sry

thanks guys
Subject: thanks guys

I found it at about the same time you mentioned it. I appreciate it.
Thanks! You guys are the
Subject: Thanks! You guys are the

Thanks guys!
Subject: Thanks guys!

Thank you guys so much! nm
Subject: Thank you guys so much! nm

Thanks guys!!!
Subject: Thanks guys!!!

Thanks guys!!!
That's it. Thanks guys :)
Subject: That's it. Thanks guys :)

Thanks guys!
Subject: Thanks guys!

I guess I posted in the wrong board, I'm still new...

Thanks guys. nm
Subject: Thanks guys. nm

Thanks much guys!
Subject: Thanks much guys!

Thanks for this, guys! :) nm
Subject: Thanks for this, guys! :) nm

thanks guys
Subject: thanks guys

Thanks for your help guys...
Subject: Thanks for your help guys...

It didn't sound like either of those.  It was a stat so I just sent it in with a blank.  Definitely sounded like na-sent, but then I thought maybe he was saying -an ascent-, but couldn't document that really quick either, will look a little further.  Thanks for your help!!
You guys are the best on here!! TY so much!
Subject: You guys are the best on here!! TY so much!

thanks guys! I really appreciate the help. nm
Subject: thanks guys! I really appreciate the help. nm

Thanks guys!
Subject: Thanks guys!

Thanks guys you got it!!!!
Subject: Thanks guys you got it!!!!

Thanks guys
Subject: Thanks guys

Thank you guys so much
Subject: Thank you guys so much

Thanks so much you guys
Subject: Thanks so much you guys

Thanks guys.
Subject: Thanks guys.


this one is getting a blank.
Thank you all!!!!! you guys are the best.
Subject: Thank you all!!!!! you guys are the best.

TY for your help. You guys are the best!!
Subject: TY for your help. You guys are the best!!

Thanks guys.
Subject: Thanks guys.

Thanks guys! sm
Subject: Thanks guys! sm

Me thinks Stedman's made a litte boo-boo with the "neuropraxia" listing in the neuro word book. Good to know we are all human! :)
thanks guys...
Subject: thanks guys...

one more thing..he says "The areas were dressed and the patient was s/l ambulate to the recovery area." Ambulate is not correct but he sort of slurs when he says it...any ideas??
Thanks guys!
Subject: Thanks guys!

Thanks Guys!!
Subject: Thanks Guys!!

I could have no way figured this out by my self. The websites were very informative. Thanks a bunch!
Thanks guys.
Subject: Thanks guys.

thx a lot guys!
Subject: thx a lot guys!

Thanks for trying guys. I'm still looking, too!
Subject: Thanks for trying guys. I'm still looking, too!

Thanks for trying, guys, but
Subject: Thanks for trying, guys, but

he says it pretty clearly quite a few times throughout the report, and none of those are quite it. I'm going to have to leave blanks. Hopefully I'll get some feedback as to what it is because I'm really curious. Thanks again!
Thanks very much guys! nm
Subject: Thanks very much guys! nm
