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thats what I thought at first but it just doesn't sound like it

Posted By: help! on 2007-10-30
In Reply to: Are you sure she is not saying "percentile" like 14th percentile - MT50

Subject: thats what I thought at first but it just doesn't sound like it

although that is the thing that would make the most sense...oh well I will just flag it, I haven't done this provider before...thanks for your help

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I thought of that but it doesn't sound quite like what he is saying.
Subject: I thought of that but it doesn't sound quite like what he is saying.

Thanks, that was my first thought, but it doesn't sound like it :( nm
Subject: Thanks, that was my first thought, but it doesn't sound like it :( nm

I thought of that...but sure doesn't sound like it!
Subject: I thought of that...but sure doesn't sound like it!

Hmm, tried, but doesn't sound like that, but thank you for the thought. Going to have to blank t
Subject: Hmm, tried, but doesn't sound like that, but thank you for the thought. Going to have to blank that

thought the same thing but sure doesn't sound like he is saying that... Thanks anyway
Subject: thought the same thing but sure doesn't sound like he is saying that... Thanks anyway

doesn't sound like diaphoresis, b/c thats what i thought would fit
Subject: doesn't sound like diaphoresis, b/c thats what i thought would fit

Thanks - I am trying to hear that - thought of it also - but it doesn't sound like it - I am sigh
Subject: Thanks - I am trying to hear that - thought of it also - but it doesn't sound like it - I am sighing too - but thank you for trying to help me!

doesn't sound like BUN, she doesn't spell out the letters, it just sounds like "win". sm
Subject: doesn't sound like BUN, she doesn't spell out the letters, it just sounds like "win". sm

Her whole sentence is: Chemistries show a mild increase in the s/l WIN (22) suggestive of mild dehydration and a mild increase in calcium (10.2)
it is not ESL and I thought of warts but thought the same thing and it does not sound like a "t&#
Subject: it is not ESL and I thought of warts but thought the same thing and it does not sound like a "t"

Doesn't sound like any of those.
Subject: Doesn't sound like any of those.

He's got me stumped.

Thanks for trying but doesn't sound like that....
Subject: Thanks for trying but doesn't sound like that....

.. I think I'll have to just flag it. It could be Uterus, bowel loops are normal.

It doesn't sound like either of these. Thank you both!
Subject: It doesn't sound like either of these. Thank you both!

doesn't sound like it, but...
Subject: doesn't sound like it, but...

ZYPREXA® Zydis® (olanzapine)
Orally Disintegrating Tablets

so maybe ODT?

It doesn't sound like that at all. nm
Subject: It doesn't sound like that at all. nm

That should be it, but it doesn't sound like he says it -
Subject: That should be it, but it doesn't sound like he says it -

me 2 - plus it really doesn't sound like that.
Subject: me 2 - plus it really doesn't sound like that.

:( heavy,heavy ESL though
No it doesn't sound like that but thanks for trying. NM
Subject: No it doesn't sound like that but thanks for trying. NM

That doesn't sound right...not sure what it is though?
Subject: That doesn't sound right...not sure what it is though?

It doesn't sound like they know.
Subject: It doesn't sound like they know.

No, it doesn't sound like that. Thanks though!
Subject: No, it doesn't sound like that. Thanks though!

I know this really doesn't sound like that, but could it be
Subject: I know this really doesn't sound like that, but could it be

It doesn't really sound that way, but who knows
Subject: It doesn't really sound that way, but who knows

Would that make sense? And what would be before the E to A? I'm sending it through to QA. Thanks though.
I believe that must be it, though it sure doesn't sound like it.
Subject: I believe that must be it, though it sure doesn't sound like it.

Thought of that but doesn't fit and he's
Subject: Thought of that but doesn't fit and he's

doesn't sound like mass
Subject: doesn't sound like mass

sounds like mount, i know that is crazy!! any other suggestions? thanks for your help!!
Thanks hayseed. No it doesn't sound
Subject: Thanks hayseed. No it doesn't sound

like that - sent it on its merry way. Hope your neck of the woods is enjoying some spring weather!
doesn't sound right to me...got more info? nm
Subject: doesn't sound right to me...got more info? nm

I listened again...but doesn't sound like it
Subject: I listened again...but doesn't sound like it

It sounds like he is saying
Blood pressure uncontrolled due to cost...uh..of Factyme.
or due to cost...uh...effect time.
doesn't sound at all like osteophyte
Subject: doesn't sound at all like osteophyte

He says osteophyte elsewhere in his dictation but is very clear when saying it.
you are right about that, flagging it, just doesn't sound like it! Thanks!
Subject: you are right about that, flagging it, just doesn't sound like it! Thanks!

I did find that, but doesn't sound enough like it, Thanks though.
Subject: I did find that, but doesn't sound enough like it, Thanks though.

It doesn't sound like mules, but could be sm
Subject: It doesn't sound like mules, but could be sm

She's definitely talking about a type of shoe, so mules may be it.

Assessment: Great toe paronychial infection possibly due to new shoes.
mine does to it just doesn't sound like she is saying that. It probably is though. nm
Subject: mine does to it just doesn't sound like she is saying that. It probably is though. nm

It really doesn't sound like heterogeneity
Subject: It really doesn't sound like heterogeneity

No, that doesn't sound familiar..BUT..
Subject: No, that doesn't sound familiar..BUT..

Here is a link to an awesome website it contains almost every piece of surgical equipment known to mankind. I couldn't find gyrus cautery, though, so maybe he is saying something else. Can you give the whole sentence?

P.S. This website also has links to operative reports that you can use for samples. Good luck!


something doesn't sound right..does this sentence...
Subject: something doesn't sound right..does this sentence...

make sense or should there be punctuation in there somewhere? This is exactly how it is said.

X-ray shows the small avulsion fracture off the fibula lateral malleolus to be in good position with good early healing. tia.
doesn't sound right - more context? (nm)
Subject: doesn't sound right - more context? (nm)

No, doesn't sound familiar. Try this link.
Subject: No, doesn't sound familiar. Try this link.

It's a good guess but it doesn't really sound like that to me.
Subject: It's a good guess but it doesn't really sound like that to me.

Thanks for the try though! 
it doesn't sound 3-0. sorry if you are having a hard time.
Subject: it doesn't sound 3-0. sorry if you are having a hard time.

it doesn't sound Prolene suture. thanks anyway.
Subject: it doesn't sound Prolene suture. thanks anyway.

doesn't sound like radial and doc is usually very clear
Subject: doesn't sound like radial and doc is usually very clear

it doesn't sound like it on re-listen - thanks for the guess though :)
Subject: it doesn't sound like it on re-listen - thanks for the guess though :)

Is he saying Hasidic? Tho that doesn't really sound like Woodstock!
Subject: Is he saying Hasidic? Tho that doesn't really sound like Woodstock!

Yes, could be, Indian dictating, so maybe...doesn't sound like it, though!
Subject: Yes, could be, Indian dictating, so maybe...doesn't sound like it, though!

Doesn't sound like it but can't find an alternative. Thanks for the help!
Subject: Doesn't sound like it but can't find an alternative. Thanks for the help!

I tried to hear ICU, but doesn't sound anything like it. I'll QA.
Subject: I tried to hear ICU, but doesn't sound anything like it. I'll QA.

Unfortunately, it doesn't even sound close to NuvaRing . . .
Subject: Unfortunately, it doesn't even sound close to NuvaRing . . .

That is why I can't figure out what it could be. I'm just blanking it. This dictator sucks.
You're right. It doesn't sound exactly like bronchospasm, but that has to be it.
Subject: You're right. It doesn't sound exactly like bronchospasm, but that has to be it.

It doesn't sound like that, but that's the only thing that fits. Thanks for the help!
Subject: It doesn't sound like that, but that's the only thing that fits. Thanks for the help!

I thought of that...but a med student getting graded and clearly doesn't have the "l". :(
Subject: I thought of that...but a med student getting graded and clearly doesn't have the "l". :(