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try anterior mediastinum.

Posted By: not me on 2007-05-05
In Reply to: speaking of recurrent thyroid cancer..so in that area the intra-media-sty-num sm - minmin

Subject: try anterior mediastinum.


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The thyroid problem, & ? of mediastinum
Subject: The thyroid problem, & ? of mediastinum

At times a thyroid problem can invade the mediastinum.  "Intramediastinal" could be used in a hypothetical discussion of this possibility.  (???) 
Does this sound right?? The lesion was in the mediastinum ??densely???.
Subject: Does this sound right?? The lesion was in the mediastinum ??densely???.

s/l “the hell with systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral leaflet is noted.”
Subject: s/l “the hell with systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral leaflet is noted.”

From a TEE report (doctor with thick Indian accent):

s/l “the hell with systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral leaflet is noted.”



do you hear anterior flexion (anterior west makes no sense) nm
Subject: do you hear anterior flexion (anterior west makes no sense) nm

anterior ?
Subject: anterior ?

Subject: anterior?

Could it be anterior?
Subject: Could it be anterior?


Also maybe anterior drawer?
Subject: Also maybe anterior drawer?

These are both really common in PT reports and both refer to the knee, looking for hypermobility which could indicate a tear.
anterior branch? nm
Subject: anterior branch? nm

s/l anterior crushaligament
Subject: s/l anterior crushaligament

History of right knee reconstructions surgery 40 pair of _____.
probably anterior commissure?
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I mean anterior SUBCAPSULAR - sorry nm
Subject: I mean anterior SUBCAPSULAR - sorry nm

anterior? Is that the whole sentence?
Subject: anterior? Is that the whole sentence?

anterior descending as in LAD nm
Subject: anterior descending as in LAD nm

Can anyone tell me what an anterior skim cut is?
Subject: Can anyone tell me what an anterior skim cut is?

This is a term heard in joint replacement surgery, and I've been transcribing anterior skin cut by mistake.  It's anterior skim cut.  I want to understand the term.  Googling didn't yield a definition from what I could find.
anterior portions?
Subject: anterior portions?

free anterior air
Subject: free anterior air

anterior aspect
Subject: anterior aspect

maybe anterior drawer?
Subject: maybe anterior drawer?

anterior? antrum? nm
Subject: anterior? antrum? nm

anterior-posterior (AP) pelvic and etc?
Subject: anterior-posterior (AP) pelvic and etc?

and anterior and posterior lymphadenopathy. nm
Subject: and anterior and posterior lymphadenopathy. nm

anterior TFL talar tilt? sm
Subject: anterior TFL talar tilt? sm

Saying something like anterior talofibular tilt test?
A&P? as in anterior/posterior repair
Subject: A&P? as in anterior/posterior repair

ACA for of the anterior cerebral artery? sm
Subject: ACA for of the anterior cerebral artery? sm


Conventional MRI and MR Angiography of Stroke

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
MRA of neck vessels is important in stroke manage- ... A2 segment of the left anterior cerebral artery (ACA,arrow).b This corresponds to a focal filling ...
www.springerlink.com/index/p7m3452652j14932.pdf - Similar pages

oh and I'd hyphenate anterior-posterior
Subject: oh and I'd hyphenate anterior-posterior

but it's just my way....
does he actually say the slash between anterior/posterior
Subject: does he actually say the slash between anterior/posterior

Probably good anterior flexion.
Subject: Probably good anterior flexion.

extensive anterior segment
Subject: extensive anterior segment

Maybe anterior or posterior pharynx. nm
Subject: Maybe anterior or posterior pharynx. nm

anterior chain adenopathy?
Subject: anterior chain adenopathy?

The doc is stating "he has mild anterior chain adenopathy" ( it sounds like that!) but she does not give any headings for her PE --just rattles off comments for each one, so I am wondering where this goes. Any suggestions? What I have found so far may indicate NECK, but am not sure.


anterior posterior repair?
Subject: anterior posterior repair?

does the patient have a cystocele, rectocele? incontinence?

anterior and posterior repair? nm
Subject: anterior and posterior repair? nm

AP repair, anterior-posterior
Subject: AP repair, anterior-posterior

anterior and lateral or anterolateral?
Subject: anterior and lateral or anterolateral?

I know when they say anterior lateral you combine it to anterolateral. But what about when they say the anteral and lateral aspect of the knee. Do you still combine it?
Anterior portions is my guess, too (nm)
Subject: Anterior portions is my guess, too (nm)

type of anterior subluxation
Subject: type of anterior subluxation


1.  Left tibia pilon fracture.

2.  Left s/l vanco or banco? anterior subluxation. 

anterior cervical nodes (ACN)
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I would type this out: "tibialis anterior"
Subject: I would type this out: "tibialis anterior"

tibialis anterior tendon
Subject: tibialis anterior tendon

anterior tibial pulses?
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There is also anterior tibial vein
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distal anterior. Where in the body are we? nm
Subject: distal anterior. Where in the body are we? nm

1+ anterior or interior torque? sm
Subject: 1+ anterior or interior torque? sm

Severe ankle sprain.
RAO= right anterior oblique (view)
Subject: RAO= right anterior oblique (view)

right anterior oblique


  • Right Anterior Oblique (Radiologic Term) - What does RAO stand for ...

    What does RAO stand for? Definition of Right Anterior Oblique (Radiologic Term) in the list of acronyms and abbreviations provided by the Free Online ...
    acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Right+Anterior+Oblique+(Radiologic+Term) - 28k - Cached - Similar pages -


  • anterolateral/anterior-lateral
    Subject: anterolateral/anterior-lateral

    It is anterolateral

    also anterior nasal septum
    Subject: also anterior nasal septum

    Anterior/posterior drawer
    Subject: Anterior/posterior drawer

    or anterior-posterior drawer. One is a test of the ACL and the other tests the PCL. Not anteroposterior as they means front to back.
    anterior posterior shavers
    Subject: anterior posterior shavers

    Sentence is "Anterior and posterior cuts were made followed by anterior posterior shavers."
    C3-7 anterior cervical diskectomy, but not sure about "FP" sm
    Subject: C3-7 anterior cervical diskectomy, but not sure about "FP" sm

    Usually the "f" would stand for "fusion," and maybe the "p" stands for "plating." This is why abbreviations can be a problem.

    anterior spine fusion, s/l 'xanthous' SM
    Subject: anterior spine fusion, s/l 'xanthous' SM

    help please:

    "anterior fusion at L4-5 and L5-S1 using Vertistack cages with bone morphogenetic proteins as well as anterior s/l xanthous at L4-5 and a Pyramid plate at L5-S1"
