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basic metabolic panel and brain natriuretic peptide

Posted By: ditto this on 2005-08-25
In Reply to: BMP - sm

Subject: basic metabolic panel and brain natriuretic peptide

You have to listen to the diagnoses to figure out which one to use because the doctors rarely specifically differentiate between the two.  I had one who used to say, "That's B, N as in Nancy, P."

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it may be BNP actually - beta-natriuretic peptide or brain natriuretic peptide SM
Subject: it may be BNP actually - beta-natriuretic peptide or brain natriuretic peptide SM

test used in diagnosis and treatment of heart failure
basic metabolic panel.
Subject: basic metabolic panel.

Basic Metabolic Panel
Subject: Basic Metabolic Panel


Also known as: Chem 7, SMA 7 (somewhat outdated terms)
Formal name: Basic Metabolic Panel
Related tests: CMP

BMP Basic Metabolic Panel?
Subject: BMP Basic Metabolic Panel?

BMP basic metabolic panel
Subject: BMP basic metabolic panel

yes, BMP, basic metabolic profile, or panel (nm)
Subject: yes, BMP, basic metabolic profile, or panel (nm)

It's hemoglobin A1c & BMP, basic metabolic panel
Subject: It's hemoglobin A1c & BMP, basic metabolic panel

Labcorp.com lists a Basic Metabolic Panel (8) sm
Subject: Labcorp.com lists a Basic Metabolic Panel (8) sm

Metabolic Panel (8), Basic
Yep! Probably is BNP (brain natriuretic peptide!)
Subject: Yep! Probably is BNP (brain natriuretic peptide!)

Brain natriuretic peptide
Subject: Brain natriuretic peptide

brain natriuretic peptide
Subject: brain natriuretic peptide

brain natriuretic peptide.....
Subject: brain natriuretic peptide.....

got it Brain natriuretic peptide BNP
Subject: got it Brain natriuretic peptide BNP

Pt with dementia has lab screening for s/l "BPSH", CBC, and basic metabolic panel. nm
Subject: Pt with dementia has lab screening for s/l "BPSH", CBC, and basic metabolic panel. nm

brain natriuretic peptide as well as B-type. sm
Subject: brain natriuretic peptide as well as B-type. sm

Don't know rating standard but you can Google and see.
BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) 1388. sm
Subject: BNP (brain natriuretic peptide) 1388. sm

BMP stands for basic metabolic profile which contains electrolytes, etc., which you mentioned in the sentence preceding. BNP is generally a single value and numbers can get pretty high.

Stedman's Path/Lab would be helpful to you. It lists standardized lab values in the back of the book, 49 pages!, definitely worth the price of the book.

Or brain natriuretic peptide as our hospital uses. nm.
Subject: Or brain natriuretic peptide as our hospital uses. nm.

brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) test measures the amount ....
Subject: brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) test measures the amount ....

of the BNP hormone in your blood. BNP is made by your heart and indicates how well your heart is working.
B-type natriuretic peptide
Subject: B-type natriuretic peptide

or brain natriuretic peptide.  Can signify CHF. 
beta natriuretic peptide - I'm confused..I thought it
Subject: beta natriuretic peptide - I'm confused..I thought it

was "brain" natriuretic peptide (BNP), but doc clearly saying "beta" - are they both considered "BNP" - are they the same??
probably the BMP basic metabolic profile
Subject: probably the BMP basic metabolic profile

Sodium, potassium, etc.

Basic metabolic profile (BMP)
Subject: Basic metabolic profile (BMP)

BMP for basic metabolic profile? nm
Subject: BMP for basic metabolic profile? nm

OR comprehensive basic metabolic profile - nm
Subject: OR comprehensive basic metabolic profile - nm

Complete basic metabolic profile = CBMP - nm
Subject: Complete basic metabolic profile = CBMP - nm

if verbatim leave as is; comma between UA, basic metabolic, fasting; and
Subject: if verbatim leave as is; comma between UA, basic metabolic, fasting; and

Comprehensive metabolic panel.
Subject: Comprehensive metabolic panel.

maybe *comprehensive metabolic panel 14* (nm)
Subject: maybe *comprehensive metabolic panel 14* (nm)

complete metabolic panel plate
Subject: complete metabolic panel plate

We will send off a complete metabolic panel s/l plate to check her kidney function.

is plate correct? I haven't heard this before.
no idea on simmer but metabolic panel? nm
Subject: no idea on simmer but metabolic panel? nm

probably CMP, complete or comprehensive metabolic profile (or panel) nm
Subject: probably CMP, complete or comprehensive metabolic profile (or panel) nm

brain natruretic peptide
Subject: brain natruretic peptide

I see it commonly when docs are looking into a cardiac problem.
also known as beta natruretic peptide or brain..
Subject: also known as beta natruretic peptide or brain..

non-metabolic? I hear hypometabolic quite a bit in MRIs, I suppose non-metabolic would be
Subject: non-metabolic? I hear hypometabolic quite a bit in MRIs, I suppose non-metabolic would be

similar in meaning.
cholesterol level, TSH, amyloid lipase, chemistry panel and ??TKI panel??
Subject: cholesterol level, TSH, amyloid lipase, chemistry panel and ??TKI panel??

s/l ASTER panel or ASTRA panel? nm
Subject: s/l ASTER panel or ASTRA panel? nm

Subject: natriuretic

oops, typo sorry - natriuretic
Subject: oops, typo sorry - natriuretic

oops I misspelled, it's natriuretic...
Subject: oops I misspelled, it's natriuretic...

The natriuretic peptides are produced by the heart. See inside.
Subject: The natriuretic peptides are produced by the heart. See inside.

Definition of Natriuretic peptide

Natriuretic peptide: One of the peptides that causes natriuresis, the excretion of an excessively large amount of sodium in the urine. The natriuretic peptides are produced by the heart and vasculature:

* A-type natriuretic peptide is secreted largely by the atrial myocardium in response to dilatation.
* B-type natriuretic peptide is manufactured mainly by the ventricular myocardium.
* C-type natriuretic peptide is produced by endothelial cells that line the blood vessels.

B-type natriuretic peptide is useful in the diagnosis of heart failure. The finding of a low level of B-type natriuretic peptide tends to exclude heart failure.
beta 'androatic?' peptide
Subject: beta 'androatic?' peptide

What is the correct word for the second word, sounds like ann dro atic?  Please help.
many dictators also say B. natruretic peptide
Subject: many dictators also say B. natruretic peptide

but the below 2 posters would be correct!!!...brain natruretic peptide...
s/l urine empleo peptide...sm
Subject: s/l urine empleo peptide...sm

Laboratory values are as follows:  On 12/14/2007, she had a vitamin D level of 37, a calcium of 9.9, a phosphorous of 4.2, and a urine s/l empleo peptide of 29.  The patient has osteoporosis.  Thanks!
cross-linked peptide
Subject: cross-linked peptide

cross-linked N-telopeptide is found in Stedman's Pathology & Lab Medicine.
B-type naturiuretic peptide
Subject: B-type naturiuretic peptide

that is the most  likely possibility

citrullinated *s/l crossleg* peptide level?
Subject: citrullinated *s/l crossleg* peptide level?

2nd try--new to basic four--appendectomy
Subject: 2nd try--new to basic four--appendectomy

 Risks involved of recurrent infection, bleeding, wound problems including hernias and ?stump leak?were explained.


With the patient in the supine position under satisfactory general endotracheal anesthesia with ?FCDs? in place, the abdomen was prepped and sterilely draped


It was grasped with an Allen's clamp and the ?musil? appendix was serially divided and ligated with 2-0 Vicryl suture.


Peritoneum was closed with 2-0 Vicryl and the anterior fascia was closed with figure-of-eight ?zero PBS"?.

Maybe CCP (Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody) is part of it.
Subject: Maybe CCP (Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibody) is part of it.

New to basic four--Appendectomy OP note--HELP!
Subject: New to basic four--Appendectomy OP note--HELP!

 Risks involved of recurrent infection, bleeding, wound problems including hernias and "stump leak" were explained.


With the patient in the supine position under satisfactory general endotracheal anesthesia with "FCDs" in place, the abdomen was prepped and sterilely draped


It was grasped with an Allen's clamp and the "musil" appendix was serially divided and ligated with 2-0 Vicryl suture.


Peritoneum was closed with 2-0 Vicryl and the anterior fascia was closed with figure-of-eight 0 ("zero PBS").

You have to learn to help yourself, and this is a basic question. nm
Subject: You have to learn to help yourself, and this is a basic question. nm

or we suggest taking a basic medical.....sm
Subject: or we suggest taking a basic medical.....sm

The most basic medical terminology course (my first course 27 years ago) teaches all about the *o* use as a connecting letter for words in medical terminology.  If you haven't even learned that yet, how is it exactly that you are an MT?  *very curious*