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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Agree with you both, this is how the decline of MedQuist started, sm

Posted By: MT2 on 2009-03-03
In Reply to: Pretty much agree - LK

having to clock in and work set hours. I loved working for them before all that crap started.

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Does it always take this long to get started with MedQuist?
Trying this again...

I finished my DQS training almost two weeks ago. I was cleared for DQS two days later. The next day I received an email saying a DQS user request would be submitted for me and an update provided when I'm added. I've heard nothing. I've emailed several times with no response. Every email up till then was answered within minutes. I want to call now but fear sounding annoying and having it held against me in some way because I really need this job.

Is this typical? If so I can deal with it. I just wish I'd get some type of response. Should I call and risk being annoying after sending several emails?
Nope and Medquist started this, sm
Do they pay attention to quality (lack of) dictators.

I just read where the NEW THING is going to black and white, meaning line countis based only on what is on the page the BLACK on WHITE (paper) Bull. Don't accept this slave stuff. Unbelievable
I declined the offer. I was very insulted. I started averaging my lines & well 2 cents is horrible.
Last 5 years downhill decline
is what I have seen in the MTSO/working from home environment. I had an easier time finding a job (5 years ago or so) with half the experience that I have now. It is my opinion that a lot of this is happening because of the MTs coming on in this timeframe. Their education is not of the same quality for the most part. I cannot imagine learning this at home and being good at it. I had a hard school and it was still very hard when I had my first on-site job. As far as the overseas thing, call me hopeful but I'm hoping within time, it will decrease. Here's why: In my own experience, a US company is happy to pay me say 5 cpl to edit reports typed 100% overseas by say India. Now the quality of these reports is AWFUL when they get to me. The process to get them to me is this: They get typed by an overseas MT. Then they get edited by overseas QA. Then they would come to me for 100% editing (mandatory on every report). Imagine the delay of time this causes and how can they make a profit paying me 5 cpl to edit when its already went through at least 2 other people? Wouldn't it be cheaper, faster, less of a risk as far as quality and as far as privacy (as they don't have to abide by our HIPPA laws) to just pay a good US MT say 8 cpl to type it to begin with? Give it some time. We are all pioneers in this work-from-home career. No one has done it before. We are all learning as we go and our companies will learn as well. Eventually the cost of shipping vital information overseas with no regard for privacy laws will become more of a financial risk than it is worth. If my health records with my private info went overseas and my identity was stolen because of it, you can sure bet I'd be suing the MT company who sent it there. It sucks right now but here's hoping the good US MTs and QA will keep their heads held high and have a positive outlook for the future. :)
It was a gradual decline. Most of us were just in denial and
believed the stories. 
MedQuist board is now set up. See Medquist link to the left.
MedQuist board is now set up. See Medquist link to the left.

Link is also below.

I was hired and started in 1 week. That is not a long set-up time. When I started with our local h
I needed to get a physical and go through orientation at the hospital which is only given two times per month. This is a 900-bed hospital, so it cannot be an unusual process. MQ took 2 weeks. KS took 1 week. SoftScript never got me started even after repeated calls and emails.

I have only been with KS for 9 months but would never put them in the same catagory as the others you mentioned. They are the best company I have worked for, and unfortunately, I have bounced around a little in the last 5 years.
I was hired and started in 1 week. That is not a long set-up time. When I started with our local h
I needed to get a physical and go through orientation at the hospital which is only given two times per month. This is a 900-bed hospital, so it cannot be an unusual process. MQ took 2 weeks. KS took 1 week. SoftScript never got me started even after repeated calls and emails.

I have only been with KS for 9 months but would never put them in the same catagory as the others you mentioned. They are the best company I have worked for, and unfortunately, I have bounced around a little in the last 5 years.
I was hired and started in 1 week. That is not a long set-up time. When I started with our local h
I needed to get a physical and go through orientation at the hospital which is only given two times per month. This is a 900-bed hospital, so it cannot be an unusual process. MQ took 2 weeks. KS took 1 week. SoftScript never got me started even after repeated calls and emails.

I have only been with KS for 9 months but would never put them in the same catagory as the others you mentioned. They are the best company I have worked for, and unfortunately, I have bounced around a little in the last 5 years.
Medquist is getting really bad
Been there for a long time (years and years) - am looking for another job now. They don't care about their employees, only their accounts. The pay is horrible and you almost never get a raise. Management only cares about management - not us lowly peons.

I did not like MedQuist's platform at all.  All of the info required to be filled in was ridiculous (wouldn't have been so bad if they paid for the keystrokes).  Also, I was switched between 4 different accounts during the first week.  I was told during the interview that I would have one main account and a backup account. 

Another complaint I have is that whenever I called the office, my calls were not returned.  I had to just keep calling until the manager was available.  I just did not have a very good first impression of them.  Luckily, my previous employer took me back. 

I would recommend anyone switching companies to try the new company out before turning in your notice.  Sometimes you don't know how good you have it until you almost lose it.

I think it's only fair to say, though, that if I would have had a stable account and had a chance to get used to the doctor names, local cities, clinics, etc., I may have had an entirely different impression of MedQuist.  Don't put too much weight into one transcriptionist's impression of a company.  They may have 'easy' accounts.

I also have noticed that sometimes, the less qualified you are, the easier work you get, the more money you make.

I work for the Ohio MedQuist and have had exactly ONE radiology account in the entire eight years I've been with 'em - I've never even HAD a secondary account. Needless to say I feel like these docs are old, old friends (and a few hated enemies) and the work is always there, easy docs, cutting edge technology and they leave me alone and don't bug me. Give 'em a try, I say.
I work for MedQuist and make $25/hr. doing radiology - I've done exactly one account the entire 8 years I've been with MedQuist and have never run out of work. The doctors are great, they don't bother you and allow you to do your work and pay on time. Seems kewl to me. Radiology pays quite well there.
Despite all the negative press and opinions, they are still probably the best - since they are the biggest they can afford to pay more, work always plentiful (at least in radiology) and they don't bug U to death (U don't have to clock out to go to the John). At least that's how it is at the Ohio Medquist - don't know about other branches but assume they are similar. There ARE perks to being with the biggest, I must say.
MedQuist uses DocQscribe!
Medquist pay

Anybody who works for Medquist, I am wondering what they pay? 

MedQuist pay

0.850..I work at Midwest office..but we're supposed to be starting that scale pay thing in October which I know nothing about yet

They want only the very best for their employees - we're like one big happy family!
The DQS is NOT with Medquist.

MedQuist. nm

VR and Medquist
Yeah, and if MedQ has anything to say about it, we all will be in the soup kitchens pouring up our family the needful food they need to survive on while the homeless shelter people protect us from our bill collectors!!!!!!!!!
Medquist should never be on a list of 10-top companies to work for!
MedQuist! nm


Any info on working for MQ now?  How about its QA department? 

Medquist sm

I love working for Medquist.  I think they are probably one of the better companies, if not the best.  I have worked for other companies part-time along with Medquist.  The other companies just didn't measure up to Medquist, in my opinion.  I thought about leaving after 01/01 because of the changes.  I stuck it out and things have gotten a lot better.


Some people love it.  Some people hate it.  The best thing is to compare other companies and pick what is best for you.

Full medical, dental, vision, life; options of long/short-term disability, supplemental life insurance; 401K; FSA; holiday pay (1.5 x base rate if you work it); ability to advance to higher tiers (higher base pay); daily incentive; shift differentials for evening/night work; difficulty factor pay; discount program to purchase references -- payroll deducted in $25 increments; PTO (up to 20 days off); equipment provided free; 24/7 help desk;...I could go on! Hahaha
I'd personally stay away from Medquist as yes, for me, I run out of work on a consistent basis it seems now.  Can't complain about ESL docs, not too many. 
Thank you!
Medquist (nm)
Is "Q" Medquist?
Medquist. nm
Worked both last year
Does anyone know the time line for hiring?  I am scheduled for a phone interview and just wondered what the next step would be?  Any info on Medquist as far as good or bad to work for??  Thanks

All I can say is watch your step.  I work for Medquist and I can tell you they are leaving in huge masses.  If you want no communication with anyone, no communication with QA and no communication with your managers then the Q is for you.  You cannot get any kind of line count because you have no primary or secondary accounts anymore it is just one giant pool of whatever comes down the pike.  You spend so much time reading the standards for that account, trying to find doctors in that area, trying to find places that they dictate and then try to understand the doctor you can kiss your production good bye.  If you make more than 2 major errors on your reports then your bonus is bye bye too.  Your bonus is almost impossible now because it is quarterly and you have to have perfect QA and you are constantly on a different account.  There is no way you can make any money at all.  They set this up this way and a lot of people like me are in tears as to why?  I would really, really think before I went to MedQuist.  If you being broke, being alone with no help and no communication, lots of change of accounts no two docs the same no two facilities the same and having to meet a production that is impossible to meet now then go for it.  I am sure there are a lot of jobs now.  A lot of folks have jumped ship.  I am still on it and hoping it changes but in the mean time I am going broke.  I will get called on the carpet soon because I have not met my production.  I just hope you like this sinking boat and I will make room for you.  We can go down together. 


I am in Oregon and am isolated from other MTs.  I would like to leave MQ -- anything they can do to decrease our salaries they will do.  But I don't know where to start.  Are, in fact, alot of people leaving MQ?
Good, bad or ugly to work for?
I just took a job with Medquist
If all you people who write in the MQ section hate it so much, why do you stay?
Medquist nm
Anywhere but MedQuist
If you want to deal with dozens and dozens of totally different client profiles, then Medquist is the place for you.

Yes it was from medquist.com
Try MedQuist.


I can't post on their board, and yes I've read what's up lately.

I just wanted to know if any current employees who are fairly happy could reply to answer a few questions.

Can you use your own computer?

Do they offer part-time in that you can work just certain days of the week?  This would include one weekend day. 



Hi, everyone,


I'm curious about Medquist.  I just sent them a resume and wondered how it is to work for them.  Feel free to e-mail me privately if you'd rather not discuss things at the board.  I have heard lots of things about MQ, both good and bad, but I want to know the good, the bad, and the ugly from anyone out there who knows! Thanks!



Don't do it - I just left after many years - cesspool will drive your pay down faster than you can believe! You may have up to 20-25 different accounts in one day, each with its very own client profile to read - used to love my job there, but since changes in July with ASR and cesspool had to leave. Paycheck went down by at least one-third, sometimes more. STAY AWAY FROM THERE!!!!
board.  The requirements are usually listed there.
Medquist and SPI.
MedQuist???? No WAY!!!!!