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Posted By: it's true on 2007-05-19
In Reply to: Don't waste time here. - Get to work!!! nm


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Thought it was Miller time? LOL
now that was funny ;-)
Constantly ran out of work to QA and was expected to type in order to make any money.

Not sure why you are complaining. You make NO money doing QA for DSG, typing is the way to go.
....and then there is there fabulous HAHAHA $12.50

Downtime? hahaha

There has been no mention of that and I'm sure it wont happen.

When the system is fixed, the most we'll get is double the amount of emails telling us how much work there is and how we all need to give us food/sleep/bathroom time to get it caught up.

I know how to do ESLs hahaha
Where did you get the impression that I do not know how to do ESLs!  I have done them for years at above 99% QA for crying out loud but 80% you cannot make a living doing, at least the kind of living I want!  I am only willing to do 20-30% and have never settled for less....  My question was about VR, not ESLs.
hahaha welll.. (sm)
I'm a tier III and still don't get paid for op notes, so don't feel toooo bad - my cpl is less than yours. ;)
Hahaha! I think she finally got it...She
should have exited with a formidable

'I screwed up'....LOL,

same with 'deenibeeni' !
Hahaha! You made my day...nm
hahaha... I HATE that loud, -
Hahaha! "Too little cowboy, and too much HAT! " nm
you sure axalot a questions...HAHAHA
Sorry couldn't resist
Hahaha! That's too funny! You tell 'em! nm

Hahaha! LMAO, you are hilarious!...nm
HAHAHA - See? I wasn't pushing MY agenda .. YOU
picked it up!!

yeah..where they dump all those old IBM SelectricS!!!hahaha--nm
Hahaha, you silly, that is a stock photo of a
making a big deal out of a picture. You just love stirring up stuff, don't you?
Oh great - Another psychic employee!! HAHAHA
How about just saying yes, it is 70% of your line rate instead of making up rumors.
Hahaha, don't hate me, but I have the beautiful NJA screen right now!!
And I am very happy to see it. Off to drink a hot cup of coffee and bask in the warmth of the morning sunshine.

Amen to that.. and we are mad as heck are not taking it anymore...HAHAHA

You're right! Hahaha My typo totally messed up the meaning!
Yes, MQ is aware of my other position. I was very up front with them when I took their offer. Spheris probably would not be happy about my situation, I agree.

My other comments were made because no matter what I post, someone has got to be interested in what I'm doing or not doing, whether they think it is right or not, etc.

My whole post on this thread was an answer about great companies. I posted. Then, if you'll go back and look at this entire thread, I am the one getting all the virtual "you can't do that" complainers on my back.

It's not anyone else's business. One of the OPs started it I suppose with the trying to tell me I can't post on this forum because I work for Spheris and I can't use their computer. Then others chime in. Then others start in with what they think I can and cannot do.

It's none of anyone's business. I wasn't addressing any of those subjects whatsoever.

I seem to be prime fuel for the flaming activities, regardless of the subject of my posts. Even if I respond to others, 9 times out of 10 I get flamed and for other subject matter most of those times.

Hahaha, you are right in your answers to some of the other posters. You and I are having an adult conversation and understanding each other well, even if we disagree. THAT is how it should be.

As I answered you somewhere in this same thread, I understand what you were bringing to light for others who may not realize about working for more than 1 company. It is a gamble. I agree wholeheartedly.

It isn't just the competition between Spheris and MQ though. That expectation is with other companies as well, maybe not all, but most. And most, if you read the employee handbook imply that they do not want their employees on forums like this.

One of the OPs stated that I signed a contract with Spheris forbidding me to be on this forum. No ma'am. That simply isn't true. I went back and looked at everything I've signed. I've signed no such contract. There may be an implied policy but I have not signed any such contract.

I personally think that each company has really good aspects. I can also see where each could improve. That will be with any company though. As long as I am well paid and have flexibility and opportunity, I'm a happy clam.

Hahaha! Pitiful and ridiculous comment. A lot of posters, as 1 poster even mentioned
in this thread, immediately stop reading a post full of GRAMMAR mistakes, NOT typos, before getting the 'issue.'

How can one respect the opinion of a poster whose grammar is a catastrophy, especially from an MT?

The 1st question that pops into my head is, 'How did this person get an MT certificate?' I am not talking about typos, incorrect grammar only.

Hahaha. Good April Fool's Day joke but gotta break the news to ya,