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I guess this is Keystrokes week to be cut to pieces. nm

Posted By: sick of it on 2005-08-23
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Nothing here but I guess week is not over..
Ya never know.. I might win the lottery too.. I think my chances are higher winning that than getting anything for MT week LOL
Last week we were staying caught up with TAT so I guess
you could consider it a slow week, this week we are out of TAT again, so things are back to normal. 
I guess MedWare is the cream of the crop this week?
Then I guess you aren't missing anything. If bored, go do next week's
Get a grip.
You need to confirm that with Keystrokes as I was told last week it was not. sm
I would assume each account has different software and programs as to whether it is compatible or not. I was told most of their accounts are not. So don't assume that all Keystrokes accounts are compatible.
Keystrokes sent out t-shirts for MT Week. It is nice to be appreciated! nm
Wrong. The person who was fired this week was from Keystrokes. I just got an email

from someone asking if was me posting here tonight, so I came to look.   I agree with a lot that the poster has to say but I post my name when I post.  Anyone who knows me or of me knows this.  I do not have to post behind anonymous names nor do I. 

I do disagree with some of what this poster says though and will take a moment to tell her/him something:  You chose to run a service and knew or should have known what you were getting into.  If you are doing all that, you should either hire more people or hire different people.  The best move I ever made as a service owner was learning to delegate and hiring the right people including Human Resources, Accounting, Operations, QA, Recruiting and IS.  (The second best move I ever made was to stop letting the posts on the MTStars and others affect me).  Best advice I could give a service owner is to cough up the money for a good staff; it is worth it in the long wrong although hard in the short term.

While not everyone agrees with me or likes me or wants to work with Keystrokes, I do not feel a need to hide behind the anonymous nature of these boards and would rather have people know where I stand than wonder.

You would also know that I value our transcriptionists and know that as a company, Keystrokes constantly tries to improve.  If you know me at all or anything about Keystrokes, you would also know that our rates are going up not down and we do not undercut prices to beat our competitors. 

If anyone has anything to say to me directly, please use my email.  I do not visit here often anymore and do not plan on starting again as it gets a bit addicting :)

Last year, from Keystrokes we got Blockbuster gift cards for Christmas and for MT week sm
we got candles and candy. I always get a birthday card too, which is very nice.
Full time with Transtech is both. 40 hours per week and 5500 lines per week.
Nope .. email on 1/18 promised "within the next week." Here we are, 1 week later and no info.
The minimum is 5500 per week, NOT 6600 per week. I think you made a typo. :)
i clear over 800 a week, 40/week; 30+ year experience. (nm)
I get my paycheck every week - that is enough for me! Happy MT week everybody! nm
I got laid off for MT Week. Happy MT Week to me!
Good last week - Slow this week.
I hope this is not an indication of things to come.  I am getting 1,200 lines a day but it is taking me all day to do it.  We seem to be out of work from 9-12 every day this week.  Hope things pick up after Labor Day.
Did Keystrokes sell to Transcend? I thought Keystrokes was buying up companies sm
but I heard from another service owner that they sold out to Transcend. Anyone know if that happened?
keystrokes ad..can someone tell keystrokes their banner ad needs a hyphen...quality-minded
Did Keystrokes sell to Transcend? I thought Keystrokes was buying sm

small companies but another service owner told me that she heard that Keystrokes sold to Transcend.  Is this true? 

I posted this down below but meant to post it as a new thread.  Before I apply with them, I would like to know as I left Transcend a few months ago and do NOT want to get back into that mess.

16 hours a week or 8 a week and get
401 K.
Not only that, but I would MUCH rather work for Keystrokes than Spheris as Keystrokes doesn't

Why would anyone work 8 hours a week. The poster above said 16 or 24 hours a week.
Only Keystrokes. Worked at MQ until I came to Keystrokes. Started at sm
Keystrokes PT, liked what I saw and experienced, gave notice to MQ and went FT. Have not look back since. I had previously worked at 2 hospitals, for MDI, Transcend and MRC until bought by MQ. I plan on retiring here as long as they stay as they are.
No, Not with Keystrokes, visiting friend and using her pc, she got job with Keystrokes
I forgot to change the Name. I do not think Keystrokes is hiring anymore now. Would like some info about Diskriter though.
Ditto, Keystrokes is a wonderful company with wonderful people! I love working for Keystrokes!
I am just not making enough money.  They are a great company though, just ask for a back up account.
Been with Keystrokes staying with Keystrokes

I was there for the promises and guess what Keystrokes is making good on those promises. 

I get vacation time, 401K, and even AFLAC.  My pay is great, always on time as well as accurate. 

I have my main account and have been given back up accounts for which I have been fully trained and am comfortable typing on.  I have great leads, great tech support and plenty of work.

Am I biased???  Yes I am biased.  I am grateful everyday that I was given the opportunity to work for Keystrokes and their team.  I am grateful that my company's owner is a fellow Transcriptionist that goes home at the end of the day and works like the rest of us so she knows what a hard job I have and I know that she is working to make things better for me because unlike other companies I have worked for she understands what it is I do.

Please accept my apologies that you were unhappy with Keystrokes and chose to move on before all of the promises came to fruition but don't begrudge those of us that stayed loyal and are now reaping the benefits of a GREAT COMPANY WITH GREAT BENEFITS, LOTS OF WORK AND THE KNOWLEDGE THAT THERE ARE MANY MORE GREAT THINGS TO COME!

I just want to say Thank you Lee, Jeff, Becky, Karyn, Martha, Annette, Paul and everybody else in the office for all that you do.

Keystrokes does not go by keystrokes, we go by lines. sm
1200 lines per day comes out to 150 lines per hour. Most transcriptionists are able to do 200-250 lines per hour, so this is not unrealistic, nor is it unreasonable. The hospital that I used to work at prior to coming to Keystrokes had a minimum of 185 lines per hour. The service I worked for prior to Keystrokes had a minimum of 200 lines per hour.
Guess you are not doing your job right then.....
My guess...
I may be wrong but my guess is that this is CorT. I have been with them only 4 months but I have many MT sisters who have been with them longer and love it.
I guess Everyone Else....

Since no responses, I guess I am the only MT who works for a national that charges for templates but doesn't tell you upfront or put it in a contract....oh well....time for another company!!!

I guess when you look at it that way...
I guess it was just me...
but it came off as sounding like the stereotype of slaves on the "plantation" - it just didn't sit right with me...
You are in the know, but guess what
SO AM I.  Spaces my XXX.  Maybe you but not all of us for sure.  Pay on time.  Come on, talk about not telling the truth.  Last couple of times maybe, but until everyone started screaming on here came whenever. 
Guess what... sm
I am not management and they are a wonderful company. I have heard and read bad things yet I have worked there for quite some time and I have never seen any of what you say. They are nice people and they would not fire someone for being sick or family emergency. There has to be more to that story. TH rocks!
Of course I don't guess!!!!!!!!!!!
No, there's no guessing medical transcription. These dictators are clear as a bell!! A wonderful company to work for.
I guess everyone has a different
I'm with DK and have never been happier.  I have no trouble doing over 1800 lines in an 8 hour shift on the CTS platform.  I will say though that I work on mainly one account (that helps some).
Did they just guess?
I guess both.
guess that's right
I went back to the policies at the top of the page and didn't see anything about naming names, but I'm pretty sure the moderator has asked us not to do this and yes, I was referring to her name, not yours. I guess we're certainly free to use our own, but am pretty sure that at one time we were told not to mention names. Guess I was wrong or it was changed. Thanks.
my guess is because not enough MTs take this job serious enough.
Let's put it this way, every time I turn around I hear MTs saying they want to be there for their kids (nothing wrong with that) but when I was raising my kids, I worked outside the home and if they had a play at school I could not get off to go. The MTs of today want to do it all with their kids and think they can work but the fact is in the real world they would not be able to do that and that is not the real way to treat this job SO COMPANIES HAVE TO COVER THEIR TUSH. There are always going to be those who treat this like a real job but from what I am seeing the majority of the MTs nowadays who are younger just want to work the job in around their life and that just cannot be done and have a company be successful SO companies have to overhire to cover themselves. If they had people who treated this more like a real job, all that overhiring would not be necessary. All of us MTs who take our job seriously have suffered because of this new attitude.
You guess right..(nm)
I guess they are still around, but they were the
absolute worst company to work for. Be wary with them is all I will say.
Thanks all..... I guess it is
          better to know the devil than to get surprised again.  I sure do appreciate this input.  I will simply put on the person who is talking with me.  She is supposed to call today to set me up.  It seemed awful pushy and fast to me.   You are, indeed, jewels!!!     
Thanks. I guess I am one. lol
I guess it's
anybody's guess!
I guess I have to try this again.......nm
First of all .I have to correct this misconception that Medware is OUTSOURCING MORE now than before.. as far as I know Merit always did a considerable amount of reviewing which wsa typed by India..on the Dictaphone side there were maybe 100 to 300 files edited from India MTs..each day up until about 1-2 monhts ago when they stopped sending them to India altogehter for some reason.... and several editors got moved around in their jobs... by all means I am not defending Medware..whatever their motive i doubt it is a positive one for anyone but themselves.. their high management is acting out of greed, and their actions through all of this were of an incredible lack of any regard for their employees.. and an even greater measure of ignorance for what was being accmoplished in these positions they eliminated. I felt that my job was, or at least my goal.was to help the MTs any way I could to do an amount of work every day that many times seemed out of reach to me, on a system that continually fails them... AT A higher than standard level of quality.... so much of the work they do is not even considered time worked which is one more act of greed I am baffled at how Medware has gotten away with...the leads did a lot to support the MTs..helping them to more readily pump out the work expected of them..in several ways..which made things better for so many people.. and that is precisely why our jobs were not considered important enough to keep...

The point is.. they are NOT outsourcing more at this point.. but less.. what their plans are is another story... but I think in this time especially when people like this are hiding behind lies to their employees.... it is important for those of us with higher standards to keep what is truth in perspective. As far as the email sent out to all the employees by an AAMT person...that was a report that she was required to prepare and hand in .. and I would bet my life . her sending that to everyone was a TOTAL mistake and one she regrets and will for much time to come.. but I have no reason to think..(and I do not know her) personally...that she is being malicious or working toward the demise of all American MTs.. Outsourcing to India is extremely widespread and not just in our field... and it has been common knowdlege that Medware outsources as far as I know... just like half the other national companies are known to be doing... I certainly don't think at this point we can say that everyone who works for a cmopany who outsources ...is supporting that.. nor accommodating it..It is an unfortuante part of this industry whether we want it or not..put there by greedy companies wanting to get more for much much less..I certainly do not support that.. but to say that we are losing our jobs because of INDIA... or that anyone who works for companies who hire them are supporting misplacing our own people... is not true... this is happening through those who are greedy and want to pay less and willingly sacrifice quality...the high management of these companies.. who most times know very very little about medical transcription.. and are focused on what will bring them an extra buck.... focus your resentment on them.. write to them.. but the rest of us need to stick together and can only become like them when we turn on each other...

I get so frustrated editing their work.. when I realize that what they type in one report would be enough to have me fired.. yet I must continually correct their same mistakes.. and the ridiculous things they make up when they have no clue.. You are right.. they are not qualified nor anywhere near proficient.. but they obviously have enough skills for the low life pepole at the top of half these companies to hire them anyway... and get rid of credible jobs like Medware did... These India people are hungry .. and I would do the same to feed my family.. so I cannot blame them... but I despise those who are willing to use the level of desperation and unfortunate lifestyle of these people for their own personal gain...which is just what these companies did and do .. which started all of this and remains responsible for it.. no on else.....
I guess she is still looking
I actually enjoyed that one, it certainly was different than the mundane typical resume I get.  I thought it showed individuality and at least some creativity.  I didn't hire her because she didn't have the required equipment/program, but the resume I really liked.
guess i don't know....
I can guess who
Do you live in Florida?
Let me guess!!!!
I'm in QA and it would be my guess
that if people are without work it's because they were making too many errors for QA to keep up with. None of the companies I've worked for like outsourcing - it's a PITA - but if it's gotta have full audio QA, you really can't afford to do much else.
bet I can guess who it is
don't give them another second of your time. It will only get worse and you will feel like a fool in the end for having stayed so long.