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KS time off

Posted By: type-it on 2008-01-15
In Reply to: keystrokes - days off? - sammy

I started last month, and love it.  Schedule is so flexible, NO clocking in our out-- like a real transcription job     My supervisor is very flexible also, and if we need some time off sometime, we can just either take it unpaid, or make it up on another day, or day off.  They really are not strict at all when it comes to schedules.  And, the work is nothing like the cesspools of MQ, and is not stressful to me at all, so I don't feel I need a lot of time off to gather my marbles any longer.  Hope this helped!! 

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I'm lookin for part-time work (about 3-4 hrs daily) after 13 years of full-time, anyone know of a
company that is hiring flexible part-time?  I'm starting a career in real estate but don't want to totally quit transcription, but I think most places require 25 hours a week and I cant work weekends, as real estate sales are the biggest on the weekend with open houses and people off work to shows homes to.  If you know of a place I'd sure appreciate the info.  Thanks!
MDI-Maryland is an excellent company, pay on time all the time, great line rate.
I left also because I went out and got my own client(s).
They are very nice people.

The only negative I can think of were the e-mails from the owner say work, work, work, we are out of TAT.

Other than that, which is very minor, it was a good experience.
Not what I was told; 3500/wk part-time & 6000 wk/full-time. nm
Precyse Solutions is hiring part-time and full-time right now.
Saw this on their website.
i work 3 part-time jobs now. it can be confusing if you are learning both at the same time, but sm
other than that not a problem for me. best to get one down before starting to other or you might become overwhelmed.
MDI-MD: What are daily line requirements for full-time/part-time? Thanks! nm
I have one full-time job and 2 part-time jobs. It can be tricky at times, sm
but at least I now have plenty of work always. I have some big financial goals, and right now that seems to be the only way to accomplish it.  I can't see any reason why it would not be legal -- why would you say that?  I am cheating no one, except myself (out of sleep and a social life).  Fortunately, I am single with no children or anything.  I cannot imagine doing this if I had a family.  At least my dogige understands. 
I've been there quite a while, pay on time, growth spurt right now, so good time to get on board,
new accounts and lots of work, and before someone says it, I'm not management, just an employee.
per his request I told him Time To Call, he called Not That Time, emailed me
Full time/part time based on # hours or
# lines per pay period, nothing to do with quality. The lower the quality the higher the pay it seems.
Solution: Find another job, part time or full time.
Post your resume, hope for the best.
Depends on how flexible you need to be and if full-time or part-time
They are a little more flexible if you are part-time.  Not so much full-time, where you can be a little flexible within the day (not a strict 8-5), but if you are scheduled for Monday, you have to work Monday unless you request off, and if you are scheduled for a Holiday, you have to work the holiday, unless you request off.  They encourage you to clock out every time you are not typing to keep your lph rate up, which means an 8 hour day can turn into 12 hours at the computer.  If they run out of work (which they do quite often), you have to make the time up.  They are also leaning more towards Voice Recognition, so MTs are getting trained on that, but not sure what percent will go that way.  It does affect how much work you may get though in the other accounts.   
They are advertising for full time HIM now, do they still hire part time? nm
It will get better, I hope. Too much time on my hands means too much time on ebay! lol nm

DVHP gives vacation time to part-time people. nm
Any companies out there where you do not have to fill in a time sheet or on a time clock?
I would like to do my lines and be done, and still get my benefits.  Any companies out there that go by line production rather than hours to qualify for bennies?
OSi with part time health insurance and paid time off
OSi does offer health insurance and paid time off for part time.  Yes, there have been changes.  Yes, there will probably be more changes.  I don't see anywhere that hasn't had changes.  If they don't change they will be out of business the way the economy is these days, just like some other companies.  If they don't make money, then I don't make money.  So, what is so different with OSi compared to other companies?  I see complaints constantly about all companies.  I don't think it is the fault of the company that they outsource or use voice recognition.  It just is life on life's terms these days.  There is still enough work for us, at least for me. 
My thoughts exactly, why waste my time when you know you are only hiring full time? nm
From time to time those paper checks aren't good!
This comes at the same time they are pushing this TAT time. I have no intention of sitting here on a
set schedule for no work. The only reason I get work now is working erratic hours when there is work so I think anyone that works for Amherst better put down on their time schedule they send in they will be working when there is work. The worst thing that can happen is you get canned for working different hours and if there is no work who cares. They surely dont care about SE do they. They just pull the rug out and expect all these people with second jobs to adjust and quite frankly a lot of them wont be able to so I think it tells you they probably dont care about those people. I think with ASR and EMR they figure they can just trim the work force and the first they dont care about are those with other jobs using this as a second income or spending money. Pretty obvious to me.
Its holiday time. I just took a part time job at K-Mart and
it is really quite fun because I get to interact with humans and do not have to stare at a computer. My part time benefits included an employee discount on merchandise from day 1 of employment, can put that on lay-away, and if the item goes on sale before you pick it up, you get it at the sale price as well as with the discount. This is a Super K-Mart, and with kids this will really help with paying for their presents. It sure beats running out of work every day and wondering if I am going to have any money for gifts.
Ugh - well I did all my work on time and I expect to be paid on time.

The phone company doesn't wait, the cable company doesn't wait, and the electric company doesn't wait for their money either - all of which I need to pay in order to do my job.  I work when I am supposed to, I help when behind, and give 110%, and I ask for my check to be on time. 

I think if an MTSO is going to have to mail checks they should do so priority to make up for the delay.

Full time but no work half the time-nm
okay to yell the first time but not correct etiquette the second time?
Question on MDI-MT full time vs. part time
Does anyone know how many lines per week or per pay period are required at MDI-MT to be considered full time?  Thanks.
No, not a time clock. You just fill out a time sheet sm
with your days and times and lines and email it every 2 weeks.

It really seems to be a great place to work so far -- the people are great and the work has not run out.  I have been paid more, but then again, I am an employee and have benefits and do not have to mess with that tax hassle anymore, so I'm happy.

Good luck in whatever you decide.

Part-time MT getting full-time work ??????

TransTech should not be giving out work to PT people on their DAY OFF, or any other time BEFORE a full-time MT has enough work    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Full time is 40 hours, and yes they have part-time.
OSi pays on time every time exactly what was quoted on job offer.
Someone is getting really confused here. OSi does pay on time. Pay has always been in accordance to my time sheet that I fill out. If OSi pays only if their accounts pay them, then I must be on one good account that always pays. This is not in any fine print of any papers I have received.
TRUST me when I say...It is not worth your time, even part-time..

I hired on with them part-time on or about September 8, kept getting run around as to when I was to actually start transcribing. Team lead emailed to say she had a very very good account for me to start on.  I was trained 25 minutes. Then, there was an issue with my ID and password to get into the system.  After about 2 weeks, got ID and password, but it didn't work.  Then I get an email from another supervisor advising that I would be on another account and they seen the specs. So, I get an email some time around the first of October saying I can start typing.  In the meantime, Focus has a MT Forum, and I'm reading all these negative remarks from the MTs stating a lack of communication company wide, to the terrible QA department being not all on the same page, and being deducted points for blanks and such.  By this time, I was exhausted from waiting, and exhausted from hearing all the complaints from the MTs actually working there, that I sent an email to team lead saying, I had changed my mind about working there.  This is the most chaotic, disorganized, miscommunicated place I have ever seen in my entire 32 years of being an MT.   (If there are any errors in this forgive me.  Don't feel like proofing this)

Yeah, no time for those who have all the time in the world
If you know what I mean.
Were you full time or part time?
I would like to get about 1500 lines a day in if possible - not possible? The pay seems good.
Not sure about part time but for full time you get SM
up to 12 hours to do a 7 hour shift. Webmedx requires 35 hours a week for full time, not 40.
Full Time vs. Part Time
Can anyone tell me how many minutes of dictation is considered to be full time?  I do clinic dictation and am wondering if I am actually doing part-time work or full time?
Yes, but there is play time and there is work time. sm
You volunteer. Awesome!! As long as you are volunteering during nonwork time that is great or during time that you have scheduled to be off. Again all great!!! We all have to take off with our kids when they are sick. Did it today as I had both at home and took PTO time for it. If you do these things in this manner, no big deal, but I am talking about the ones who constantly do not showw up for work and have excuses as there are more of them than there are of people who actualy take this job seriously.

As far as retirment from the other poster.... please. I am nowhere even close but I can say the downfall of this business is NOT because it is going overseas. It is because we do not have well trained American MTs. I have been here for 18 years. I have watched it go down. It is sad but we can't change it YET!
Nope. I have gotten paid on time every time.
You must be thinking of somewhere else.
I have a full time and part time job also. nm
way I figure, if u have time to post here, there's time for FB.
I am at KS for the second time. The first time was 3 years ago and this time sm
since last December. All of things that were problems in the past are solved. I have no complaints, make good money and am very glad that I took the advice from a friend and gave them another try.

My only complaint right now is not that bad when I see how many companies seem to be without work. My account is very busy, as is my back-up, so I am working too much. That is my fault for not saying no and being greedy, but it will come in handy for both Christmas shopping and 2nd semester college tuition for my two daughters.

Not a bad thing to be too busy this time of year on reading other posts!
They no longer hire part-time and may be eliminating part-time employees within the next 6 months.
They are going to have those that are PT go FT if possible. Some accounts require 1 weekend day, but not all. Most transcriptionists have 1 account with 1 back-up account. I know that they are hiring for hospital accounts in medical records and radiology right now.
part-time IC is 5000/pay period and full time IC is 10,000 per pay period. Need to talk with
recruiter about cpl, I'm sure it varies with experience. 
Great little company..I worked there for a short time, IC, and pay always on time, great owner too!
I had good dictators, they use FTP, and I had a 12-hour window to return the work.
No PTO for part-time. Not sure if you can work part-time or not since recent rule change. sm
You do pay a deposit for their equipment.
There is a part-time and a flexible part-time, just left there and they offered
me both. Flexible, however, is more or less when they need you (I.e. weekends), part-time is fixed hours.
Last year $36K part time, going to make more this year full time BUT sm

I AGREE it IS getting harder to make money.  I used to make $24 very part time 10 years ago and now...well it is Word and platforms versus WP5.1.  I got 7.5 cents a byte line then and I get 9.5 cents a character line now.  That IS a huge different in point of fact.


Thank you! I'm looking for part-time work to supplement my no-work full-time job.

The only time I have ever been slow is during X-mas time...
when most other companies are slow too...but I have never run out
MTs should be pain on time, every time but at this
there's a banner on here from time to time
If you don't like reading about it *time and time again*...sm
don't open it! keep on trucking and let it be.
Yes I know they hire part time because I referred someone there for part time.
They are internet based.
I was IC w/them and checks came on time. First checks were FedX'd to me on time! I left due to an