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Lisa, if you're name is not on the list in the link inside,

Posted By: you're not a CMT! on 2007-06-12
In Reply to: Transcend vs Medquist vs Spheris - Lisa

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Your link is broken.....see inside for correct link:
Go to this link for list of companies
where you will find 2 more links regarding companies that hire new grads.
Link inside...



Link inside.
See inside link
and less recently:  http://forum.mtstars.com/company/v/1/25763.html
Link inside

see link inside
link inside



Scroll down the page and click on the blue posts to read them.

I posted the link again inside to be

Thank you June and link inside...
Link to website inside.
See inside for link that contains a lot of info!
Link of announcement inside.
sorry....the list is inside the above post. nm
try inside link to get medrite info...sm
see inside for link - not sure how current the website is though
It has a hypen so you can't search it link inside
Link inside to Fed DOL on breaks/lunch
interesting reading, don't know if this varies by state as overtime laws do, but anyway...
it may be located in Canada. See web link inside. SM
again, I'm not sure if this is the correct one you are looking for. I know nothing about this company however.

here you go -- hope link inside works
See inside for link to past thread here
Manta has one. It is free to register. Link inside. sm
I have used it many times.

Found the link listed inside in google
concerning this.

It's in the left column under the Company board or the link is inside


If you cannot see the Medquist link in the left column, you need to delete your cookies and empty your cache file.  That will resolve your problem.


The Dobbs Lists: Exporting America - link inside
Yep, they're definitely up there pretty high on the SUCK list
another evil company
They're not listed on MTD's Companies list. Maybe do a Yahoo search? nm
Thanks Lisa.
I get paranoid that I am not prepared.  I also train Friday.  I am paranoid about that too.  I don't have any site notes, account specifics nothing to look over yet.  I like to take time to look over those things before I type.  They say they are only going to pay me for the phone call and that is it.   
Thanks a lot Lisa :)  I don't know many transcriptionists that I can communicate with so it's nice that I can get on here and vent with people that actually understand these types of situations.  I will definitely keep you posted.  Thanks so much!!
I'm with you, Lisa
Love my job and hate to think these naysayers and negative thinkers are my coworkers. Hope they quit NOW. We need positive people. Life is way too short to have so much anger built up and take it out on others.
Thank you Lisa
You gave wonderful advice and I am glad for all of this information. It is good to hear from another MT with Transcend, and how they feel about all of the changes. I used to work for Transcend many years ago, and I liked the company. They truly are trying to make the transition as easy as possible for all of us. Thanks again!
Lisa, do you work there?
like you know about it.
Did a Lisa or Jenni contact you? nm
If the owners name is Lisa please see message
She is a really nice person, runs a great company and pay is always on time.  Wish I would have stayed working for her.  Probably one of the only jobs I regret not sticking with.
Lisa Thelen - who does she work for?
RE: The Lisa thread... read this
I applied for a position with Transform. Sent my resume a week or two ago. This morning, my email program told me that my email was deleted before even being read. And the email was sent to Lisa.
I agree Lisa is a CROC
but watch out for CROCS. They have big teeth and they bite.
Lisa and other corporate "hacks". You really outdid yourself on this one.
Been reading and watching a lot, but your posts are definitely the best I have ever seen as far as being totally inaccurate and misleading.

My first statement is that if Transcend is so ashamed of outsourcing/offshoring why do they do it. They need to be upfront about what they are doing and quit telling these lies. They do not just offshore work because there is no available help. They offshore work because it is cheaper. Too many nights I see 20 to 50 reports go flying off my screen while I work and I am left with nothing to do for the rest of my shift. If anyone cared about me and my having enough work, this would not be happening.

Transcend has publically stated that they use offshoring because it is cheaper - not because there is a lack of available help. They said they would not take work away from the domestics; but I guess my status is so low that I am not even considered a domestic. And your statement below that they would not use offshore if there was enough domestic help is completely absurd.

You and those other Fony ADHI people who have that stupid F after your name - those of you who think you are more important and better educated than the doctors - need to face reality. You picked up the phone after 'your public meeting and called Larry'. Who do you think you are? The most important person in the world? You are a brown-noser, trying to get settled into management by hobnobbing with the bigwigs. Did you ever stop to think that Larry might have far more important things to do than to chit-chat with you? Well, I guess it worked, you dug your way into a team lead position didn't you. And with that position you know just like everyone else knows that offshoring is not going away no matter how many state-side MLS there are in the company. You have just lost every ounce of credibility you may have had.

And how can you say that offshoring was your biggest objection to this merger. You obviously came over with TRS and they have a school in Barbados so even more work can be offshored. Did you object to them having offshore associates?

Lisa, its time for you baby ostriches to grow up and pull your head out of the sand and face reality. We do not believe you or anyone else that is trying to pass off these type of statements as true, just like we do not believe that we can make anywhere close to what we made with straight transcription by doing that VR stuff, especially with the problem-riddled platform that Transcend uses.

Things might settle down a little faster if you would just be honest.
How do you know list is true? I can make a list,
It was an email from Lisa, says Happy Holidays in the subject line. nm
Can't we flood Oprah's email or something and get Lisa Ling to do a spotlight story on the
offshoring of all these American jobs when so many people are unemployed in this crappy economy?  I think most people really aren't aware of it.  Whenever I mention it to someone I know, that their medical records are being sent to India and MTs are losing jobs, they have NO idea.  And that includes every doctor I've ever mentioned it to.  The doctors are appalled.  I think most really are clueless that this could be happening to their dictation.  If they only KNEW, they might demand it stop.
Hope you're enjoying those slave wages you're earning.
So you guys feel you're getting paid what you're worth with VR?
I'm not trying to be snarky. I've never done VR, so I'm trying to understand.

You're happy with your paycheck with VR? Do you find the files to be as bad as the original post implied?
So you're telling me, basically, they're bad news?
They offered me 0.095/line and you know - it sounded too good to be true, but I SWEAR the recruiter told me they do not outsource. Oh brother... I just wish they'd be honest. I really don't know what to do.
Not the OP, but they're supposed to take out all the other taxes as you're an employee with th
No, they're not losing money....they're gaining!
If a company charges their clients by the line, I'm sure that line rate does not go down even though the MTs pay does.

ASR pays about 2/3 normal line rate to its MTs. Their ultimate goal is to have the MTs do twice as much work. Therefore, the client is getting their work faster, but paying their normal rate, while corporate gets that money and the MTs get the lower line rate.

Whether the newbies want to realize it or not, MTSOs have not increased MTs' salaries in the past 10 years. They still start out at the same pay as the last century!

This used to be a very lucrative profession. Nowadays, most MTs are considered to be paid at the poverty level. You don't believe me, look it up!
where is the MQ link

I do not see the MQ link to the left of the page anymore.  Was it moved?


MQ Link

To sm:

I am sorry for my post. I did not really see the Medquist menu at the left margin as of the time I posted my suggestion. It seems the link has been deleted for some time, as some viewers have just complained. 





see link below
It's an SE position.  Fortunately I'm a vet and can get my healthcare at the V.A.  I'll figure something out later, but right now I need an INCOME since MQ has messed me up royally.  I may have other places I could find health insurance, maybe through the small business organization or something. Ill miss my PTO, but, hey, nothing is perfect :)
no link for me
Since the boards went through an update (about the time the MQ board was made) I haven't been able to see any specialty boards listed on the left anymore, just Top, Home, and Contact.  I have to go to Home to see the list of the specialty boards and for some reason MQ board is not even on there with the others. 
Try this link.
When the link opens up, look on the left-hand side under News & Info, and there is a section called message board.   If this link doesn't work go to yahoo.com and click on finance.  When the finance page opens up, type trcr at the top of the page where it says enter symbol(s).  The message board link will be on the left-hand side of that page too.