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Question for those DSG MTs that have talked about the bad sound. Is that across the board bad

Posted By: PAMT on 2008-05-18
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sound or just certain hospitals.  Also is that DSG1 and DSG2.  I was just wondering if it is a rerecord sound or what is it.  I am interested in that company but I dont want to put up with horrible sound all day long that you talked about.

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Wow - are you the same mtMom I talked to Saturday on Gab board? sm
Either way - good for you! You have to take a break from this job sometimes. It has a way of making you lock yourself into your own little self-imposed prison without realizing it. I have taken breaks and I am back at it for a year now and I do get bored but not burned out yet ;-) I'm sure I will have to take another break some day. Email me if you want an email buddy ;-)
do a search on this board - I remember this being talked about in depth in the
not so distant past. You have options.

Good luck, hope it turns your way and she is blackballed.
Are you sure the sound quality was the platform and not your sound card? Also, I don't know of ma

services that pay "down time" if the platform is inoperational.  ALL software has its share of problems.  It's the nature of the business.  When you were hired, did you sign a contract accepting the terms regarding PTO?  If so, what could you possibly complain about since you did, afterall, sign the agreement?  Did you have a good relationship with your QA Editor/Team Leader that you could ask questions about account specifics?

My understanding of the VR is that it has been in development for a number of years not to be released until the fine tuning was complete.  It would seem to me, and I am in no way affiliated with Transcend, that provided that VR is good then earning a line rate as an Editor would be beneficial, if that's how Transcend is planning to compensate.

All in all, I would say that if anyone is interested in working for Transcend or any service for that matter, make sure to ask the services Recruiter specific questions.  If what you're hearing sounds good and makes sense, go for it.  If what your'e hearing is not all that you thought it would be, move on.  However, you MUST take what you read on forums boards with a grain of salt.  While some posts regarding various services may be legitimate, others may not be.

Good Luck!

MT Manners

Well I am one of the ones who has talked with them....SM

The pay they quoted me was fairly good though not all that great, but I'm really looking for a smaller company and to get away from the really big companies.  I did email with one MT who said she had been with them for 3 months and is now moving from PT to FT because she likes the money she is able to make with them.  I took that as a good sign lol.  I also looked them up in the archives and could find nothing negative. 

I know what you mean about thinking with a maybe this will be the one attitude.  I've been really disappointed in my search over the last few months. 

I really think what is showing through as excitement in these threads (or just this one lol) is the fact that someone finally heard back from this company.  I also think it took a while because it IS small and maybe they are extremely busy.  I think the smaller MTSOs and their managers, account leaders, etc., probably all have too much to do everywhere so maybe these particular ladies really have just not had the time to finish up their hiring.  JMO you understand. 

If you are still looking, maybe you should email them and see if they still have openings.  Their ad is on the job board.  Just be prepared to possibly wait a couple of a few days for a response lol. 

When i talked to them
they were very, very rude!
Only because we do so much rad. I talked to someone who sm
went to a radiology conference this week in Chicago (a radiologist friend) who told me that Keystrokes is everywhere and that whenever he talks to others in radiology, they all mention them. I hope that is good for all of us. I feel secure knowing that. He knows I work for them, so he made sure to tell me that they are very respected in the world of radiology!
I think I talked to them about 18
months ago, and that's what they were offering. Then I asked questions about how efficient things were, and it sounded rather time-consuming to me. They may have improved things by now, of course.
both I talked to
were women.  I was actually told the Nuance recruiter wasn't with the company, but her email is still listed with them.  This lady had a very thick northern city accent.
What was the name of the person you talked to? nm
I talked to them about IC status sm
and I really liked them. You might just call and ask. It would be IC status and you need your own equipment. They download their software.
I talked to her by telephone. sm
After about a 5-minute conversation, I knew I wouldn't be going to work for her. When I asked her about pay dates, she stated that MTs do not get paid until she receives payment from the client because, well, you just never know. She also stated that if she does not feel an MTs work is where she thinks it should be, she will lower their line rate. In my opinion, this person is very unprofessional. I agree with the above post about staying very far away from this business.
When I talked with them about a position, I was going to have to use....

their software and they did send a pedal.  However, I decided to go with another company and never even plugged in the pedal that they sent.

Their software is based on MSWord, from what I understand. 


What was the recruiter's name you talked to?
wondering if it is same as the one I talked to. They seemed very nice, but I got a much better offer elsewhere.
OSI - talked to their recruiter sm
and she got snippy with me for just asking a few questions, so I never went further than that with them.
I have talked to the office.
They say they are looking into finding me something.
Susan -- I talked with

recruiter today. It sounds pretty good.


Have you talked to DeVenture?
It is $20 a week for me and another $50 to put my two kids on.  The company contributes a flat rate of $280 I believe.
I got hired the same day I talked to them but (sm)
I had to wait about 2 weeks for my keyfob from the hospital.
I talked to a recruiter and she had the
most WONDERFUL position available and that I was luck because the MTs loved this account and there was rarely an opening on it - blah, blah, blah.

She mentioned the account and I had worked on that account when I worked at YOG and I knew it to be a horrendous account.

I talked to the team leader (or whatever her title was) of the account and she told me that they can't keep MTs on the account because it is so difficult and no one wants to work on it.  Then she let slip that they offshore and the best dictation goes offshore while the crap stays here.

The recruiter was constantly IM people during my interview, which I felt was unprofessional. 
It has been talked about several times, but no one is

willing to do anything so nothing gets done.  Personally I have no desire to be in a union and wouldn't join if there was one.  By the time you pay union dues you wouldn't be any better off than you are now. 

I talked to her yesterday or the day before... nm
Have you talked to your lead? sm
My accounts are busy. They were slow for 2 weeks but picked up, asking for extra help through this week!
I talked to them last year - sm
I am a long-time MT as well and they offered me 7 cents a line - umm, NOT!  They gave me some song and dance as to why ER was only paid that as everything else was slightly more.  I was shocked to say the least.
Just talked to recruiter
I did accept the job, now I have to get the C-Phone. There are a lot of sites that sell refurbed ones, so I guess I will start checking there.

I start May 18th. Good luck to you!
I talked to a Transolutions MT and basically
she was happy with the company. I try to find out as much as I can about a company when I interview, just to file away for future reference. She was looking for part-time work, and actually said she would recommend them. So.......who knows?
When I last talked to them a couple months ago, I believe it was
Thanks, I have talked to several people who feel...
the sameway you do.  I am hesitant, but hey, I can't knock it unitl I've tried it. 
I just talked to a recruiter 2 days ago! nm
The changes have no effect at all. I never talked to QA anyway. It is the problem with sm
solcen that is at issue.  The are assigning jobs and rearranging job pools.  That is the problem.
I was wondering if anyone ever talked about Spheris SM

on this board...

I am having a hard time making any money at Spheris. I am on an account with a large number of ESL docs. I love doing OP notes, but rarely get them. I  make 9 cpl, about the going  rate. I am looking for a new job simply because I hate the account I am on. The company is about the same as MQ, which is where I worked before coming to Spheris.

To the  poster below who left Spheris and is making 3 cpl more, could you tell us where you work now?


Well I talked to the recruiter today
I do start in 2 weeks like the Stacey said.  To me the payscale was a little confusing but I bet if I saw it on paper it would be more clear.  The two job thing is a little scarry.  I have not done that before but DH said he will help out with the kids and fixing meals so hopefully all will turn out.  I told him I am not going to do this forever lol. 
I talked to one of their hiring people
but that's on a C-phone account.  Maybe that makes a difference between C-phone and internet account?  Extremely nice lady too, by the way.
I just talked to the office and found out why - SM
They had a problem with their payroll system, where anyone with a last name that starts with T-Z did not get paid for some reason, but they are working on it now and will push it through today to make sure everyone who didn't get paid does ASAP. I feel much better now!
This company and KS are about the only companies talked about on this
board. As bad as MQ is about the only company talked about on another board. Ridiculous!
Hmm. Initials at least please. I have talked to their recruiters but did not take the job too.
I talked to our supervisor today sm
She took the trouble of calling me and spent as much time talking to me as I needed. She assured me that there is no underlying policy change that is creating this, that they are as surprised as we that this is going on, and that it WILL pick up. She told me this is a fluke and it WILL pass.

She told me they value their MTs and are doing the best they can to keep us in work. They sent the email about the blanks on DVI because too many reports are going to editing with something like a doctor's name on it (and if we can't find it, chances are the editors won't, either); it is also a matter of the prohibitive cost for each report going to editing. That makes sense to me.

I was asking her point-blank questions and she answered every one straight-on, with no hemming or hawing. I'm no dummy and not prone to gullibility. With any one of my former employers, I would have been skeptical, but she has never proven to be anything but straight-up with me in the past and as MedScribe has always looked out for us in the past (that has been my experience), I believe her completely.

That is not to say our work will be back in full force on a particular day, but it will come back. I suppose it is up to us to decide if MedScribe is worth sticking it out.

They've always been good to me and our supervisor is the BEST so yes..it is worth it to me.
hmmm.... I talked to counsel and

it is not being dropped.  It is being addended. 

Check your sources, management.

I CANT. BELIEVE. She talked for a solid hour
the fact that Acusis whacked us all in the knees with a baseball bat last Friday morning. Like it never even happened.

And tries to come off like everything Acusis does is for US - their 'appreciated' MTs. What a load of caca.
It was just one more solid hour of her flapping her lips and nothing but corporate c@ap coming out. But, that's how parrots are - don't really think on their own, just repeat what they're told.
Really? The office peeps I've talked to don't believe it...
They said MQ promised other branch office employees they would be working at home only to get a call after their office closed to tell them they were being laid off.
No but just talked to a recruiter who told me VR jobs pay

Have you talked to Dorothy? I mentioned last week sm

to her that I was having to scrounge all day to get my lines, and she was very helpful -- moving other people off the account and offering to give me a 3rd account.  I think if you let her know that you do not have enough work, she'll do what she can to help you.  At least, that has been my experience.

And I agree with the other poster ... typically, holiday times are slower everywhere.  Most people do not come in for elective procedures and such over the holidays. 

Good luck -- hope you find a solution that works.  :-)

Obviously, I can only relate my own experience, but when I talked to D, she gave me sm

another account.  One other time, she switched people off my account so that I could do as much work as I want.  I am not insensitive to your plight, and I apologize if I came across that way.

D has always helpful and responsive when I have talked with her about any concerns I have, but I realize not everyone's experience at a company will be the same.  I certainly hope it improves for everyone, but no one could blame someone for leaving if he/she does not have enough work.  No one can live on just fresh air and sunshine.

Good luck!

I have heard only good things about MDI-FL and have talked to the sm
owners myself. They seem to be very nice people who care about their transcriptionists. They are MTs themselves, something that helps in this business.

I know they have grown this past year. They probably found the two or three MTs that move from company to company, always finding fault and always bashing the one they quit or were terminated from. It is just MDI-FL's turn to be bashed. I am sure that most people reading this board take it all with a grain of salt.

If you love the company you work for - stay with them. Obviously you found a great fit. I am fortunate enough to have MTs like love working for us (not saying who I am as I promised my staff I would stay away from here) and fortunate enough to have applicants that don't take the bashing on these boards as gospel.
Lartech has been talked about recently, check
the archives.  I believe it is a 100% Indian company.  
I have talked to 3 companies that I really like and seem to have a lot of good posts here. sm

Once I sorted through the nasty and bitter posters and then the cheerleaders, for lack of a better word, a few companies seem to be truly good companies to work for.  All I am looking for are a few specifics that will tilt the balance for me.  I do want to say that all 3 know that I am talking to the other 2 and I was surprised at the reactions.  ALL 3 of them only had nice things to say about the other 2.  They did not bash those companies or try to sell me on theirs, just gave me facts. I was impressed by that.  There were 4 that I originally had narrowed it down to, but one of them went on and on about how the others were horrible and I would be better going to them.

Here's what I need to know about MDI Maryland, Keystrokes and TT.  I just want the facts, not the bitterness.  I would really like answers from MTs who have been at one or more of them for more than 6 months.  I think that 6 months is a good evaluation period.

Do they pay on time?
Is the pay correct?  If not, do they fix it right away?
Do they run out of work on a regular basis, not just during slow periods?
Can you reach a manager when you need one?
Does IS return your calls?
Do they give feedback if you ask for it?
Do they send work offshore that you know of (worked for a company that said no but really did)?
Do you get a good feeling from them/gut instinct?
Would you refer your friends or family to them if qualified?

Thank you in advance.  I am trying to decide by Monday and these are things that current and past employees can answer.  Please do not give me vague answers like don't go there or they're great.  I really am having a hard time choosing.

What kind of agreement is it? They didn't tell me anything about that when I talked with them.
I talked with them and she was very nice... the company she wanted to
I talked to them yesterday, and they did not have any more FT rad positions for day shift. sm
I do not want to work 2nd shift so I had to pass, but I am going to call back in a month at their request.

I know that the person I talked to said that they were going through hundreds of resumes and had narrowed them down.

Everyone I have had contact there has been very nice and responsive, so I will hang on until they have an opening. A good friend of mine has worked for them for 2 years and has been happy and suggested I go there knowing how ticked off I have been at the changes at the Big Q.
Talked to them last summer. Very nice people.
CPL depends on shift worked and how well you do on the test.
OMG, get a grip. Just talked to ofc. It is NOT a large acct first of all
and secondly it's not even a hospital. For those of you who must know, initials are TO and it's in Texas. It is apparently going to an offshore service to save a buck or two. Do you really want to deal with a practice that would do that? Further, they have already replaced it with not one but two new accts that I can choose from, so there is no need to get bent out of shape like this. Please.
When I talked to them last week, they had one position left -- sm

third shift, Tuesday through Saturday, 80% ESLs.  They have some great benefits, it seems, and I have only heard great things about them, but I like 2nd shift, not third, and I'm more comfortable with Sun-Thurs, but that is just me.

Good luck!