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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: pony on 2007-01-30
In Reply to:

Does anyone know what is going on with Spheris??  Reorganization just went on.  The emails are vague and "uplifting" BS they are like gibberish to me.  I am trying to decide if I stay or if it is time to move on.  Someone said they were taken over by Healthscribe.  Any info please.  Single mom with two teenagers to feed.

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I still feel like a team player of Spheris, as the shackle scars are still on my legs! Spheris was

Micromanaged to the microsecond, or ms!  Horrible. And part of a team?  Total opposite - part of a team as in prison.

Don't imply you're worried at all. Just stating fact that Spheris does NOT allow a Spheris MT
work concurrently for MQ - no exceptions.  MQ, on the other hand, does not have the same feelings as Spheris.  Just all I had to say so that MTs aren't misled into thinking they can do the same "legally". Even went to the ropes on this issue with Spheris, as I was professional as well, and wouldn't share info, etc. The point they raised was that MQ is their direct #1 competition, and if I was typing for MQ and doing great work, that was in direct conflict of interest with Spheris' best interests.  Guess which one I obviously stuck with!!
Thank you, Spheris recruiter! Anybody wanna place a bet that there are lots of Spheris
HELP WANTED ads on the job board?? So funny!! Out of the blue, Spheris, we love you!! Lets all run and apply NOW!!
I also know Spheris would fire you if they knew you worked for MQ. That is a BIG NO with Spheris!
Spheris - any spheris employees out there care to s/m
comment on the new Cornerstone platform, good, bad? Will we all be going to SR on this? Thanks.
My experience with Spheris isn't bad at all. I have been with Spheris sm
6 months and already have 40 hours PTO. I was shocked.  Spheris is a  great company.  After 90 days I did get my sign on bonus and didn't even have to ask.  There is soooooooooooooooo much that Spheris offer I wasn't even aware of.  I am so glad that I didn't listen to the negative posts on this board in regards to Spheris because I am a happy camper.
MQ vs Spheris
I worked for MQ about 5 years ago. I wouldn't recommend them. Not enough time to go into it. I understand things may have changed, but I still wouldn't recommend them. From what I've read on boards, they haven't changed.

I've been with Spheris for almost three months now and I really like it. I'm making good money working Mon-Fri and I'm not getting hounded by a supervisor for petty stuff. I enjoy working for Spheris. I say, give them a try!
Spheris is

Spheris is hiring for all shifts, PT and FT, acute and clinic.  I've been with them for about a year now and am really happy there, after having worked for 2 other nationals that I didn't have such great experiences with.

I'd be happy to pass your resume along to a recruiter, if you'd like, or answer any questions you have.  My email is carasoffice@yahoo.com.

Good luck!

They tell everyone that - not to say you are not a good MT.  But I was too, but when I reapplied, they said no - I think because all their new Spheris management is installed now, the ex-Edix management is probably gone (except those who fit in with the new regime), and they just don't want to be bothered with ex-Edix people.  Just my theory.  At any rate, plenty of us have posted on this board, so it is obvious that most if not all of us are not being rehired.
Try Spheris. NM
TO: MTMQ... Why are YOU making this business? Are you the board monitor. It's none of your business what anyone Or when anyone posts on this board.
And just how they going to get anyone's identity on here. What she is doing is NOT dishonest, It's smart because even if they do find out, she has another job to cover herself. BusyMT'ing is diong the right thing by protecting Her interests, which you have to do in this dog-eat-dog MT world. My hats off to you BusyMT'ing. You go girl. And if you really think about every MT company is competition for another MT company no matter how you look it. If one is independent, no company has any say what you do.. IC is the way to go. More pay and you answer to no one but yourself...
Yes, we will see. Spheris has only
acquired one company. Spheris was formed with the merger of Total eMed and EDiX. So, Spheris itself has only made one acquisition - HealthScribe/Acivis.

I think they have to get this acquisition settled before buying anything else and when/if they do make another purchase, I think it will be more global oriented, not US-based like MQ is. That is strictly my perspective.
OSI or Spheris
My husband came home on Friday and said he was going to be laid off soon.  I am still trying to accept this and what it means to our family budget.  I got a job offer from Spheris and OSi to begin in their mentor programs.  I am really lost and don't know which would be better for my family.  Please everyone give me the heads up on both companies.   I know Spheris offshores, but have plenty of work.  OSI seems to be running out of work.  Which program should I choose.  Both recruiters tell me their companies have plenty of work.  HELP
Spheris or OSI
OSI pays better than Spheris. I work at OSi on an account that runs out of work but I can make $500-600/wk...I worked for a lady locally and used to make $1000/wk on the same account, but she lost the account to OSI, and they keep a little more for themselves if you see what I mean. I know someone who worked at Spheris and only made $300-400 week, and then she made $600 wk at OSI. And let's just say her speed didn't bring her down.
re: spheris
I currently work for Spheris. I find their platform makes it difficult to get a decent line count.... it feels like I type alot more then what the platform tells me??
why Spheris...

MQ or Spheris
Keep looking. Don't go with either. You'll be sorry if you do. Have been with both and there are better options out there.
It's great if you have 20 years experience and like to make 8 dollars an hour.  They formulate it that way, so even if you get a raise, you get yet another pay cut.  McDonalds is sounding pretty good right about now!
I like it at Spheris
It amazes me how rumors fly around here - chained to the chair?  I don't think so!  I take breaks when  and as often as I want.  No clocking in and out for breaks.  I like the company and am quite happy there.
Yes, Spheris is currently hiring for radiology. They are a good company to work for supplies computer and reimbursement for phone service. Good benefits, too.
Currently, Spheris does not have IC/SE.
I doubt Spheris is in the picture for MQ though.

I'm sure that some MTs have been called by MQ Rewards Plan committee though I doubt all MQ MTs get on this board so we wouldn't necessarily hear about it.

I hope they don't do away with SE either.
Actually, I don't see that. Spheris has
leveled their accounts period. Whether you have 1 year of experience or 10 years of experience, if you work on a level 7 account you receive 0.0867 cpl as a base rate. Period. Flat out. No consideration is given to experience period. The incentive is based on WEEKLY production.

Sounds like MQ is basing pay on 2 factors --- years of experience AND level of account.

Of course, I realize SEs may become a thing of the past. However, I highly doubt it. I believe they would have stopped advertising and hiring SEs recently if that were true. They'd only be hiring FT and PT employees.

We'll see!

Did it take long for them to get back to you after you applied.  I just applied today.
what about spheris?
I am not familiar with their requirements.
No where near Spheris....Let me tell you --
Sounds like the info just posted on here about the packets is very credible -- although I have not received my packet yet.

If this is this plan, and I've put all this info together so far -- the pay is far better than Spheris. Even the different tiers and hours for shifts is better. The incentive is better.

All-in-all, this beats Spheris completely. Mind you, I love Spheris still but this pay plan beats them all around.

I thought that beforehand as well. Spheris' highest incentive was 0.015 and no bonuses. No extra incentives at any given time of the year period. No extra money to be made in anyway. MQ has offered a lot more than that for pay.

Just giving you what I know about both companies since I work for both.

I may well go FT with MQ once I talk to my PS and see if I can test and go to pathology and/or radiology (have done those for many years and enjoy both).

I appreciate the information posted here. I wish everyone peace and good guidance in deciding what is best for their individual situations.
Spheris? MQ?
So..which company is better..Spheris or MQ? 
Spheris does. Not as much though.
Spheris vs. MQ
I have never worked for Spheris, but am a high producer for MQ and make a lot of money. No complaints here.
Spheris? MQ?
They both are horrible. Neither is better than the other.
Telling Spheris won't do you any good. They have plenty of Indian MT's and are hiring more all of the time, so they don't really care if you leave. You would be better off to go to another company. Spheris is the worst in the business.

I'm a Transcriptionist with 17 years experience.  I worked 12 of those in a hospital, the last 5 as a subcontractor.  I need the benefits!!! 

I accepted a job with Spheris.  Now, I know it is much easier to complain on these boards, but, please try to include some good things about this company if you can!  Thanks!

If you accepted a job with them, why do you care what anyone else thinks? It's you job, your time and you will learn why there are so many complaints on this board, as you put it.

Good luck - you'll need it.
There is not much good to say about Spheris. All I can say is you will see in due time. They are just too big for their britches.
Well, honey, get ready for an eye-opening experience. You will have plenty of work but it will be on many different accounts and then they will have the nerve to have you change platforms and re-learn everything you are already used to just to give you more accounts every day. RUN before it is too late.
Yeah, that is the problem. There is work available. There is just no stability in it. You never get used to the account long enough to make any money on it. Then it will get caught up and you are forced to work on another, yet another, yet another account just to try to earn a paycheck. Also, if you do not meet your line count quota then you lose your benefits. How can you make your line count quota if you are account hopping several times a day?
Pretty soon this board is going to need a separate Spheris section just like they have for Medquist (lol). It is not as bad as Medquist but is a close second. Is it not ironic that Medquist is #1 and Spheris is #2 in the industry.

Don't go to Spheris.  They are Indian-givers.  The giveth...they taketh away. I am on my way out the door after a very long time.  I hear great things aboutWebMedX.

I will probably go there!


Can anyone who works for Spheris give me a bit of info on them? I've just applied and hope to speak to someone from there on Monday but would like a little head's up beforehand on what to expect (hiring process, work environment, etc)...the good, bad, and ugly! LOL

Sure would appreciate the input! Thanks!

Any info on Spheris? Good or Bad
Several MTs have left. Even the remaining supervisors don't get along at Spheris. Edix was a decent company. But they have some supervisors (my former supervisor) who have some real personal problems, and many employees avoid her at all costs via email or by phone. I know this because of what I witnessed the past 18 months. It's better to take your experience and go elsewhere for employment as many others have left and gone to SoftScript and other smaller companies looking for good MTs.
Stay away from Spheris!!!!
I worked for them for 2 years. I really had no complaints other than the pay and the way the lines added up. It depends on what level you are as to how much money you can make. The higher the level the more ESLs, but the more money you can make. It's all in the account you're assigned, the reports, etc.
I agree with PLEASE EXPLAIN YOUR STATEMENT OR SAY NOTHING AT ALL!!!! What good does it do to run them down and then not say why? I was very excited when I glanced and saw they provided a computer. Then the next thing I see is the stupid remark. For heaven's sake, For my sake, For everybody's sake; don't post a response and if you do, simply say why IN A NICE, PROFESSIONAL WAY why you feel they provide a lot of heartache. Your post just leaves people hanging wondering what you are talking about. Why is a little COMMON SENSE so hard to come by on these posts?? What IS the heartache? If it's true, you should be able to say so, again, IN A NICE, PROFESSIONAL WAY as COMMON SENSE tells us that no person and no COMPANY is perfect. So once again, WHAT IS THE HEARTACHE??

I worked at Healthscribe and it was taken over by spheris.  There is something wrong with that whole set up, and I would steer anyone away from working there.  The pay stinks, they require a high line count, that takes many 10-12 hours a day to get.  They bounce you all over from account to account.  Their guaranteed pay for downtime compensation is a joke....they get out of that on all technicalities that they can...and I mean technicalities.  They offshore so heavily and that is why their pay will always be low.  Why pay more when they can get it done for way less.  They don't care about the quality they get from India as they can afford to pay an Editor over here to edit the awful India reports that they receive as it is still cheaper for them to pay a cheap wage to India and then they underpay their editors as well!!  This company is trying to take over many of our smaller companies, so they can just be the largest company.  It is sad!!  The truth is they do not appreciate their workers.  They do not recogonize a job well done.  If you want to be just another number on the wall and not to be recognized, go ahead and work there.  If you want a rewarding MT career, I say stay away.  Their MTs are quitting every day as they cut back on benefits, never give raises, etc.  I like this one, they say you give yourself a raise!!  Good one...working harder to make more lines is not getting a well deserved raise!  It is working you harder.  A raise means, and is, a recognition by a company telling you, you are doing a good job.  They do not give these at this company, and keep all of their good MTs at a low pay rate, hence the reason most quit after a year or so with this company...They will never retain good long term MTs and they do not care!!  They give all of the good accounts and worktypes to India as they are easier, and keep all the hard accounts and worktypes here for the US MTs to struggle with.  Most all the MTs are sick of it and see through it quite quickly there, some get out, some don't make it out and just stay there and do what they can.  Sad for the MT world.  I think it is degrading to all of the MTs who work so very hard to be treated like this, and hope that someday all US MTs would get together and start an alliance to end this type of crap going on in these companies.  If we don't, it will never end!!  Hope you find a good position at a rewarding company!! 

I posted a response to another person about this company, please see that post...it is very informational
I would like to communicate via email with someone who currently works for Spheris.

Do they charge you for errors?
How does their QA work?
Are benefits any good...affordable for single coverage?
What production incentives do they offer?
Do you have the option of using your own PC?

I would really like to see the paperwork that they email a new hire so I don't waste mine or their time. Usually, you only get the paperwork after you have been offered and accepted the position.


I will copy and paste for you below a reply I gave someone else in this forum...take it for what it is worth, I am very since and not just another disgruntled employee.  Just a word of advice to save someone else headache...


I worked at Healthscribe and it was taken over by spheris.  There is something wrong with that whole set up, and I would steer anyone away from working there.  The pay stinks, they require a high line count, that takes many 10-12 hours a day to get.  They bounce you all over from account to account.  Their guaranteed pay for downtime compensation is a joke....they get out of that on all technicalities that they can...and I mean technicalities.  They offshore so heavily and that is why their pay will always be low.  Why pay more when they can get it done for way less.  They don't care about the quality they get from India as they can afford to pay an Editor over here to edit the awful India reports that they receive as it is still cheaper for them to pay a cheap wage to India and then they underpay their editors as well!!  This company is trying to take over many of our smaller companies, so they can just be the largest company.  It is sad!!  The truth is they do not appreciate their workers.  They do not recogonize a job well done.  If you want to be just another number on the wall and not to be recognized, go ahead and work there.  If you want a rewarding MT career, I say stay away.  Their MTs are quitting every day as they cut back on benefits, never give raises, etc.  I like this one, they say you give yourself a raise!!  Good one...working harder to make more lines is not getting a well deserved raise!  It is working you harder.  A raise means, and is, a recognition by a company telling you, you are doing a good job.  They do not give these at this company, and keep all of their good MTs at a low pay rate, hence the reason most quit after a year or so with this company...They will never retain good long term MTs and they do not care!!  They give all of the good accounts and worktypes to India as they are easier, and keep all the hard accounts and worktypes here for the US MTs to struggle with.  Most all the MTs are sick of it and see through it quite quickly there, some get out, some don't make it out and just stay there and do what they can.  Sad for the MT world.  I think it is degrading to all of the MTs who work so very hard to be treated like this, and hope that someday all US MTs would get together and start an alliance to end this type of crap going on in these companies.  If we don't, it will never end!!  Hope you find a good position at a rewarding company!! 

Spheris revealed this only within a meeting of shareholders, but fortunately some reporters from Business Weekly broke the story to the general public. I getting my resume and looking for a new position as soon as possible. Actually if I did get laid off it wouldn't be the worse thing that could happen because in 25 years of being a Transcriptionist they are by far the most dishonest company I have ever worked for.
Anyone who does not believe this is truly fooling themselves.  As a past worker for Spheris (please see my other posts) I forseen this coming long ago.  They certainly are gearing towards all India workers.  They have been sending more and more work over there all the time, many of the regulars lost their regular accounts as they sent them over to India.  How would that strike you after having been on this account for a long time, having built many templates, and such only to have your account sent to India.  I got out as I seen all the changes they were making all pointed towards everything going to India.  Much of it has happened already.  They have been phasing out many of their good MTs.  They have been setting everyone up for this for quite awile.  This is not rocket science.  They have been taking away the good accounts from the long time workers, changing them around, taking away benefits!!  Why would a company do that unless they want people to quit.  Well of course.  They want as many to quit as possible as it would be cheaper than laying them all off.  This has been going on for a year now and many, including myself, have quit.  I say for the rest of you...hang in there and let them lay you off and pay you unemployment benefits.  It serves them right....DO NOT KID YOURSELVES, India will get a majority of the Spheris work.  They have built how many new offices there.  If no has ever seen the India work, let me tell you...it is bad.  But obviously, this company does not care.  Like I have stated before, cheaper to underpay an Editor to fix the work they are getting for near nothing over there.... The work quality is terrible.  The hospitals who allow this to go on are the ones who are culprits along with companies like Spheris.  I can tell you I would not allow my transcripts to get done by Indian MTs...no one should.  We pay more for healthcare here, only to have our hospitals that we pay good money to send their work to India.  Something is not right in this equation....I think this maybe needs to see the Dateline program and many other programs and the lid needs to be blown off all this crap going on.....
I love it!
Yes, it is pretty darn peachy, isn't it?