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That sure was tacky or them.

Posted By: me on 2007-12-24
In Reply to: I was sent a gift card by mistake- addressed to my supervisor - MT


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Very tacky!
They are basically saying, You're not important enough to get a gift, that was for someone else, so $%@! you! What a joke!
no.. it is misleading and tacky
of her to do that.
Totally agree on the ones that send it openly to all services. Tacky and
not professional. Also to those who make resumes out like a medical report, you can't read them if you are a recruiter. For one thing, you are not supposed to name the patient so not a good idea to substitute applicant's name there because it shows you do not know the rules. Second, you cannot tell anything about experience and it is difficult to read these medical report type of resumes. I am sure other recruiters get them too and I have no idea who gave MTs the idea for these totally ridiculous responses to advertisements.