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Then how are you being threatened to work your schedule

Posted By: NM on 2007-06-18
In Reply to: What threatening emails? - HUH?


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    They want you to keep your schedule for TAT purposes but will work with you to find a good schedule
    I love working there.
    I threatened harrassment when she
    me after I left SS. And, in the email she had sent to me, she was condemning her employees for their lack of attention. So, I e mailed her back and condemned her for HER lack of attention and inability to remove e mail addresses. IT WAS QUITE COMMICAL, I must admit.
    They'd pay even faster if threatened with
    you calling their clients. I doubt very seriously the client wants to be called to court as a witness of work done under your name.
    I didn't say they did, I said our STM threatened us
    with having to offshore if we couldn't keep work in TAT.   It made we think that it was in the works to offshore. 
    MDI-MD is great but we do occasionally get threatened by
    Dorothy that she will hire more MTs to the account when the account gets out of TAT.
    She acts as if she feels threatened and angry
    At least that was my impression of her.

    You're right though. She'll get her come-down some day.

    They have to be flexibility because of the erratic work flow. No sense in a schedule if no work..
    Work schedule? (sm)
    I am trying to come up with a schedule that will work well with an every other Sunday in it.  I work a 5-day week.  Any suggestions from MTs who also work this type of schedule?  I really prefer to have 2 days off in a row, but I don't know how I can do that on the weeks that I work the Sundays. 
    If you have to work set schedule, you are no IC.
    You should be an IC then if you don't work a schedule
    There is a reason for schedules. How would you feel if you owned a company and the employees worked whenever they felt like it whether or not STAT's were waiting. Transtech is very flexible but if you don't want to work a schedule you need to be an IC where you can work whenever you feel like it and let the owners worry about other people being dependable. It's not just TransTech - it's any company with employees. Look for an IC job.
    I don't work there, but if you have a set schedule

    that they need to be available 24 hours a day to be there when the work is there.  Transtech has a lot to learn about being family friendly for domestic MTs.  After all, that is what they hire right (domestic MTs)? 

    Also, maybe they ought to stop overhiring and get over themselves!  JMO and I don't even work for them and probably wouldn't looking at this board.  Boy, they were a hot number a while back, but now they've shown their true colors. 

    Don't be mad OP; everyone is entitled to their opinion.  If you like working all hours of the day and night, then have at it, but don't bash the MTs that aren't in a position or don't want to be abused in that fashion. 

    You'd think they would love someone to work that schedule.
    Where have you applied? If I was an MTSO, I would love people to work that schedule.
    keystrokes work schedule
    Do you have to work your entire 8-hour shift or can you stop once you reach minimum daily lines? thanks.
    As long as anyone's work schedule is
    approved by their supervisor, that is between them and their supervisor, not anyone else's business.
    You are required to work your schedule, even

    if you get your lines in.  OT is paid at the standard 1-1/2 times your rate, but you don't get OT for typing over 1200 lines a day, unless you do the lines outside your normal schedule.  If you are scheduled to work 9 to 5 whatever lines you do are at your line rate.  If you work before 9 or after 5 those lines will be paid at 1-1/2 times your rate, so if you make 10 cpl, then OT will be 15 cpl.  Also there is a shift differential.  I'm not sure the exact hours are per shift, but if you work anything other than first shift there is a differential. Third shift pays a higher differential than second.

    They also pay for downtime, so if the servers are down or there is a lack of work (which we have been on OT for months), then you keep track of your time and they pay an hourly rate.  If you are a productive MT you would make more money typing, but at least it is something.  You aren't required to make up lines outside your shift either.

    Any company out there that allows you work without setting a schedule?
    I am looking to pick up some extra cash but cannot really commit to a set schedule. There are a few times a week when I have a few hours (especially on the weekends) that I could type and would love to do some extra work.
    Set-in-stone schedule or will they allow a window for work? nm
    they call you if you don't work your schedule shift
    you _signed_ a contract to work a schedule with them?
    It is IC work, no benefits, make your own schedule. sm

    The pay is a bit on the low side for IC work, but the work is easy, the people are great, and the pay is always on time, once a week, direct deposit.  Hope this helps.

    I have to work 8-hour strict schedule SM
    Platform is either Chartmatrix or Enterprise, average pay, the company is just average all around.  It's not horrible but it also isn't great.  Up until 6 months ago I would have recommended to give them a try, but they have started this downhill slide, feels more like Spheris now.  I have felt this for the last 6 months.  When the job market opens up a bit more I'm going to look around.
    Do you work a straight 8-hour schedule?
    On a good day when there is a lot of work available, I can make about $120 in 5 hours.  Plus that 5 hours is when 'I' want to do it throughout the day.  On an average day, I make about the same amount of money in about 6 to 6-1/2 hours.  Since I have been doing this job for so many years, my old body can't take sitting and typing for an extended period of time.  I really don't know if I could handle working 8 hours a day anymore. 
    Threaten us to work our schedule, and if we do, then there is no work
    Some of us have been threatened about working my schedule, but when there is no work . . . I CANNOT WORK MY SCHEDULE . . . . no-win situation !
    While I think it would be difficult to work a very strict schedule at home - sm
    I do believe that every MT should have a window in which they are expected to do their work. That benefits everyone involved, the MT, the company, as well as the hospital. I pretty much adhere to the same hours every day, unless something unexpected (emergency situation) comes up. I just think it is easier that way. However, in the summer time, I like to adjust my hours a bit to be able to work in the early a.m. while the kids are still sleeping. I work the same hours over the summer though. Working at home around your family is not easy, so there has to be a little flexibility on both sides. Going to an office to work without your everyday family and life interruptions, I believe, is quite different.
    My schedule is approved and it is up to Transtech to provide work

    They should not be hiring an abundance of MT's to cover schedules just to provide client with such tight TAT, yet not have enough work to cover that MT's schedule that TT approved.   A service cannot keep MT's that way.  TT has so few accounts anyway, that it is hard to provide enough work for a whole lot of MT's.  That is really where the problem lies.  They should get out and seek more accounts, rather than hiring and hiring.

     I hate to go to the trouble of filing unemployment, but it is getting to that point.

    Your point is...? If I sign a contract to work a schedule...sm

    ...then I am obligated to work that schedule. 

    If I happen to get all my lines in during 4 hours, then fantastic for me - but if I have contracted to be on for 6 hours, I still need to be on for 6 hours.  A schedule is a schedule. 

    I was just making the point that I do not have to actually punch in and punch out.

    Does Webmedx has a strict schedule or a window to get work done?
    I tried searching boards, but too many entries came up. Thanks
    Loyalty to Companies Who Have No Work and Expect a Schedule from YOU

    There have been many discussions about MT's sitting around waiting for work to file into their queues.. many being told to get more than a few accounts and work on their backups (which, we all know, is someone's primary account)  when their primary is out of work.. so we go 'round in circles. 

    Then we have discussions about companies putting us in work pools as opposed to assigning us work daily...

    I have been sitting here thinking, if I were a painter, wanted to paint fences, and I showed up with my brush and paint bright and early in the morning, and was told to come back tomorrow, the fence has already been painted, but there will be another fence ready to paint tomorrow, please come back, we want you to paint our fences.. I say, OK, I understand, and so I come back tomorrow and when I get there I see that half of the fence has been painted already, someone came before me and painted it, even though I was promised the work of painting the fence.  They say, try again tomorrow.  How many days would you show up to paint a fence? Every day? Don't you (eventually) feel like an idiot standing there with your brush and paint with nothing to do??

    Does the company owe you any loyalty at all??  If they don't want your services, why don't they just say so instead of keeping you coming back ready to paint every day?  Then when it DOES get busy, they call and say WHERE IS EVERYBODY??? DONT YOU CARE ABOUT PAINTING THE FENCE?  Like we havent been standing there with our brushes all week waiting to paint.

    What I don't understand is the lack of shame from the people who behave this way.   Once in a while things happen..NOT AS A MATTER OF BUSINESS. 

    I really don't understand the logic of the people who have no problem with this.  You do understand that by doing this, you are simply helping these companies to continue in this fashion, not feeling that they owe you ANYTHING.

    Overhiring is really the finaly insult.  If you don't see that.. you are closing your eyes.

    I agree they have WAY over hired, but I am required to work my schedule..you got it made then!

    Acute and/or clinic work? Set schedule or flexible hours? Thank you! nm

    The setting your own schedule thing varies. For example, physicians who work in the ER may be
    independent contractors, rather than employees, if they are moonlighting on weekends or whatever. But notice they are told what hours to work... There's no way to keep a transcription service alive with people working whatever hours they feel like whenever they feel like. That's just not reasonable.
    Why would anyone what to work for practically nothing. I make 5 cpl editing, flexible schedule etc.
    As long as they can get people to take those ridiculous wages that is what they will offer. Your an IC so you have no benefits, thus they do not have much of an overhead and you can bet they are getting a whole heck of a lot more cpl than they are offering their MTs.. but I guess that is the only reason they are in business... to make a huge profit. Unfortunately, at YOUR expense. What a sad day... 1.5 cpl..
    Your kidding yourself; NO 12-hour window at Transtech AT ALL! You work your schedule EXACTLY !
    This is a fact and all TT MT's know this.
    Transhealth editors? Anyone with information on pay, work schedule, benefits, platform
    I would appreciate any information before taking their test without knowing the scoop.  Thanks!
    Need good small company to work for with flexible schedule - e-mail me.nm
    DSG is awesome-pay on time, management is great, plenty of work, flexible schedule. nm

    I actually switched from a M-F schedule to a S-T schedule...sm
    because of the financial situation.  I was offered a lot better money to work this schedule on a particularly picky account.  I can live with working on Sunday evenings because that is when my 2 teenage kids, also very active in sports, band, church, driving, dating, social life, etc., etc., are vegging on the couch, relaxing for the evening before it all starts again.  It was worth the sacrifice to me to be able to afford all the activities, and it really is not much different than working the M-F shift.  I do have Fridays off to kind of catch my breath while the kids are at school or go and take care of business.  I do not feel I have given up any of my life to work on Sundays.  Most companies will be flexible on the schedule for Sunday because of church, family dinner, whatever.  The way I look at it is later on, I may be able to switch to a M-F schedule if I am willing to give a little now.  Even if I don't, to me it was worth it for the extra money and mommy time I get on Fridays.  I am widowed so I do put a lot of time into my kids.  This is just what works for me.  On the other hand, it is ok to only want to work M-F, there is nothing wrong with that.  You have to do what is best for you. 
    U.S. only, very steady work, some VR, good pay, good insurance, no PT, schedule. sm
    That should cover it!
    Do you give them a set schedule or a window of when you will work? What confuses me about the "set schedule" is that we are contracted to produce certain # lines, not hours. So if you are satisfied with your line count but are scheduled for 8 hours, do you still have to complete all 8?

    Also, I haven't asked them yet, but are we allowed to work extra hours/days outside our schedules?

    How are they with time off? How much notice would you give for a 1-week vacation?
    Right now I have no set schedule, so I will
    I never ever have the same schedule sm
    and it's worked fine for years now. I don't know what I can do - this flexibility is the only reason I have stuck with MQ this long.

    I read through all the posts below yesterday, and a couple of them mention a grid with all days and hours listed and you have to mark what hours you will work (but that this has to be approved by supervisor).  It didn't sound like it had to be continuous hours and you could work several split shifts.

    I agree about needing the flexibility.  It's the only reason I have stayed with MQ.  I  am a part time SE too and I have another full time job.  Half of the time I am available to work, there is no work to do,  so I have had to be flexible to even get in my quota.  I know if I give them a set schedule, there won't be work half the time, so what do you do then?   Another thing, my schedule changes from week to week, and from what I read below, it sounds like it is just one grid, so that would mean that your schedule would have to stay the same from week to week -- doesn't work for me either. 

    It's too bad -- they are going to lose a lot of good MTs over this





    No, not still with them. No set schedule.
    You are an IC with them. You have 24 hours to complete your work and return via FTP site. At least that was my routine on my account. Don't know if every account is the same.

    I no longer work for them as I went out and got my own accounts and the account I was on with them was lost to a larger national - go figure!

    They are pretty decent company, but I don't know what kind of work load they have - you will have to talk with them.

    Like I said, pay is always on time, correct and accurate, and you work as an IC, last I knew.

    All you can do is give them a try.

    As far as work load, 1200 lines a day +/-. Not enough for me!

    Not too bad, if you like a schedule
    I worked for them for about 2 years.  I had worked as an IC and thought I would try switching to employee status.  They were great in the fact that they sent all my equipment, training was even fun (great trainers), supervisor and tech support always responded quickly.  However, once you set a schedule you must adhere to it.  You are actually only allowed to deviate once a month, depends on your supervisor though.  For me, that was a problem.  After being an IC for many years it was hard to go back to a schedule.  I'm working as an IC again now and hope I never have to go back to being an employee.  I wish you luck!
    They ask you the schedule you will be
    working. It works out well for me because I work in the morning and again at night.
    MDI-MD schedule
    When I was hired, I was told I could make my own schedule as long as I worked two Saturdays a month. It works for me. They get the needed coverage and I get time with my family.
    Do ICs have a set schedule? sm

    I've never really worked as an IC but now am considering PT IC work but honestly doubt I could adhere to a set schedule because I have a FT QA job as an employee.  Are there companies that hire without having one? 



    schedule (sm)
    It is really not that rigid.  They would like to know when you are on; for example, should they have a stat or something and want to route it to you.  I have never encountered a problem there even though I have been there less than a year.  I take a lot of breaks, but not really long ones.  If I have to go out for something, they only want you to let them know.  I guess the main reason would be, like if you are scheduled for 5 a.m. start and you work on preops, that could potentially cause a problem if you don't get on till 7. I have never had a problem with this, though. 
    schedule (sm)
    I pretty much stick to my schedule also.  I do take a lot of breaks, cause at my age, I stiffen up if I don't - LOL - there have been several occasions where something has come up and they have always been nice about it and let me make it up.  I'm also happy there.
    There's some that let you schedule...sm
    8 hours in a 12-hour window. Maybe someone else knows more.
    They like a schedule or idea when your are going to be working so they can staff the account properly but sometimes I will work a few hours in the morning, take off a few hours and come back in the evening. In other words, your not tied to sitting there 8 hours straight. The jobs are put in your queue when you ask for them. They usually just come up a few at a time and say you had 3 in the queue. You finished one and had to go somewhere then it'd just throw the other two back into the queue for someone else to pick up. Not a big deal. I have never worked for a company so flexible. I love it. I get my lines in but I do it around my schedule with kids and other things in my life. Hope that helps some.