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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Which companies have work?

Posted By: SandraDee on 2009-08-03
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Anyone out there NOT run out of work at all? I know summers are slow but this is the worst ever. Any companies out there have plenty of work on a consistent basis in 2009?

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I do not work for them, but I have done recruiting for companies of their type of work
It is A LOT different than regular medical transcription. The pay is a little less (unless you are proficient and fast), but the work is harder in that there are multiple people speaking and the nature of the medical advisory boards are quite detailed. I receive quite a few resumes of medical transcriptionists wanting to do this type of work, but when you test them, it is a whole different ballgame.

Good luck and let me know how you do on the test!

There are still companies that need your work by a certain
done by then, whatever your schedule is in completing it...just as long as it is in by the deadline. I recently IC'd for a company who would send me work first thing in the morning and I had to have it back by noon the next day. That worked for me and met their contract requirements.
It does work for some companies. OTI is one. Please
don't speak for all companies when you so obviously don't know that some companies DO only hold you to a weekly quota. They've found that people still seem to fall into a rather predictable schedule, and they're able to manage accordingly. It's rather comical seeing all these posts saying that just won't work. It can and does. As an MT there, I had unlimited work available and was only on one account. It never worked better at any job I've been an MT at. Every other placed bounced me around from account to account.
Top 10 companies to work for?
The moderate size company I have been working for is closing its doors after the loss of their big account.

I'm getting mom and pop offers and private accounts, but wondering about the safety of going with a big national company.

The only big name I am aware of is MedQuist. I would appreciate simply a list of the big players. In addition, any reviews and suggestions of companies with the most satisfied workforce would be most helpful. I have a great variety of experience, but went to work for a company right out of school and I am not very aware of other medical transcription companies.
I work IC for two companies, and have
You are an IC making your own schedule and as long as you give them some notice and don't abuse ... should not be a problem. I haven't encountered any problems taking vacation yet ... we'll see what happens at holiday time, but to me, that's their problem when they employ ICs ... you don't earn paid time off, and as an IC, you don't get paid for your time off. I don't know of any ICs who abuse it, so it should not be a problem for most.
Most companies work this way
once you start increasing your line count and making decent money, they either move you to another account or bring on the worst dictators they have.  Good Luck!
I work for several companies and

one of them gave me a nice bonus.  Not unheard of...

I work for 2 companies
For one company I have one main account and fill in on another account when the need it. For the second company I just have one account. I'm looking for a third company to have part-time as well. I like to have 3 *main* accounts. They are all pretty different but I have folders for each account and just glance through it as a refresher before I start working on each one.
companies to work for
Has anyone worked for Spheris or OSI. Any info would be helpful.
Most companies will work with you
Do you have a good rapport with your supervisor and good report quality? You can't expect to be in top form when you first start.

companies with work
Are there any companies out there that actually have enough work to keep you busy after they hire you and tell you there is plenty of work when there is none?
I work for 2 companies and I got something from one of them
In fact, I was surprised because I don't do much work for them and have only been with them a short time. But I got a $25 gift card and a nice card. My main company did send a card, but not a gift.
Are there any companies out there that let you work as many

Which companies have ER work?
Looking for ER transcription. Do you know which companies offer this?
Companies that work off of FTP

Is there any companies working off of simple programs where I dont have to go through all the who ha to download? What ever happened to FTP sites and simple things. IF anyone can recommend a company that has easy platforms to start I would appreciatte the help.

TIA again,


Some companies will work with you. I
was at 1 where I worked only 6 weeks and had figured out it wasn't for me workwise (constantly running out of work) and was offered another job. When I sent in my notice, I was asked if I would stay provided I didn't have to work weekends. So, nothing is written in stone.
They use other companies to do work...
I know for a fact that they use other companies to do thier jobs because I worked at the company that was doing thier overflow work.  They tell thier own employees they are out of work while giving it to another company...they lie!  Not overseas people, but other US MTs working for another company.   Maybe it's really because they don't have enough employees at the time, but I seriously doubt it when so many MTs are begging for work.  I am so tired of all these companies using each other and being a partner with someone else.  Some companies have 5 different names all under one large company.  TTD is an example of this, seems they don't have any of thier own accounts, all hiring for other companies.  WebMedx pretends to be a stand alone company....well they are not!   I am not the suck poster, but YES, they do suck!  
Companies you work for
Would you two mind sharing the names of the companies you both work for?
I work for 2 companies
Both of which are very well respected on these boards, and nothing from either of them. Not even a cursory Thank You email. This is my first MT week with both of these companies and unless there's a surprise in my mailbox today, I have to admit I'm a bit disheartened. Not that they aren't great employers but I can't help but feel a bit taken for granted.

Okay, end of pity party and back to work...At least the fact I get my paychecks on time proves they ARE aware of my existence, I guess, lol!
I work for two different companies and
have two different platforms.  I have never had any conflict with them and had one installed while the other was already on my computer.  In fact, I have run both at the same time!  So, it is possible. 
can you work for two different trans companies?
just wondering if this was okay and/or legal?
Companies that do not offshore work

Are there any companies that pay a good line rate and are good to there MTs that do not offshore there work?  I am trying to help a friend looking for part time work, but she is staying clear of those that offshore..

Any help would be appreciated.

Why are so many companies running out of work?

It seems like MQ is the company most people are complaining about, but lately someone from Amphion told me they were running out of work, too.

So why does this happen? I understand with MQ because of all the changes, but why Amphion? Or perhaps it was just the one person having trouble with their one account?

Companies with clinic work
Are there any companies with clinic work where the work is available all the time (and not necessarily assigned in batches at certain times of the day)?  Thank you! 
Companies that have no work current for all MTs are

constantly hiring.   This is flu season - doctor's office are full and so are the hospitals.   People are also taking vacations so probably some MTs are taking off here and there, but there may also be some MTs that are trying to make extra $$ and working extra.   I remember back a few years ago the week before and week of Thanksgiving we worked like dogs because the hospital was trying to get everyone home for the Thanksgiving.  

For it to be slow is one thing, for lots of people to not be getting any lines at all some days is not acceptable, especially when the company currently has an ad running and especially when they are known to offshore. 

Both are great companies to work for.
which companies do internet work -
as opposed to having to have a second phone line? Thanks.
Companies promising work

This is in response to Sitting-on-my-hands.  This seems to be the trend with medical transcription companies these days.  I currently work for 3 different companies and all have been short or out of work completely for the past month or longer.  These companies want a stock of experienced transcriptionists, however, they do not wish to pay anyone on any other scale other than pay-per-line.  That way, they still have the Transcriptionist on the line in the event of STAT accounts and have no outgoing expense.  Believe it or not, most companies are offended if you ask if they pay for downtime.  Medical transcription is a skill developed over years and not your typical work-pool environment.  Thank you for listening, but this is definitely a sore spot with me, especially lately. (P.S. - It is not my choice to work for 3 different companies, however, achieving a good income with one is difficult, especially when the work is cut off closer to the end of the pay periods.

Thank you for listening.


I work for two companies and love them both
StenoMed and Executive Transcription Solutions.
Can anyone tell me which companies other than the big one hires MTs for DQS and how are they to work
for.  Any opinions.  Nice to work for with decent work or not so much.
I work for 2 companies and both treat me very well. sm
Contented MTs generally don't come to these boards to complain, so our side is not represented well.

There are some very good companies out there. I've managed to find 2!

BTW, we're not nickeled and dimed. We're pennied, or ha'pennied!

Unlike government employees, we're paid on production, so lots of work gets done.


Is anyone working on DQS for 2 different companies and how does this work out for you. nm
Does anyone know of any companies that have clinic work?

Hi, I would like to do clinic work instead of acute care. I would like to know if anyone know of any companies that have clinic work. Your reply back will be highly appreciated! Thank you so much!

Also, sorry if this post shows up twice. I tried posting this question already but I don't see it so I thought I would try posting it again....Again, thank you!

They seem to work for select companies (sm)

and most of those companies were ones I'd not had crossed off my list (for one reason or another) for before I contacted them.  I was looking for a QA position (since that is what I have been working), and the QA positions she did have weren't even comparable to what I was already making.  Mind you, this was when Tammy Sereday was working for TM.  I contacted her a while after my initial contact to see if there were any new positions, and she had left the company.  She did forward my email to Pam Trotter.  Needless to say, they had nothing for me then, so I haven't contacted them since.  I'm still where I was... but not for long.

Anyone work for 2 companies at same time?
I have heard of people doing this, where they are heavy part-time with 2 different companies.  First of all, is it even legal?  Secondly, how does it work... do you just keep up 1 monitor and bounce back and forth between towers?  Finally, does it really help with the lack of work issues or do you tend to be out of work at both places simultaneously.  Thanks for the info.  Please feel free to email me if needed.
I do not work for KS but have worked for enough companies to know that sm
you are on your own for training after a brief training for the most part but that if you ask questions, you will get answers. I would prefer that, with a good manual, than sitting in a few 8-hour days of training, which has happened at 2 companies. I learn fast and get bored with long training. Different strokes for different folks :)
Good companies to work for.
Can anyone list 3 or more companies that are really good to work for? I am looking for employe status. I just left a company where I really got burned and ended up getting laid off because of no work for WEEKS. I really want a reliable company and any helpful information would be great. I have 5 years experience. Any advice would be so helpful. Thank you for your time.
Which companies hire for VR work?

I would like to go back to doing VR work.  I think I am more productive with it.  Who is hiring for VR work, are they good companies, and do you feel more productive doing VR versus straight typing?   Thanks

Any companies hiring for M-F work
I have 10+ years of experience as an MT and need to have a Monday through Friday schedule because that is what works with my kids, school, and their summer sports.  Are there any companies hiring experienced MTs for M-F work? Thanks
Which companies pay the highest for VR work? nm

However, some of MQ's work is being subcontracted out to other companies, nm
Yes. I will not work for companies which offshore.
If we all did that, the companies would have no choice but to come back and give us our jobs back.
Which companies have work pools...sm
I am curious.  I would like to find a place to work part-time that has a pool, and when I don't have work at my other job I can do work there.  Any ideas? 
Are there any companies that are not having a lack of work right now? sm
I like my company but there has been a lack of work for a couple of months now. This may be is a result of the economy, but they are still hiring.

I don't want to, but I am considering applying elsewhere. The problem is, I may be jumping from the frying pan into the fire if a lack of work is industry-wide because of the economy or other reasons. Is it the same out there for everyone?

What companies have a decent platform to work on, .

have employee status, lots of work, and minimal confusion and disorganization?   Can do the big 4 for acute care.

Best companies for radiology (pay, work, bennies)?
Any input appreciated - need to leave the convention center...
I work for 3 companies part time and....
don't have any work either. I made $50 in two weeks for one company, $40 for the other and $300 for the third. What a joke!! I do have to make a living to pay our house payment. I have been at this for almost 20 years....so SAD!!
There are companies that manage to make it work. OTI, for example. nm
Are there any companies left that do not work on platforms?
I have five years' experience but have never worked on a platform before.  I have worked straight out of my own version of Microsoft Word and am nervous about my productivity with learning a new platform.  Can you still use Expanders with platforms?  Any info would be helpful. Thanks.
Sounds like TTS - Most companies using eScription run out of work often. nm