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page versus line

Posted By: Michele on 2007-02-23
In Reply to: Paid by the Page - luv2type

Thanks for your resonse. The office told me they page $3.00 for first page and then $1.50 thereafter. It is an ortho doc so I am not sure how long their dictations are. I am assuming relatively short. I just want to make sure I am not leaving a .10cpl job for less. Thanks again.

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page pay versus per line pay
Does anyone know which is better to get paid by the line or the page?  A local doctor just offered me a position but they pay by the page. 
Could someone help me with the figuring out of gross line versus character line? sm
I have generally been paid by character line, 65-character line.  Now, I have had job opportunities offering to pay gross line but it like 3 cents cheaper than what I am being paid now.  A few places I have read that gross line is MUCH better, but is it much better if the pay is so much lower?  Please explain how it works or equals out.  This position has offered me 6 cents per gross line - what would that equal out to in character lines?  Thanks...so confused...
MDI versus MedScribe versus SoftScript versus Transsolutions versus TransHealth. SM

I'm getting ready to start applying and these are the companies that I'm looking at.  So give me the low-down.  Good, bad, India?

Here are my criteria:

9 cpl or better

Does NOT send work to India

Good accounts with at least 50/50 of ESL versus American dictators

Consistent work flow - no downtime or time spent waiting for work

Upper management should be professional, positive, and encouraging.

Pay for lines WITH spaces.

Is there such a job out there or am I just dreaming?  If there are other companies other than the ones I listed that would fit the bill, please feel free to let me know. I tested with TransHealth and I felt like I tanked.  It was a hard test and I had to use the mouse to stop and start the dictation as it was online test and you couldn't download the voice files.  So that made it a lot more difficult.  One of the dictators was cutting himself off through the report and I had to leave some blanks.  I'm very frustrated with this whole process of looking and testing.  Are all the tests like that?  Or are there companies that allow you download the test files and transcribe them using your pedal and software?  Ugh!  I am just so frustrated and discouraged.

Thanks for any helpf.

Line versus report

I do radiology for a large national and a small service. The large national pays per examination not report and the small service pays per line.  If the large national were paying per line, I would make a lot more than I do now due to the fact that most of the reports I type for them are very long (some as long as 15 minutes!). If I were being paid per line, I would be happy to type these long winded reports, but I am not getting paid like that by them. The small service pays me per line and when I get a long report, instead of thinking, Oh no!, I am thinking :CA-CHING!! Every account is different but this has been my experience after 11 years.  Good luck to you.

line versus report
I am getting paid by the report and have always gotten paid by the line. Maybe thats my problem. I make my quoata most days, but when we have a lot long reports back to back, I only get half of my quota and that's my big concern. Even with short reports, I usually type 1600 to 1850 lines per day and with the long reports, making only half my quota (64), I had 1240 lines and was just discouraged, as I only make 1.05 per report.  
Hourly versus line
Do not give up your hourly job. I had an hourly job until about three weeks ago and then hospital outsourced and now working per line. Everyone is running out of work and we have to wait on reports to trickle through. We are not making anything like we used to and will have to take a second job just to make up for loss. We are all depressed and upset and as usual they have overstaffed, but they said they would not, but they have. If you like your job stick it out. At least you will know what your paycheck will be.
pay by page vs line
Hmmm...I work by line and I pull in over $4000 per month.  I'd hardly call that no money. 
per page/per line

I know of MTs that charge $2 per page and make good money but I would question if you are cheating yourself especially with a report that is very long.  This may benefit a MT who is typing a lot of short reports.  I would prefer being paid per line when transcribing lengthy reports just for the fact that you are paid for every single character and space.  But, I would prefer being paid per page when transcribing many short reports because of the time its take to enter in patient information in each report, which slows down productivity.  So, base your decision on what you are transcribing and other factors. 

pay per line better or pay per page?

For those who know, is better to be paid per page or per line?


page vs line
An ortho that I had did a lot of consults, letters and longer chart notes  and had more long reports of more than 30 lines than short.   So you might see if you can see some examples of what he dictates.  Even if you get .10 per 65 characters that is about 2000 characters = $ 3 and so look at it that way.  Especially if a consult is 2-3 pages,  that would only be $4.50 to $6 for the report.  But again, see if you can see a sample of his dictation or talk with the gal that is or was doing it.  Also make sure that there is not more than one patient to a page because if there is that is too low.  Check what margins they use also and what font as that makes  a big difference on how many lines on a page.  Good luck.   I was charging $3 a page way back in 1980's.   Good luck.   Try to talk them into per line and tell them that way they are paying for the work that is actually produced and not half a page.  
I am wondering which is better.  Is gross line better than 65 character line with spaces.  Thanks
Being paid by the word versus line
I just got offered a job making $5.00 per 1,000 words.  I have never been paid by the word.  I hear I am getting ripped off bit time.  Can somebody explain to me what the difference is getting paid by the word versus getting paid by the line?  I am a new MT and want to make sure I am getting paid correctly.  Thanks!
radiology line versus report
I think the answer is to ask your recruiter at the start about the account you will be on and hope she will be truthful. I was outsourced from a hosp. not long ago, offered a job with the company hospital was going with so already knew the docs and reports. These were very wordy docs and the new company was going to pay us by report. Didn't not take the job because I knew ahead of time the reports were much too long to be paid by report.
Would have taken the job if
only they had paid by line.
Asked up front next time about account and was told
reports were mostly short
and normal. I was lucky
enough to find truthful recruiter. Hope this helps.
High line rate versus possible lines per hour....

I'd like your opinions...  I think it's more important to be able to produce a high line count than what your actual cents per line rate is.  $0.10/line means nothing to me if I have to struggle to produce 200 lines per hour because of their format or platform.  I'd rather make $0.07/line if I can count on producing 500 lines per hour. 


Just something to think about when you interview with a potential employer who tries to dazzle you with a high line rate.  I always ask about the average line counts and if they have auto-populated headings.  We don't get paid for auto-populated headings (which can make a significant difference in our line counts), yet I'm sure the service bills the hospital for them. 

Not at all. Worked for the NJ company. Used to pay by the page or partial page. Don't know about
Some comments on page 2 of this board, middle of the page. nm
there is a thread further down this page or possibly the next page
I transcribed for Compuscribe years ago. Had no problems, just low pay but no problems.
Go to the bottom of the page and click on a page
number to get the most recent archives and then can do Ctrl F and do a search for WebMedX.   I wouldn't call them a small national.  
Page 2, scroll down towards the middle of the page, NM
Some WMX posts on page 4 here near the top of the page. nm
A line is a line is a line. Doesn't matter if we are talking about radiology or acute care.

1600 is not a fair minimum requirement.  Sure you can achieve 1600, it shouldn't be the required minimum.

Means a line is a line is a line, even if it only has one word on the line
it is considered a line. 
"a line is a line" means gross line.
Gross line is a line, no matter how long or short.
MQ versus others
Neither do I......
SE versus IC
I thought they were the same, so I guess I am the one with the missing brain cell!
IC versus SE

I know the SS differences between the 2 but can anyone tell me is there any real advantage of being an SE versus an IC?  Why did MQ do away with SE?  Do you think this will be growing trend with companies?

RN versus MT
Take the R.N. course. I wish I had taken it at an earlier age. You will have a job that you can depend on with good salary. Don't make the same mistake I made.

Good luck.
RN versus MT
So true!!!
SE versus IC - sm
If you got 8 cents as an SE, what do you think this would calculate to in line rate as an IC - 9 cents?  By this, I mean SE helps with your taxes but by how much would you estimate?  Anyone know? 
QA versus MT?

I was just offered a QA position.  If I accept the position, it will be my first QA job.  According to my calculations, I would only make about a dollar more an hour on average by staying a production MT than I would as QA with this particular company, who pays their QA staff by the hour.  I am wondering, is being offered QA anything like a promotion in the industry, or is it more of a lateral move/matter of preference?  Would love to hear opinions on pros and cons of QA  Thanks!

BS versus DQS
I have used them both and produce about 150 more lph on Bayscribe.
MDI versus MDI-MD
Would appreciate clarification - Are these the same company, the one located in Gaithersburg, Maryland? Thanks in advance.
MDI versus MDI-MD
Thank you for your response. Do you happen to know if the one in Maryland is the one that people generally refer to as a good company to work for and one that and does not send work out of the US?
MQ versus Webmedx
Been and done MQ...now at Webmedx and enjoying my job again. Nice to feel valued.
SE versus IC. I know there is s simple

but I'm a math retard.  If an SE made 10 cpl and an IC also made 10 cpl, and everything else were equal, then the SE is actually making more because half of the 15% social security tax is paid by the employer.  So the SE makes 7.5% more than the IC, correct?

Now here's where I'm a math retard.  If you take that 7.5% into account, what is the SE's *real* line rate?  Sure, it's still cpl but when you figure the employer is paying 7.5% of the taxes then does that make the line rate actually more like 10.75 cpl?  Or am I off on my math?

I have to agree with you that job hopping can look unprofessional. I have a bit of dilemma though: I am on my second job and either I stay and continue to be unhappy or risk a third try that may put me in a similar/worse situation. Here's the kicker though - My problem is not the company...it is my coworkers. I am discouraged by a lot of my fellow MTs' work ethic and the every-man-for-himself attitude. I don't mind sharing my normals with everyone. If it means they are more productive, helps them get more lines in and our account is in turn, why wouldn't I want to share? We have all been new to an account...why not be helpful and supportive? Here is the resume I would love to send out:

MT with 3 years experience in acute care; ESLs not a problem; reliable, will work the schedule YOU need, will be on time and stay for entire shift(imagine that); no children to bring to doctor/football practice/exhusbands house/school play; actually does research, has an extensive library of research books, and does not just toss a job to Quality dept for them to finish; NEVER cherrypicks or skips jobs; will not poach, working outside my schedule trying to get extra lines to pay for Xmas/kids braces/second mortgage, taking work from others; does not mind working over/extra when needed; does not have a endless stream of mysterious health problems - in fact, has only called in sick once in 3 years; recognizes the Quality department's value and that they are an essential part of the job I do; does not whine about hard dictators/OPS/ESLs/short reports/long reports; have taken Anatomy and Physiology courses in addition to initial training and still taking continuing education courses; sitting for CMT next month; helpful and supportive of my TEAM (for those of you who do not know, that is my coworkers and my employer); does not have constant, vague-sounding internet/phone/electricity problems that prevent me from working.

Here's a thought (not for the original poster, but for those the shoe fits) - how about thinking about what you have to offer a company instead of what you can get out of them? What do you bring to the table? Selfishness? Laziness? A baby hanging off of your hip, a slew of pathetic excuses, and a victim's attitude? No wonder you are not happy anywhere...you get what you give.

I will not send out that resume, obviously. Why? Because those types of MTs are everywhere. I cannot hope to find a place where none of that exists, not with the pool MTSOs have to pull from. Plus, it is not professional. The reason I did it here was to illustrate a point. People do not always job hop with the hope of improving their situation, many do it for bonuses or to find a place where they get the most and can do the least.

Want change? The responsibility for change and growth within this industry lies with the individual MTs.
IC versus Employee
As an IC, you can deduct at 100% all of your expenses.  An an employee, you can only deduct the amount that exceeds 2% of your gross income (if you are married and filing jointly, it is yours and your sponse's combined gross income).  In other words, if your joint combined gross income is $100,000, you can only deduct your expensed over $2000.  That is a huge amount to have to not include.  Check with any tax accountant or IRS regarding this.
Holidays versus PTO

I think it all depends on the amount of PTO that you accrue per pay period.  Some companies allow you to accrue more, but then you are expected to use your PTO for holidays.  Some may pay for holidays separately, but then you don't accrue as much PTO; it basically all balances out in the end.

IC versus employee

This is a muliple-part question--hoping someone here can help with some or all of them! 

1.  Does anyone have experience working for Shriners' Children's Hospital inhouse in Norcross, GA?  Many ESLs, how are working conditions, etc?

2.  I've been recently sent home from my small office practice (didn't volunteer!) and changed from transcription/med records clerk employee to IC; lost benefits. I think a little further on I'll have to get another inhouse job--remains to be seen if I can afford to live on this reduced income.  Does anyone have solutions regarding health insurance for self-employed, single people?  In my state an individual BCBS premium for someone my age is $300.00/month w/$250.00 deductible. (Yikes!)

3.  How to tweak my (hopefully) next interview to reflect that in my last job I was told basically I wasn't a good "fit" for the office, even though they were happy with my work quality and quantity?  In their opinion I didn't pitch in and answer phones quickly enough, schedule patients and take on copying duties cheerfully enough--in short, lacked a positive attitude, even though I DID do these extra duties politely. I'm nearly 60 years old--and don't do perky very well.  Should I just explain this last job didn't suit my skills and personality? 

Thanks for reading thus far--will appreciate your suggestions or input!



VR versus straight
Oh, I get pain 4cpl for VR.
VR versus typing
Do you make more money with straight typing or VR?  Just a poll.  I do both and seem to make more straight typing.  You would think VR would be quicker.
VR versus typing
I make WAYYYYYYYY more money typing that VR. There is no question about that at all. On one particular account that I do I can type almost as fast as he speaks so that is a great moneymaker, but even on my fast talking doctors there is no comparison to doing them in VR.

SPI versus MedQuist
I tested with SPI yesterday -- no word yet on the results, but keeping fingers crossed very tightly!  Anyway, got an E-mail from Medquist today but I see I lot of MTs complaining about running out of work and a high ESL range of doctors.  Is MedQuist a place I should avoid?  I haven't tested or applied yet -- just looking to get out of where I am working now.  Not enough lines and just generally unhappy there. Thanks for all of your input!  Was offered a job with DocuMed -- called to accept and was asked to type a few more files only to never hear from that company again.  I guess I did some free work as I heard that I was not alone.
MQ versus Webmedx
Can anyone compare the hourly line rates between MQ and Webmedx for me?  I'm usually around 250 and 300 per hour at MQ but want to find a company with a better reputation.  Just want to know an average of what anyone can type at Wedmedx per hour.
OSi versus DeVenture

Hi.  There used to be a lot of negative posts on here about OSi.  What are you guys' current opinion on it?

Here's what I'm really contemplating:  contacting DeVenture, who had offered me a job at around the same time that OSi did.  Here's why:  I got put in a program that would advance me to acute care kind of transcription.  It did, but now I have to type for about 10 hospitals, thus I never can get good--or a good line count--at any ONE hospital's transcription.  So--my cents-per-line rate in theory has gone up but there's no way I can make the kind of line counts I made when I was just doing clinic transcription.

Theoretically, I have a primary account, but there is never enough work on it.  That's why I get work from 9 other difficult accounts instead.

Anyone else having this type experience?

Thanks a lot-


MQ versus Webmedx
Anybody left MQ for Webmedx?  Just curious about how they treat MTs as compared to the Q.  I was also told they do not offshore - can anybody clarify?
MD-IT versus Amphio
Has anybody got any feedback on MD-IT.  I am considering an offer from them and also from Amphion.  I've heard some not so positive things about Amphion and was wondering if anybody knew anything about MD-IT....
OSI versus Axolotl
Made the change and can't believe the difference.  I knew there had to be a better company, couldn't have been worse, and boy am I glad I made this change!
hospital versus IC
If you are happy being an IC, stay there. I went from there to MQ and was happy for several years, but just quit MQ because of all the changes. If you stay your own boss, you obviously have much more control.
MQ versus Webmedx
I am wondering if anyone has left MQ for webmedx.  Is it any better there.  Another question, webmedx does not supply an Expander with their program, or am I confused.  Just looking for anyone that might have switched and how they are doing with webmedx.  Thanks!
US versus India
I have to agree, the qualityof the India MTs has been superior in many instances and some of the people who claim hey have 10-20 years experience must be flat out lying.  I have seen lap coli in reports..in a urology report the patient is impudent, it is embarrassing to say the least.