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Any ideas for sweet low-cal snacks?

Posted By: Thank you. on 2007-07-13
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right now it's pistachios.  I bought a big bag on impulse (boo!) at Sam's the other day.  Bad news.  Seriously bad news.  I try not to keep snacks around the house. and I NEVER eat at my desk.  That just leads to all kinds of bad habits and triggers.

The other snack/meal portion that I'm loving right now is carrot sticks and hummus.

I'm trying really hard to make 2009 my year of change.  Not having anything with flour or sugar, or any kind of snack food is part of that.


I actually lost all faith in the South Beach diet when I heard that the creator takes an anticholesterol drug.  He says it's for preventive measures, but if his diet is that good, he shouldn't need to prevent it.

I am following a primarily raw diet.  Anything plant based that isn't cooked is fair game.  I personally think that the myths about carrots having too much sugar to be healthy is just that - a myth.  If it's plant-based from nature and in its natural form then it's good for you.  The pistachios are yummy, but not actually that good because they've been roasted.  The roasting removes a lot of the basic enzymes that make them good.

I do love raw cashews, though.  Haven't had those in a while.

I also haven't had anything that had flour or sugar in it in a week now.  It's amazing how much less puffy I am and I've noticed a difference on the scale already.

Different things work for different people, so I say whatever works for you and keeps you happy and healthy is a good thing.

Awesome snacks...(sm)
Crackers topped with cream cheese and pepper jelly.
protein-filled snacks/foods.....

Have him keep his snacks out of sight, even if it means warm soda. Makes a big difference! Out in
Sweet-chocolate; not sweet-cheese. nm

Adorable! Sweet, sweet, sweet!. thanks.nm.
What a sweet, sweet face!
I have tears in my eyes.  I will see what I can do about getting him a hat from PA.  Do you know do they just want ball caps or would a beanie be okay, too?
Sweet or not sweet cornbread?
These are all so sweet....
This is the sweetest posts I have read here for a while. I have two. First, the love of Jesus in my life. There is no other comparison to his love. Thank you Jesus! Second, the way my DH searches me out in a crowded room. That makes me feel pretty special! Enjoyed these sweet posts!!
This is actually a sweet one-
My twin sister and I were adopted and from as early as I can remember we were told that we were special cause mommy and daddy got to choose us. For years I envisioned this baby store where parents would cruise up and down the aisles until they found the ones they wanted. And I always did feel special because of it.
Aw, how sweet.
On Father's day I called the house and mom answered, but I had a question about a gift I was getting Dad, so thankfully I thought to ask if Dad was right there too (couldn't tell if we were on speaker). Turned out he had also picked up, which surprised me so much that instead of wishing him a happy FD, I told him he needed to get off the phone! How wude!

I did see him later in the day and apologized, LOL.
How sweet.
My child is the light of my life and love reading things like this. Be sure to write that down so you and she don't forget it as they grow up so quickly. You made my day==thanks!
sweet 16
My daughter is not studious but more of the artsy, eccentric type, but she did not want the big sweet 16 bash. Instead, she had a formal tea party at our house with 7 of her friends. They all wore fancy dresses, high heels. She filled the room with flowers, made little sandwiches, tea obviously, fancy desserts, tablecloths, doilies, etc. It was so over the top, it was funny rather than weird and geeky, and they had a blast! Later, just she and I went to NYC together and saw some plays, went shopping, did museums.

But this is a kid who shops at thrift stores and vintage shops and would not be caught dead in anything bought at a mall. So whatever is "in" is "out" for her.
Sweet 16
How about tickets to a concert by her favorite performer/group for both of them, rented limo to take them to a fancy dinner first?  Or, does she know her friend's family well?  If so, how about a dual party?  Just thinking out loud. It's a special day for her, one she ought to remember always.  My parents didn't have a lot of money, and my sweet 16 (a gazillion years ago) was just a house get-together with about 6 people, but it was fun because that special day was acknowledged.  I had a cousin whose sweet 16 was held in a nightclub.  Trini Lopez was performing there, and I saw Connie Stevens sitting at the next table! 
Wow! How sweet to ask! sm

I didn't want to post "little change in condition" but thank you for asking so I will post an update.  It is getting worse but not progressing as quickly as I thought it would back on Saturday.  I'm having to hand feed her and am trying to find goodies that will tempt her to eat.  I had some liquid pain medicine from before and so she was taking that in tuna water (which she used to love) but now won't even drink that so I can't get any pain medication in her.  She didn't sleep well last night.  She keeps looking at me and meowing and I wish I could speak cat.  The time is close I think.  I'll let you know when.   

Good to hear you smiling again Hayseed......Cedric is so cute Misha...He and Sasha are gonna keep you busy!    
How Sweet!

Wish my baby was still sweet. She's a black lab now 1-1/2 years old and sure knows how to rule hubby. She gives him heck every time he won't do what she wants.

I can't sit on the couch when he's working or she jumps right up on me and lays upside down on my lap. She's no lightweight, either. She weighs 80 pounds.

They want to be near YOU! Sweet! nm
Definitely not sweet...nm
Sweet! Sweet! Sweet! - nm
How sweet! sm
Yeah, it's a bill, but it's something for you specifically, something you can use all by yourself :-)

Of course, you'll use the money on bills that you didn't have to spend on glasses. lol

That was very generous and kind of her.
They look so sweet!
Thank you, you are so sweet!! nm
for clothes
Sweet isn't exactly what he is going for. LOL
Wish it was that simple. He's a man, he has an alterior motive and it's not to be sweet. He even tells me so. lol
Ahh - that's so sweet.
Almost as sweet as my 4 yo saying "you're the best mom in the whole town." LOL

Congratulations for having such a great relationship with your daughter. That's awesome!

God bless!
sweet guy
you are lucky to have a man that cares about you and wants to take care of you! He probably thinks he is doing the right thing so you don't have to worry about those things! Be thankful he doesn't say "get it yourself." if you feel the need to choose things for yourself, do other things like going shopping for clothes or things for the house. boom, choices.
How Sweet!!!!!
He is beautiful!! Feel better Gary!! Thanks for sharing Gary's mom and keep us updated!!
very sweet
loving the colors :)
Now THAT's Sweet!
What a precious memory...for both of you. You are blessed :-)
Aww! she looks sweet.
I love dogs!
I love it when things like that happen. We have a family of chipmunks living under our deck. It's not unusual to see several deer in our yard. Drives the dogs crazy. We even had a resident groundhog (we nicknamed him "Groundy") until he got hit by a car a few weeks ago. They're destructive but he liked to go up on our back porch and dig up the moss that grows there, which was extremely helpful.

DH has brought home several abandoned animals he sees on his ride home including a couple of birds - one made it a day, the other was doing well but we didn't know it had learned to fly and before we could get a cage for it to recuperate and/or grow, it flew out of the tall box we had it in while we were at work, and the dogs must have thought it was a toy. I won't say how that ended. He brought home a couple of possum babies last year and though we did everything according to the Internet, the first one died quickly and the second decided to leave the heating pad, unattended. We couldn't find it and I was sick thinking about it rotting somewhere. Thankfully, my dogs kept smelling the closet, so we knew where it had gone. They found him within 24 hours, thankfully. All of these animals would have died in the wild and we fared no better with them, sad to say.

Last year, one of the cats who hangs out with a dozen or so other strays behind a Chinese restaurant (not being funny - that part is true!) followed me home one night. I gave him something to eat and he stayed. We brought him indoors, he had all of his shots and a good ear mite cleaning at the vet. We also had him neutered. $300 later, he got out as I was taking the dogs. He got run over and diet pretty quick. I felt bad. No more strays for us - Pug rescue only.
thanks chickadee, that was really sweet! sm
we have talked quite extensively and i have told him i am not ready for anything serious right now. i just want to enjoy being single and raise my kiddos. he seems to understand that but you are right, a man is a man, lol, and hard to picture him in the doc lifestyle. if nothing but a good friendship comes out of this, it would be nice to have anyway and right now i just need to get out of the house. i am tired of working 24/7, but on the upside he does too!! so i don't think either one of us have time for a relationship, lol.
Your sweet puppy
I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's so difficult to loose someone we love.  Have you ever heard of the site, I believe it's called Rainbow's Bridge, the place where our beloved pets pass after they've left us?  Please visit the site and register your baby....perhaps it will make you feel just a bit better after you do and be sure to read the poem...
If only they stayed that little and sweet 4-ever...
Mom of 2 in school, and aren't you a nice neighbor.  Have fun!
What a face! Sweet!

Thanks for the sweet responses!
Off to get tights and slippers, I guess:-)
Thanks for all these sweet answers and get this,,,
my dear one left for work at 12:30- just called and said he was talking with his friend in California and his friend met a new girl who said she was a size 14. My hubby wanted to know if I was that size or smaller, even a 12. Lordy, lordy, now you know why I say thank you Jesus for this man. I am a size 20 pants but would love to be a 14. I just carry myself well. Ladies, there is still hope out there for everyone!!!
sweet answer!
x o x o
You need to be sweet. He is STILL your husband. sm
I would be absolutely devastated if my husband said to me "I just don't feel that way towards you anymore." What are you doing? Love is NOT a feeling. It is a committment. You sound like you have a keeper the way he "feels you up."

Flame away, ladies. Quit being so selfish. Your feelings have nothing to do with your marriage. Do you honestly think that two 90 year olds who have been married for 50+ years have felt the love, passion, etc. during those 50+ years? How about someone being married 10 years? Or 20?

Marriage takes hard work and committment. If we made decisions strictly based on our feelings all the time, then we'd be a wretched mess, which is why a lot of women are in the predicaments they are in today.

Give your husband a chance. Love him. Stay with him because it is the right thing to do. The feelings will come as you see the little things in life mean more than mere "feelings" and "this is what I want," (divorce, etc.).

It DOES get better.
That is so sweet. Thanks for sharing!

My teenage son did something like that, only it was a song that his favorite band (Good Charlotte if anyone is familiar with them) sang and I think it was called Thank You Mom.  He sent it in an e-mail thanking me for all I had done for him while he was little and since he has gone off to college.  I cried like a baby when I heard it.  He also has a My Space page that we can access and under one section, it asks for his hero.  He said something to the effect that now that he is out in the "real world" his hero is his dad.  They used to fight like cats and dogs, so that was nice to see.

So, they do see what is going on, even if you don't think they do, and they do GET IT eventually.

That is a sweet story!
Lucky rooster! I check the stray section of our local humane society all the time, and there is a rooster there also waiting to be adopted that was picked up as a stray! How funny!
but I don't like sweet drinks, have sm
always been interested in the enhanced ones, and read the labels.  Too sweet for me.  This is their Smartwater (same company, Glaceau).  It is unflavored, just electrolyte enhanced.  I love it.
gotta be sweet!!! nm

That's Sasha, too. Sweet dog, and
very ladylike (unless another dog wants her object of great importance). But that's what everybody tells me about a female dog that lifts her leg.

I'd like to get Cesar to come and tell me what's going on with her.

Daughter's sweet 16
I'm asking for ideas.  My daughter is a very studious girl who has only a couple of friends, one of whom shares her birthday.  Her 16th is coming up.  It has been a year of hoopla for girls all around her.  Even her friend who shares her birthday is planning a big blast with lots of family and friends.  We are basically the only family she has - her father, her 18 year old brother, a 36 year old half brother and his wife, and I.  She is very worried about how to celebrate her 16th birthday.  Having her best friend put on a bash only seems to point out to her how friendless she is (which doesn't usually bother her).  She's looking for alternate ideas for a celebration other than a party or just going out to dinner with her family.  We've talked about going to NYC (we live about three hours north) but she's lukewarm about that.  Any ideas out there?
This is hilarious and sweet !!!!!..
I really like sweet tea and cornbread!
I would love to go to every part of this awesome country of ours and taste the different foods from all the different places!
I don’t like the sweet cornbread, my
daughter does. She likes that Jiffy stuff, yuck!