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Dryer balls

Posted By: sm on 2007-05-20
In Reply to: Fabric softner - a health hazard?? - scrapbook

They really work. I just use a very minimal amount of fabric softener to kill the suds in the rinse cycle.

No offense, but the dryer sheet story kind of sounds like an urban myth.

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Anyone with a good rum balls or bourbon balls recipe? Thinking ahead to Christmas
Bourbon Balls

Bourbon Balls

Use the best quality vanilla wafers, not the cheap ones, it does make a difference.

3 cups crushed vanilla wafer cookies (use a food processor, like Mom, or put them in a bag and crush them with a rolling pin, the way Grannie did)
3 Tablespoons dark corn syrup
1 1/2 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup confectioner’s sugar
1 cup pecans, chopped
1/2 cup rum or bourbon
extra confectioner’s sugar or chopped nuts for coating

1. In a large mixing bowl, combine cookie crumbs, sugar, pecans, and cocoa. Add corn syrup and alcohol and mix well.

2. Allow mixture to sit 20 to 30 minutes so crumbs will absorb liquid.

3. Shape mixture into 1-inch balls. Roll in confectioner’s sugar or chopped nuts. (My mother recommends putting the balls in a container with 1/4 cup or so of confectioner’s sugar, placing a lid on it, and shaking it once a day when you think about it. She says this will coat them just fine.)

Makes around 3 dozen.

YUM, my mom's dressing balls.
made with different varieties of day-old bread, onions, celery, S&P, chicken broth and poultry seasoning, formed into balls, brushed with melted butter and baked until crispy on the outside.  DEELISH!!
Great balls of fire! sm
That $540 could pay a month's rent for some families. Or feed a third-world family of five for a year!

Sheesh! Michelle may be a shoe addict, to which I can relate, but she's gonna get flamed for this one.....
Oh, great balls of fire! sm
When I was 25 years or so younger and still fairly pretty, I ran into a situation like that, only the man was divorced. He even showed me his divorce decree. However, he failed to mention his live-in girlfriend. When I found that out in a very short time, I excised him from my life like a space-occupying lesion. But for crying out loud, that sux! In a way, it almost seems worse than being disloyal to one's legal wife. E-ew!
I don't even own a dryer...sm
and have not had one for about five years since it broke.  I hang my clothes outside in the summer and in the basement in front of a wood stove in the winter.  Surprisingly, I don't miss my dryer at all.  Tacky?  It doesn't bother me!  And my clothes last forever (maybe too long).  LOL. 
Blow dryer
My daughter had lice once and with really thick hair it took me a long-time to get rid of it, until a doctor gave me a RX that we had to let set for 1 hour, then take the blow dryer outside and dry hair for an hour or longer.  the heat from the blow dryer and the medicine finally killed them all within 2 days.
Use a blow dryer
I put the hair dryer on cool and "dust" the artificial flower arrangements with it. Takes just a few seconds and if you do it every week or so, you never have to wash them.

Otherwise, I would dip them in a sink of Woolite or similar cold water wash. Some people put them in a sack filled with salt and shake it, because the salt is abrasive enough to get rid of the dirt but not hurt the arrangement.
Maybe dryer sheets between the
pages? That's a lot of dryer sheets.

When I was recently car shopping, looking at used cars, there was only one I sat in and instantly got out of due to that smell. They should Febreze a car before they show it to prospective buyers.
Hair Dryer
I have never tried this myself, but I have read that if you use a hair dryer on a low setting, about 6 to 8 inches from the ear, for about 10 to 15 minutes, it may make the earache better.

Hope this helps and your little one is feeling better soon!
Wow, my dryer is about 20 years old I think- sm
came with house (1998), house built in 1988, would have to go digging through the receipts they left us but it is at least 12 or more years old I am sure. Extra large capacity Whirlpool washer and dryer, love them but I am sure expensive to run. Our electric was $80 when we first moved here and I hung the clothes out all the time in the summer and that was with the AC too. But that was before 2 kids and 5-6 loads a week too. If I could shave $50 a month off I'd be very happy, going to try to. I run the dryer way too much though, dry the clothes forget to get them out, run it for 15 mins to get all the wrinkles out, etc. Sometimes do that 2 or 3 times as I tend to forget about them in the dryer, even with the buzzer.
My dryer is around 15 years old.

It won't let me forget the clothes. It buzzes, then runs a couple seconds, then buzzes again. It keeps it up until I finally take the clothes out. Can get aggravating when I'm up to my elbows in something else.

I forget about the washer though.

We got a FREE gas dryer off Craigslist (sm)
My husband looks at it regularly. These people were giving away a working gas dryer, all he had to do was meet them to pick it up. That was a year ago and we're still using it! I have a friend who got a free doghouse off Craigslist. You really can get great deals.
bounce dryer sheets?
But, I don't know what it does to the paint...maybe someone else will chime in or maybe Google will have the answer :o)
Clothesline versus dryer -- sm

Do you really save that much on the electric bill by hanging out your clothes? 

DH doesn't think so, but I'm inclined to disagree with him.  If you do save on your electric bill, how much? 

No washer/dryer at my apt. building, and laundromat
it's far away & I'd have to burn valuable gasoline to drive there. Thank goodness I work at home and can wear clothing for several days before washing. I wash them in the bathtub and hang them on the fence to dry.
I have an older dryer (10 yrs) and dry about 4 loads a week sm
(small family). Last summer I began drying 3 out of 4 on the line. My electric bill dropped by half, from about $75 or 80 per month to around 40. (Small house, small utilities.)

http://michaelbluejay.com/electricity/dryers.html - Interesting link about estimating the cost / savings benefits.
I'll take outside clothes line any day over dryer

I've been beggin hubby to put a clothes line in since the 80s. The natural air drying  smell is nothing to be compared with an inside dryer. Alas, he doesn't see my point. He thinks I don't have time to hang clothes out....but I did in the 70s and now there's only 2 of us. Once and done, not 3 loads in the dryer.

Downey fabric softener should help with the stiffness? I wouldn't know since I have to use a dryer, and even DH likes rough towels, not soft,  so why does he complain about outside lines? Don't ask me ....oh, wiat! Could it be because I pay the utilities? LOL

I'll take outside clothes line any day over dryer

I've been beggin hubby to put a clothes line in since the 80s. The natural air drying  smell is nothing to be compared with an inside dryer. Alas, he doesn't see my point. He thinks I don't have time to hang clothes out....but I did in the 70s and now there's only 2 of us. Once and done, not 3 loads in the dryer.

Downey fabric softener should help with the stiffness? I wouldn't know since I have to use a dryer, and even DH likes rough towels, not soft,  so why does he complain about outside lines? Don't ask me ....oh, wait! Could it be because I pay the utilities? LOL