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First castration without anesthetic...then prison.

Posted By: Hayseed on 2007-09-29
In Reply to: even most criminals hate child molestors (nm) - Lisa

But that's just me.

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ABSOLUTELY! They do it WITHOUT anesthetic sm
yes, even in this day and age!!!! It all comes down to the feelings of the OB who does it. Babies DO feel pain and if you have ever seen an infected circ in an infant male (I have a couple of times) you would understand my feelings on this.

My boys are grown and have NEVER been teased about it, not once. The only time either has encountered any grief is when the oldest one married. She claimed that foreskins CAUSED AIDS because she read it...ummm no and it is not clear what part it plays in HIV one way or the other. Everything she had to whine about came down to his foreskin. That was her excuse to cheat on him too. Guess what? They are separated because she is a mental case...and because she wanted to sleep with other men AND other women, but not my son. Thank You for that, God. I am very glad he is OUT.

My brother is a gay man who reclaimed his foreskin at one point (there are various ways to do this) and he always praised me for NOT doing it.

Much as it is highly unpleasant for an adult male to have it done...the fact is that the foreskin belongs to the male in question. I chose not to mess with Mother Nature, as it were. If they ever choose to do it, it is their body and their decision. Just as I feel that my daughters have a right to choose whether to carry a baby or terminate the pregnancy, my sons have the right to choose the destiny of their foreskins.
No. I believe she should die in that prison bed.
We gave as much tolerance as possible by letting her live, which - in my opinion - would have solved this whole situation years ago.

She is free to execute herself if she wishes.

I don't care if she is different, saved, rehabilitated. It does not excuse her hideous crime. She is there because she put herself there.

do you think that is what happens in prison?
if that was the real case, that would be worse, but that's NOT the case
Well when I worked at a prison...

The first week I worked there (in 1990) we had a lockdown because the prisoners were rioting and throwing their TVs off the catwalks onto the guards below.  The riot was because the warden had temporarily taken away their cable programming.  The whole block had to be tear gassed before they calmed down.

You really need to educate yourself on prisoner's conditions and rights - you don't have a realistic idea of what incarceration is like.


My BIL has been in and out of jail many, many times. He always says it's much better on the INSIDE than on the outside.

Let's see...they don't have to work, yet they get fed, a bed, clothing. They don't do their own laundry, yet they have clean clothes and linens. They get cable TV, take college classes, eat 3 squares a day, work out and get buffed up...so they can riot and overpower the guards, play cards, basketball, make phone calls...all at our expense!

Yeah, poor prisoners...they sure do have it tuff...

Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?

You know how you can tell a GREAT movie?  When, even if you have the video with no commercial interruptions, if you're flickin' on regular 'ol TV and it's playing, you will stop and watch it...complete with editing for time and commercials.  Airplane is one of those movies I will stop my flick-fest and actually sit down to watch and laugh every single time.

Same goes for all the Leslie Nillson Naked Gun flicks and pretty much any parody.  Oh my gosh, LOVED Hot Shots with that older Bridges guy!  

....I'm feeling a liquored-up comedy movie marathon coming up real soon!



Hope he becomes someone's wife in prison. nm.
This is why I despised working in a prison
That ridiculous non-fraternization rule.  It also applied to non-guards (I was a clerk in the business office).  I was supposed to report to the warden if an ex-con even said hello passing by in a grocery store, I was supposed to be psychic and know who every ex-con in the state was, and if they happened to be an old friend I hadn't seen in 20 years I was supposed to snub them and run away, even if neither of us knew the other's situation until halfway through the conversation.  If I didn't fill out paperwork and send it to the warden to report every single innocuous contact, my job was in jeopardy.  IMO, there's a difference between becoming best friends with a con with friends still inside, and just living your freaking life in a community where there are bound to be cons here and there, and they happen to speak politely to you when you bump elbows!
Anyone had a relationship with a person in jailr or prison?
Is it someone you knew or have you gotten to know them since they went to prison? Do you write them or visit?
no problem-prison inmates will kill him....
Martha didnt know how to stay out of prison. Why
Does life in prison sound good to you? I would
"Do that again and I'm taking you to the Baby Prison"
Help. I have made my own prison. Please make suggestions sm
I will try to make this brief. I have marital problems, husband is gone all the time. I came to work at home again because I have no help with our children.  I need to be here if they are sick and be here when they get home from school.  But I have become once again socially isolated (I did this type of work for years and had a job outside of the home and enjoyed it, except for the fact that my children did not get enough attention, so I quit).  I do have friends but I don't see them or talk to them often enough anymore.  I used to walk several miles a day but never do that anymore, have gained weight, eat junk food, stay on the computer too long.  I am constantly busy.  I still do volunteer work with my children - Scouts, church, etc., but I am so overwhelmed.  My husband is almost never here.  It almost feels more like he comes to visit us sometimes than actually lives here, but I need his help financially and my son is very afraid for me to get a divorce (long story, but he is afraid he would have to live part-time with his dad, and they are not close).  I have debt that my husband doesn't know about and would be extremely angry over. I can't sleep because of this.  But he won't give me money for things we need, so I have often ended up charging things.  When I tell him I need more money he tells me things like, "turn off the cable TV" or don't go out to eat.  The thing is he spends lots and lots of money on entertaining himself. He makes 3 x as much as I do (or maybe 4 by now).  I have not been allowed to open his mail for years and we pretty much never talk.  I have started to allow things to pile up, mail around my desk, weight around my middle, clutter here and there.  I just feel like a big slug.  I am tired much of the time.  In reading this I sound depressed but I am already taking an antidepressant which I started a few years ago because of my marriage. I love my children so dearly but I am afraid of leaving and disrupting their lives.  If I left I would at least get my part of the equity in our home, etc., and maybe have a chance at having a life again.  Anyway, I know this is long and rambling and jumbled, but I just woke up, from another night of poor sleep.  Please suggest what you would do.  Thanks 
for the Nevada crimes. I bet the Goldman's are jumping for joy.
As a civilized society, life in prison without parole
I don't know about that - guys like that usually suffer in prison - even most criminals hate chil
He would probably get what he deserves better in prison - from the other prisoners, as long as they don't let him out!!