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Romey I posted my comment on U-Tube

Posted By: Rescue Dogs Love You Forever on 2007-11-24
In Reply to: Thank you so much - romey

I said there God Bless all rescuers. I cannot describe the feelings I have after viewing this video. I guess heartbroken would be close.

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Right, I posted in my 1st comment that the biggest mistake
a cheated-on person can make is to go out and do the same, tit for tat.
Then one loses everything.

Yes, Diana should not have cheated, this made, as you also stated, her position weaker and Charles' stronger and this was the beginning of the end.
I posted before I read your comment,, exactly my case!..
I think that a lot of men live only for today and thinhk only to the tip of their nose.

I am also saying, 'for you everything is ok, because YOU are married to ME, but...!'

Romey, would you know how I could
acquire these?  Is there a website or store?  I think it could save him some work and worth looking into.  Any info you have on these would be great.  Thanks so much.
You tube
Youtube has tons of videos on this.
Ouch. Yes, Romey is so right. They actually are
not getting declawed as vets would like us to think - its a big $$ maker for vets - but removing their bones - like taking our fingers off halfway at the 2nd or 3rd joint. I declawed 2 cats about 25 years ago - totally ignorant of the reality of it - and I have NEVER forgiven myself. And one of the cats - 2 brothers - got out accidentally and lost his life because he could not climb a tree or anything and get away from a neighbor's dog. Please reconsider. I have 2 male cats now - just over 1 year, and they do absolutely nothing damaging - one is fixed, one is not. We just have several scratch posts and a kitty condo, and lots of little toys. Can you hang in there and try just a bit more?
Thanks for the info Romey.
I will definitely check it out.    Yes, we love our cat, but it's just the scratching that is a little cumbersome.  We did try a spray from Petco, but she seemed to act really strange after she scratched where it was sprayed, so hubby was afraid it was making her sick.  She would sleep a lot and stagger around the house. 
Romey, are you also known as Heather?
Romey! How the heck are ya?!

Ham was in the cam all day today...it's about 45 degrees out and she has been out there all day is turning BRIGHT pink!  I'm actually worried she's going to burn, but she insists on lying out there and soaking in the rays.  Can't say I blame her one bit.  If I could, I'd be moving this 'puter thing outside and doing my work out there today!  It was 10 degrees out there this morning and overnight and we have had nothing but snow and ice for ages it seems...such a welcome sight that sunshine is! 

Well, after a week in the Mirra chair, I sat in this Aeron and wow--what a difference.  I actually like it better than the Mirra!  The seat is bigger, and with a caboose as big as mine, that makes a huge difference.  This is a well-used demo model though and it kinda tips to the left, but I think if I am gonna spring the bucks, I'm gonna do it on this style.  My husband now has the Mirra chair for a week and as soon as he sat in that one he said, "Oh yuck...can I have that other one back now?" 

I haven't talked to the rep guy yet..just got his voicemail, but when he shows up next week to take these chairs back I will most definitely ask that question for you, as I'd like to know the answer too! 

Glad your friend enjoyed seeing piggy.  Just WAIT until mud season (which hopefully is only a few more weeks away)...she will be out there all the time and in her absolute glory!  Her favorite game is to tip over the water trough and make more mud...that's when you see me, all wild haired and disheveled, running out there to turn it upright and refill it with H20.  It usually goes badly because she dumps it as it's filling and I can't do squatola about it.  I may be big, but she's waaaay bigger and I think if we were to get into a fight, well, she'd win hooves down. 

In your fallopian tube ;-)
Found it - It's on You Tube - NM
Thank you, Romey. Forwarded url to my SIL in N. Calif. sm
She and her daughter have a couple horses and are crazy about them.  I'm sure she'll help in whatever way she can and let others know as well. 
Romey, how touching the video, I just
loved Sophia, have sent her photo out to many.

Romey's Chair Glue
I found the name of the glue I saw at the car show. It glue everything. It is called Rescue Industrial Bond Adhesive and they have a website at:


The site is having some problems. I tried to email you the phone #, but it wouldn't go through. Email me if you want it. Hope your chair is already fixed though.
Romey, did you ever find a fix for your chair?
This is how much of a freak I am....it has been driving nuts that 1.) a chair of that caliber would break like that, and 2.) Wondering what, if anything, you found to fix it.  I would be having a you-know-what fit.  Those suckers aren't cheap!  Did you ever try that super puddy stuff folks were talking about? 
Romey, Adia is just beautiful!

Oh I so love it when people post pictures!  She is just beautiful and reminds me of my Norman, a Maine Coon stray we had a couple of years ago.  He was just the fattest, most loveable guy and so laid back.  Sure do miss him.  He went MIA here in the woods and we figure a fisher got him, as every neighbor in the local area lost their cats in the same month. 

But, yeah, I am IN LOVE with that neato fur bedspread and funky glittery purple pillow too!   My animals would go NUTS for that spread! 

If you guys go for the surgery, make sure you give her a good talkin' too!  She ain't gettin' any younger!  But seriously, I wouldn't worry too awful much about her pushing herself.  Animals feel pain, just like us, and if she's hurtin', she'll (hopefully) learn her limits right quick.  Just go easy on the pain medications...they can mask pain and that will make themforget their injuries and they wind up doing not-so-smart stuff....this I know.  Keep us posted on how she's doing! 

Romey, what kind of chair do you have? I need a new one. nm
Revlon in the black tube stays put,
but then I put something glossier over the top because the look isn't as see-through as the style is now. But it doesn't feel drying; just not ultra-moisturizing.

The black tubes are a bear to find in a purse, so I wrap a strip from a yellow fluorescent sticker around the tube.
Agree! They should have given her a Swarovski-crystaled NG-tube! LOL
Nickel Creek. Listen on You Tube and see if you
I tried the Jergens stuff in the tube a couple of years ago and
it did really well. People thought I had been in the tanning bed.
Good friend had this, had MANY complications, infections, PEG tube, ICU, etc. Put
i thought it was very cute and i can definitely relate. thanks for sharing romey! nm
Jack Lalanne facial exercises on You Tube !
Burt's bees hands down - have a tube everywhere - original, don't like honey
Just wrap the key in foil and use a blob of silicone from a tube and glue it on. Under blade
Is that over the counter. I checked on Zovirax ointment and it costs $180 for a teeny tube. That
is crazy and the insurance wont pay a penny.
Your comment
about checking BC pills will probably draw a lot of fire about teenage sex, etc. However, my daughter's 17-year-old friend just had a baby 3 weeks ago. They had unprotected sex ONCE and she got pregnant. This was a very smart girl, ranked #1 in the class academically, churchgoer, not a drinker, no drugs. She is now missing out on her senior year and all the hoopla, taking classes at home to get her diploma, and raising a baby. It is too late to say she should have abstained, this is the reality of the situation and all concerned are making the best of it. So I say keep checking those BC pills, Mom!
about the comment
I lived in a trailer park for 11 years, and to those who felt offense, I apologize. I know from first-hand experience that not everyone who lives in a trailer or a trailer park is trashy, but there are enough that someone created the saying. This neighbor happens to fit whatever criteria associated with the comment. I didn't live trashy when I lived in trailers, or any apartment I've been in, or in any home, either. It's an attitude and lifestyle that fits the comment...not everyone fits the comment.
Oh, by the way, add to your comment here
The "preachers kids are always the very worst!" You have heard that I am sure.

Well, guess what I am married to a Pastor, I am a Pastor's wife and these are my children who we are talking about. So I guess you can add that to your list of gripes. LOL.
Thank you for you comment.......sm
and I wish you all the best.
People who think that they can deliberately destroy their lives, are inconsiderate, selfish and unthankful towards people who love them.
Self-destruction is a sin, because it is a slow suicide.
Whenever she makes a comment that you
suspect is made as a dig, try smiling pleasantly and saying, "What?" and waiting for a reply. If she is trying to be mean and trying to slip it by everybody else, she may not be willing to explain what she meant. If you do it every time, not quite hearing or understanding those comments, you will tire her out because her zing didn't hit.
That's what I am looking for- opinions from others. Thank you for your comment.
Your comment about an old HS bad apple -
made me laugh, reminds me of a guy I went to school. He used to sell T-shirts at concerts (the fake one's, not put out by the performer/band); was high most of the time; now he is a copyright attorney - talk about ironic.
Was the flea comment really necessary?


Another comment about harnesses
Our neighbor was walking his dog with just a collar and leash. The dog was so hyper it it jumped and in the process broke his neck. If he had a harness on this would not have happened. It was totally heartbreaking.
do not let him anger you with this comment
he feels this way because you make more money than him, and after that comment, I would calmly and confidently remind him of that whenever you need to, maybe daily. Also, sit his dumb___ down and make him type one sentence of a hard provider, then calmly and confidently talk down to him and tell him he would never be able to do your job. Calm and confident. Do not ever again let him make you feel that way.
I don't understand the comment
"knowing the girls these days" can you elaborate?
I understand the comment very well
I think a lot of girls now completely out there with their dressing, suggestiveness, forwardness, aggressiveness. I guess trying to keep up with the guys. When you see a prison population go from mostly male to more females than ever, does that not tell you something?
I understood the comment, too
That's why I thought it was offensive.
Your aunt's comment....
''well, the doctors really do not want you to tell them what you think it is or what to do for any ailments.''

I don't understand why you are upset; she was talking about the doctors, not you, and her comment was pretty much right on. Unless I am misunderstanding.

I have some problems, probably fibro or a rheumatoid thing, and am going to doctors now for a workup. I do a LOT of research and I know a lot. But, in my experience so far, if you tell a doctor what you think it is, most will do everything in their power to prove you wrong or will just say no, if they don't think of it first. It's called arrogance and yes a holier than thou attitide.

So I guess I don't understand why this upset you.
Comment on Alli
I'm 45 and started Alli the weekend it came out in mid-June. I weighed about 185 at the time. This morning, I weighed 163. It's been a slow, steady loss. I haven't had any of the "treatment effects" that are talked about with Alli. Just the threat of those treatment effects if you eat too much fat and take Alli are enough... it teaches you to watch your fat grams, which makes you also reduce calories. I haven't felt deprived in the least, but I've learned to eat healthier, less fat, smaller portions. I've been using Lean Cuisine or Smart Ones for my quickie meals, and eating lots of rice, veggies, fruit, whole grains, lean meats. I have lost 20 plus pounds doing Atkins in the past, but gained it all back plus about 10 more. Over the winter, I was the highest ever.. up at about what I was when 9 months pregnant! I feel so much better right now, and I feel confident that when this bottle of Alli runs out, I probably could go without because in these 3 months I've developed habits that I can stick with. Good luck!
What a strange comment.
You were able to discern that from my post? I find THAT strange!

Actually, your assumptions are quite wrong.

I will say a prayer for you, that God may grace you with wisdom and patience.
why the comment about the jocks? nm
I had to laugh at this comment sm
when my hubby and I saw her on the TV I just said "Well she obviously doesn't have any friends....cause a true friend would tell her how terrible her eyebrows look."
Very moving - see comment
Very moving, touching, sad, proud, thankful, greatful. There are not enough words to thank all the soldiers fighting for us. I was in the miliary some years ago and this brings back so many memories of why I joined. I can't thank enough these people who fight for our freedom and for freedom for others. I still have a lump in my throat from watching this video. What a wonderful tribute to the soldiers this 15-year-old did in making this.
Probably because that's a stupid comment?

Too bad this wasn't your first comment
to her instead of the rudeness above.
barefoot comment
Did a foot doc tell you that's why your arches fell? My foot doc told me years ago the best thing you can always do is go barefoot when you can and otherwise wear ballet type slippers around the house and flats otherwise. She said women have ruined their feet with heels (I know my mom did.) I'm 65 and am barefoot in the house almost all the time. Hope you footsies stay comfy, though!
I bet this is a comment of Mr,. TechSupport himself...nm
that's a really weird comment...nm
lol, about the head lice comment
never thought of that, and would not be surprised if that was it, she's pretty filthy. Dollars to donuts that was why she shaved the other *hair* LOL!