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Valerian root or melatonin from the health food store. Are you on herbals

Posted By: for your symptoms, too? NM Waiting for my turn. on 2007-10-15
In Reply to: IDEAS FOR INSOMNIA - Alice in Wonderland


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Might try valerian root capsules or 5HTP or melatonin, in vitamin section
My dog loves coconut oil right off the spoon. Try the health food store. Sometimes in food store,
what is yam cream? at health food store?
Might try coconut oil from the health food store. It's solid at room temp., so you can rub it in
Valerian Root
Valerian root helped my son.  He took in in liquid form and the tast wasn't so great. Don't know if they have it in pill form. 
Valerian root/Benadryl
Valerian root helps, and I have also used Benadryl. Those are the only two things I know of without a rx. Best wishes - I know how bad it can be!
health food :)
i've made this exact same recipe for years -- husband calls it "health food" cuz of the oats. (i just call em no-bakes). I boil mine gently however for 2 minutes, not a second more for soft cookie consistency.

The only thing i do different now is use the DARK Hershey's cocoa -- everyone loves them!!
Celestial Seasonings is the brand (health food stores carry it also) nm
KeraCare from salons is a recommended one, as is the Jason itchy scalp shampoo from health food
I just bought tea with camomille and valerian in it. Supposed to help sleep. I will let you know
how it works.  Not sure of the spelling of these herbs.
I used to do store security for a major department store - try this -
Go to the store and ask to speak with someone from the security department. Tell them what you have stated here. Hope they are able to help you!
Melatonin, especially if you are 40+
Melatonin levels start going down as we get older, so sometimes that's all you need to get you back on track.

Valerian also works, but even with it inside capsules that is one stinky herb, LOL.
Have you tried melatonin?

That works really well for my husband. He used to be in the military and went overseas a lot, so he would take melatonin to help him sleep at the "right" times to get over the jet lag more quickly.

Might be worth a shot....

Take melatonin

It is a natural substance that your body normally produces, just sometimes it doesn't produce enough of it. When my husband was in the Air Force, he used to take melatonin to help him get over jet lag.

I read an article recently that said a wakeful period around 2-4 a.m. is part of the natural sleeping cycle. A couple hundred years ago, people would get up, have a snack, socialize, etc., then go back to bed and sleep for four more hours or so.

I know information like that doesn't help the problem, but at least you know it's a natural thing and not something unusual that only happens to you..... (my problem is getting to sleep - sometimes 4, 4:30, 5 a.m.).

what dose are you taking? I only need 1.5 to get a nice restful sleep and the next day I feel so much better.
Ever give it to teenagers to help get to sleep? hmm.. am going to look for it today.
Today I spoke with the pharmacist about giving melatonin to teenagers. Her response was to check it out by dropping one into vinegar and see if it dissolves well. She said vinegar represents stomach acid and you can tell if a pill is loaded with too many "other ingredients" (and not what you want) by how it dissolves. There are no controls on how much melatonin (or specific vitamin or natural ingredient) is in an OTC pill and it may have none at all or varying amounts. I thought that was a pretty interesting piece of information. She never would say yea/nay re teenagers, but did give suggestions regarding sleep hygiene, etc.
Melatonin might help
It works for some people very well.  My ex used to take it when he worked nights.  It worked well for him.  If you don't want warm milk, maybe a turkey leg for a bedtime snack would do well. 
Try Melatonin

Its a vitamin. Our bodies produce it naturally, but less as we age. You will get 8 hours of sleep with it!

Melatonin - just started using (sm)
I just started using melatonin for sleep - had been using Benadryl every night.  Guess what?  I have had unrefreshing sleep for so long - this stuff has helped me so much.  I think I have had a deficiency.  I have felt so good two days in a row after using this stuff for sleep.  I only slept about 6 hours last night but it was the best sleep I've had in years so I feel great.  There are tons of web sites about the deficiency symptoms if anyone thinks they may need it.  I just can't believe after all this time a $5 bottle of melatonin from the grocery store has helped me this much!
Used to give melatonin to my mom when

she mixed up night and day. She was going blind and she couldn't tell whether it was day or night. She only needed it for 2 weeks and was back on schedule. Her doctor told me about it back in 1996.

Come to think about it, maybe I should get some. I sleep an hour, then wide awake for 1 to 2 hours, then back to sleep for a couple minutes then wide awake again.This goes on all night long.

On second thought, I could just keep the 'puter running all night. Then when I'm awake, I can start working. That always puts me to sleep.

Melatonin question
A few days ago someone posted that melatonin has been a wonderful sleep aid.  I know that certain things such as St. John's Wort can counteract birth control pills due to the herbs.  How about melatonin? I googled it and didn't find anything but am still wondering. 
Melatonin is a substance which is normally produced by your body

It seems unlikely that it would counteract BCP but you might call your pharmacist and ask.

My husband used to use it when he was in the Air Force and getting sent overseas a lot. It helped him overcome the jet lag more quickly. But then, he didn't have to worry about getting pregnant!

Walnuts- natural source of melatonin
Want a better night's sleep? Try sprinkling your dinner's tossed green salad, fruit salad or steamed vegetables with a handful of walnuts. Or enjoy a baked apple or poached pear topped with walnuts for dessert.

Melatonin, a hormone produced by the pineal gland, which is involved in inducing and regulating sleep and is also a powerful antioxidant, has been discovered in walnuts in bio-available form, making them the perfect evening food for a natural good night's sleep.

Melatonin has been shown to help improve sleep for night shift workers and people suffering from jet lag, but maintaining healthy levels of this hormone is important for everyone over the age of 40 since the amount of melatonin produced by the human body decreases significantly as we age, and this decrease in antioxidant protection may be related to the development of free radical-related diseases later in life.

In a study published in Nutrition, Russell Reiter and colleagues at the University of Texas have not only quantified the amount of melatonin present in walnuts-between 2.5 and 4.5 ng/gram-but have demonstrated that eating walnuts triples blood levels of melatonin and also increases antioxidant activity in the bloodstream in animals.

The authors theorize that by helping the body resist oxidative stress (free radical damage), walnuts may help reduce the risk of cancer and delay or reduce the severity of cardiovascular disease and neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's or Alzheimer's disease. Walnuts, best known as a heart-healthy nut, are also a rich source of another highly cardio-protective nutrient: omega-3-fatty acids, so Reiter and his team will next investigate possible synergy between walnuts' omega-3 fats and melatonin. To us at the World's Healthiest Foods, this sounds familiar theme in Nature's symphony in which whole, wholesome foods each provide a wealth of nutrients whose harmony promotes our optimal health.
It's nice, but food prices insane and food is really bad,
Root planing
I had that done last year.  It was not bad and I am a chicken  when it comes to the dentist.   Dentist numbed the side the hygenist worked on and it is a diff kind of high-speed instrument especially for plaque removal.  It is an ultrasonic tool for teeth.  I do not remember seeing any blood, but of course they suction all of the time.  This instrument uses water and it is like a mist.   My plaque was not that bad. In fact they could have done all four quadrants at one time instead of staging it.  They just numbed what certain quadrant in case your teeth are sensitive.   It was worth it too.  I go every 3 months to get cleaning and checkup and do the flossing thing and  have a WaterPik to boot.   That price is just about what I paid too, but my dental insurance covered most of it.  Hope this helps out.  It sounds worse than it actually is.  You should be able to see a diff in the gums too. I know I have.   I have a great dentist too.  I dreaded it, but after it over I felt like I  really worried too much about it.  I do not think anyone likes the dentist.  I do not think that you would regret it.   Good Luck. 
root canals
good lord what a nightmare
Do you root for the Iggles?
I do!

root veggies
I have read that root vegetables like carrots, beets, etc., absorb the irrigation water & pesticides & this cannot be washed off, so this would be the place to spend the extra money on organic veggies. For other kinds of veggies, just keep in mind that the pesticides often are sprayed in an oily base, so plain water won't get rid of it. You have to use soap (doesn't take much) & then rinse really well. It's not perfect, but it's better than nothing. Also I read an article in Sunset last month about how you can grow your own organic veggies in a very small space, only about 10 x 10 feet, & get quite a harvest out of it.
yes, melatonin works - is what the brain naturally releases for sleep...
I take half and I'm asleep in under 3 - 5 minutes. Wake up fresh and clear. no overhang.
I always root for the underdog. I hope they win.
it's greed....money is the root....
typo, sorry - route not root ! LOL nm
So, I need a root canal. Yipee!!!
And another $600 crown.  Yahoo.  But they gave me Vicodin!!!  (always think of Bill Engval, the comedian, and being Vicodin Man and going parasailing while under the influence)
I had that happen with my first root canal
I was fine for a day or so and then it got really sore.  The endodonist kind of brushed me off when I told him I had twinges of pain for a good 2 weeks.
pre root canal meds
Hi, sorry you are feeling bad. I am too, same reason. Here, we have a waiting list for the endodontist and they call you if and when there is a cancellation. I take 2 Advil LiquiGels and 2 Extra-Strength Tylenol every six hours and it works for a while. Do you have antibiotics? Make sure that you check daily for abscess because that is an emergency and must be dealt with. I hope I get mine fixed before my liver falls out from Tylenol. I have had several and now am about to give up because I don't have another $12,000.00 These are all from fillings I had as a child that expanded and made micro-cracks in molars, that then led to this horrible toothache. Last time I had one I had trigeminal neuralgia for 8 months afterward from the injection. Now I know why some people are "suicidal" when they have trigeminal neuralgia. I can't even have cold air on my face or cold beverages or it feels like I am going to die. I am with Hayseed. There has to be a better way to apply fillings and a less expensive way to repair teeth. We are upper middle class and still can't afford all this. Our insurance is of the "very good" variety and only pays a minimal amount for root canals and crowns. Is this discrimination to those of us who have lived to be over 35?
Root toucher upper, have you ever
used any of the men's products for a touchup? I use them (my hubby got it for me 1 time). It is like instant instead of having to wait the 25 or more minutes ladies have to with the products put out for us. I put mine on, ready to take off!
Here's the real root of the problem
This little girl's whole house needs treated. Not just her head. The school nurse needs to be a little more of an educator to this child's family. They need to bag up all stuffed toys for 2 weeks, launder all bedding, hats, coats, gloves, etc. They need to treat everyone in the house, both with shampoo and picking out nits (shampoo doesn't kill nits only live insects), you have to pick out every nit.

Really, the comment on about being clean is not very nice, anyone can get lice and they can cross socioeconomic statuses, not just low-class people with poor hygiene get them, in fact lice prefer clean heads according to my microbiology instructor. They don't cause any known illnesses are just a nuisance.

This child's family needs embraced and educated. Perhaps instead of being a pain in their butts, go talk to the mom, see if she would like help clearing their house, perhaps she just doesn't know what needs done. How awful for this child to be ridiculed and put down by her classmates and their parents because she has a curable problem. Step up to the plate and help the family. She does need to be in school - they aren't an infectious disease.
Dating? I'd rather have a root canal. -(nm)-

I usually root for the woman, but not this time.
Good for Jon, finally. He has taken so much abuse from Kate (she admitted it too). She treated him like another 1 of the kids.

She seems to be the one benefitting most from the show. It's too bad she's willing to tear apart the family for the money. She keeps reiterating its all for the kids but I really don't think so. Maybe she's trying to get herself to believe it.
dental procedure: root planing
dentist says i need this because of moderate periodontal disease.  $200 a quadrant x4 = $800 for what sounds like a horrible, bloody procedure.  they say they only do two quadrants at a time.  does anyone know anything about this, had it done?  please let me know what to expect.... thanxabuncha
Also blindfolded while doing the root canal - sm for question
What kind of animal is that on your avatar? At first I thought it was a bearded dragon, then maybe a bird but I'm really not sure. Don't mind me - I'm at that age where I'm needing reading glasses at the end of the day when my eyes are strained. :-)
My cat only eats dog food and won't eat cat food or even tuna.
I am using Angel Food Network for help with food (sm)
Being much more careful not to waste food. No more fast food. Soda only if bought in a two-liter bottle, not singles or fountain. Most of my money waste was spent on food.
Pet food recall -- dog food and cat food
Did anyone ever have a tooth removed after it was root canaled etc. and very brittle. I am
concerned about it breaking off in pieces being so brittle from all the work done on it and now is infected again.  Brother, always something.  It is a front tooth no less.
The very root of the word husband came from one who "protected and provided"
i wish i had more time, Basically that is very messed up. Right now is when he needs to be a man, step up, and be a husband. The very root of the word husband came from one who "protected and provided". It's time to fulfill his roll as a "husband". Love doesn't care about fair. He should be understanding of the fact that you're looking for work and would take job if you could BUT you can't. (which don't take personal right now - manager a hotel, you would not believe the amount of resumes bizs gets right now)

He needs to get off his butt and take care of his family. He needs to quit being selfish. I work 75 hours a week to provide for my family. I work from 6am-7pm. Come home and spend 3 hours, quality time with my pregnant wife and my boy. I allow myself 3-4 hours of game time in the morning on my day off, while my wife is still sleeping.

My dad's health...sm
He has stage IV cancer and has been told his current chemo regimen is his last shot.
Health Insurance
Does anyone know where I can get family coverage?  I live in NY and I am taking an IC position.  Thanks
Why did you get a dog when you cannot pay for health care
Then you ARE able to pay for health care for her. You are not