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great final show as was DWTS also....

Posted By: These final shows were VERY entertaining!! nm on 2007-05-24
In Reply to: Thought Idol final excellent - Lynn

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Kim is great... I wish she could come and decorate my home.. Loved what she did on the final challan
I love this show- it's great and I want to go to NYC just to be on it!! nm
Fab idea! And such a great show of feeling! nm
Definitely - I'm watching repeats out of order now - great show!!
Three tough choices left because I think all three of the finalists are really good.  If personality were a deciding factor I'd say Joey Fatone should win - he's quite a showman.  Laila is just a natural - beautiful and fun to watch and Apollo has worked so hard and improved tremendously - really I'd say any of them deserve to win but I'll put my money on Joey. 
Did anyone see the dancing last night?  Any predictons for tonight's results?  I thought Apollo was awesome on the freestyle.
The ONLY good one was the first one; the second one had some good parts. After that it was all downhill for me. Yawn. Wouldn't you all rather dance than watch? Come on, get out there and quit living vicariously! I bet some of you could dance the sox off those people. Hayseed's man looks like he is ready to go! Hope she has her dancing shoes shined up and her bag packed in case he decides to enter the contest!
Shawn only won because all the young gymnasts voted for her.   My daughter (17) is a high level gymnast so we know all the gab boards and they have all been encouraging them to vote.   Unfortunately, she is not a very nice person and any of the other 2 would have been better as the winner.   They were much better dancers.   If anyone here follows gymnastics, Nastia would have been a much better choice as she has the body and grace for DWTS and everyone could have seen what a great person she is.   Shawn is very fake and immature.   My daughter has a  good friend that used to compete with her and she was very nasty to the other gymnasts.   Not a side the public sees, however.
DWTS and AI......
Shawn Johnson won the 'Dancin iwith the Stars' competition, although Gilles should have won.

Today Kris won 'American Idol,' but Adam should have won!

Anything beats DWTS - IMO - LOL
Went to the semifinals of DWTS on Monday!

I was lucky enough to snag a pass to Dancing With The Stars on Monday!  Wow - what a totally fun show that is!  (I am SO addicted!)  The dancing is even more amazing in person than it is on TV - those people are unbelievable.  I just wish I could go again NEXT week, as well.  I think any of the 4 couples could've won, and was sad to see Ian have to leave. Still, my money is on Apolo! 

(BTW - it really is TRUE that televison adds 10 lbs... everyone there is considerably thinner than they appear on camera!)  

Any comments from DWTS fans?

I missed a bit of yesterday's Dancing with the Stars finale show, but looks like Helio and Julianne overall had the strongest performance.  

What happened to Mel and Maks' freestyle?  They were like kinda deflated or something. 

IMO, Marie and Jonathan usually come up with pleasant surprises, but last night's freestyle was a real puzzler - I am not sure why Jonathan would agree to choreograph such a cutesy (yawn) routine when the competition is so fast and fierce.  Marie was a bit too vocal with the judges...after all, they are the "experts."

I like DWTS, just haven't seen it enough lately to comment (nm)
I do not watch DWTS but did notice
on the previews, etc. I thought Shawn was what I would call stubby, not graceful at all, I thought sorta chunky myself.
Winner and runner up for DWTS nm
heard they are considering DWTS Anabe judge
heard they were considering the female judge from Dancing With The Stars - the Anabe lady....cannot remember her name - Christine?  not sure of first name
I got it! DWTS judge=Carrie Ann Inabe..n/m

So - here is the final story (sm)
The insurance company is givig them $1250 towards carpeting. They were told their premium will not increase now. However, if they were to have another "accident" in the next 3 years, their premium will increase 10%. So, that's the deal.
After a divorce is final...

After a divorce is final...what are your thoughts on the mother and her child requesting that their names be changed back to her maiden name?

"Traditionally, courts ruled that a father had an automatic right to have his child keep his last name if he continued to actively perform his parental role. Although there is still some bias in this direction, it is no longer strictly true. Now a child's name may be changed by court petition when it is clearly in the best interest of the child to do so. When deciding whether to grant a name change, courts consider many factors, such as the length of time the father's name has been used, the strength of the mother-child relationship and the need of the child to identify with a new family unit (if the change involves remarriage). The courts must balance these factors against the strength and importance of the father-child relationship. What this all boils down to is that it's up to a judge to decide which name is in the child's best interest."

What would really be in the childs best interest if he doesn't grow to know his father anyway? keep the last name? or change it?

It started out with the final four SM

Katee, Courtney, Joshua and Twitch.  Then they did the first elimination, which was Courtney and the second was Katee. 


Then down to the final TWO:  Joshua and Twitch.


I dearly loved Twitch too!  When Joshua won Twitch hugged him and he held up Joshua's arms!!! 

But now they may make less on the final movie (sm)
I personally may not go see it just in protest of the way she went about all of this.  It was strongly marketed to children and I see no reason that Dumbledore, a fictional character who was given no sexual orientation throughout the books, now needs to be deemed as gay. Who cares one way or the other?  He's not even real!  I suppose it is because she wants her books and movies to become a cultish type thing that will continue to produce money for her for years to come as people pore over her books trying to find clues that evidence Dumbledore's sexual orientation.  It strongly discredits her in my opinion and I am sure in the minds of many other parents of her child fans.
Final place, unless we win the lottery! (nm)
Divorce is final insurance is gone
Once you are divorced, you are off of his insurance unless you COBRA over but yo have to do that immediately.   He cannot add her without being married and if he does this under the table, it is insurance fraud and both of them can get into trouble.   If he is behind on his support, don't trust him on anything else.  All she has to do is to call his HR department or if she knows what insurance they had while married, call them.   Beware of him he does not sound to be above board and legitimate.
Final installment - You need to read what I said again -
I said NOTHING about getting back together or a fairy tale ending.  This is about HER being able to move on 4 years after someone beat her.  It is about being able to say what needs to be said and letting the chips fall where they may.  I get it.  Seen this in action in my own family.  I also know that often without help these ladies often choose the very same type of men over and over.  Everyone deserves better in life.  I hope she finds peace. 
Divorce final today
Just feeling a little down, as my marriage is officially over as of this morning.  I'm okay; just a little sad.  Any of you "been there, done that?"
Adam and Gookey in the final
,,,,,,,and Adam to win!
I agree with I think Melinda & Jordin will be the final 2 but...sm
would love to see Blake go next. I'm tired of hearing these guys who don't sing better than you can find at karaoke keep singing week after week. It's about time Phil & Chris went home!
Thought Idol final excellent
I had never been a Tony Bennett fan- think i have changed my mind. What a performer! Loved the Reuben and Jordin duet, wonderful! What about Gladys and her backup group? Unbelievable! Kelly looked far too punk, ugh, did not like her getup! I think the public finally got it right in Jordin. She will do great. Overall show gets the thumbs up from me.
Final season of Battlestar Galactica!
Heck of a ride that series has been! 
Yes it was gone during sentencing and REALITY final sank in
He has gotten away with too much, road rage incident, a domestic situation when his daughter called the cops on him and others. He is a loose cannon and finally got shot down.
Our little burg here in lower NY state does this, too, and the final concert is usually
OMG I so agree!! I had hoped for Zack/Dick final

I HATE THE FACT THE DONATOS WON - I want to vote at cbs site for Eric to push Daniele to win because then she and Dick will be at each other's throats once again - because he'd probably want half the $$ if it all goes to her.  *LOL* - money matters and family often cause problems *laughs*


Why not give him some rings to choose from and let him make the final decision?
Some guys want to say they picked it out. Makes them proud to say they did so. Ultimately, it is not really about the ring, the wedding, or any of that. It is about how you two will live your lives together. Congratulations!
I missed the show but yesterday on her show
a couple of brothers came in and gave money to the family. Sorry I don't have more info, but like you, I do love the show. The brothers tried to give some of the credit to Oprah but she wouldn't take it. She really wanted the brothers to get all the credit.
Limbo. Great song, great game. Also,

The girls all line up and walk through a room as if they are modeling on the catwalk. Get a couple of bright colored boa's from the party store. It's a real riot and the kids have a blast especially if a couple of brave boys grab a boa and do it too.  We've had many a birthday party doing this and it was totally hilarious.

Wow!! What a great attitude! I love that - great perspective!
What great determination and help from a great friend! :) nm
I am sure that you are a great mother and a great cook,
and that you tried everything, now try the 'hunger diet'.
The show 24. Anybody know
when or if the show is coming back on Fox?  What happened to it? 
TV Show 24
Do any of you keep up with this show?  Have any of you watched it from the beginning?  I'm just getting into it and wondered if it would be worth buying the previous seasons' dvds. "Jack Bauer fan"
I think you would like the show
Planet Earth on discovery channel.   It's got beautiful photography and filming of animals all over the world. A recent one showed a fox snatching a baby snow geese from it's nest, and you feel awful but then it shows the fox bringing the food to babies of it's own and realize it needs food too!  It's all a perfectly laid out plan and we humans are the ones who really mess up the balance on this planet.
Anyone who can tell me what that show was about
I did not see and therefore cannot comment.
I like that show too.
Has she been on the show
yet? I don't remember anybody named Maureen. I heard something, but it's a big time SPOILER so I don't want to say it, but I just can't think of who she is
It does not show W. VA. nm
the show is

The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet. Hopes this makes it on board.

Just show the cat the box
Just take her and put her in the box. She will naturally know what to do and should start using it again. If not, I would call a vet.
Best show on TV
Just the best show ever!
Funny, weird with some great eye candy.
There is a show that comes on TLC
that is filmed at the Brookhaven Clinic for morbidly obese people. They mentioned on that show that some of the residents had to be taken to the zoo for imaging because they were too heavy/large for regular equipment.