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itchy scalp

Posted By: NYMT on 2007-04-17
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I get really dry itchy skin and scalp in winter and try not to wash my hair every single day, but the older I get the worse it seems to be.  Does anyone have any recommendations for a really mild shampoo that won't dry out my hair and scalp?  TIA.  

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When I get dry, itchy scalp I make a shampoo...sm
I copied this from my vinegar book for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar-for your hair/scalp PH balances
Dandruff and Itchy Scalp: add two teaspoons of ACV to a large glass of warm water. Lean your head over a sink and carefully pour the mixture over your entire scalp. Wrap your head in a towel for 15 minutes. Unwrap head, comb hair and then wash hair as usual. The acidic nature of ACV combined with its potent enzymes can help scalp problems such as dandruff, itchy scalp, baldness and thinning hair. Apple cider vinegar also stimulates hair follicles to encourage the growth of healthier hair.

All Natural Shampoo (ACV)
Add the following ingredients in a blender:
1 oz. Olive oil
1 egg
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon ACV.
Use as you would a regular shampoo

Herbal Hair Rinse Combinations Using ACV
Use ¼ fresh herb or you can use dry ones. You can use any herb you like. Add to 1 quart boiling water. Let is steep until cool strain then add 2 tablespoons of ACV. Certain herbs can enhance your hair color, as well as condition it. Rosemary and parsley are good for dark hair, sage will darken graying hair, chamomile will highlight blonde or light brown hair, calendula conditions, lavender and lemon verbena add fragrance, linden is good for frequently shampooed hair, and nettles will control dandruff.

KeraCare from salons is a recommended one, as is the Jason itchy scalp shampoo from health food
My Miniature Dachshund is itchy!!!

I took him to the vet and she said that his skin is not irritated so there is no need to switch his food yet. He is current on his flea medication so I don't know what's going on. Does anyone have any experience with this stuff??

I feel so bad for him he rolls around scratching himself all the time. His skin isn't red and he's not missing any patches of fur. My mom said to add olive oil to his dry food. Any thoughts?


Thank you!! oh yeah forgot that, i do get very dry/itchy skin too. sm
i also get muscle aches in my legs. i figure it is from sitting 24/7, lol, working. they feel like they would if i had ran 4 miles or something. just a general dull muscleache. I am always cold, i know my temps are usually 97s range, and low BP. my hair comes out by the handfuls if i brush or shampoo. thanks for your explaination. i am going to see if i can't get it and get my levels checked again.
Itchy bumps on palms of hands?
I have these itchy bumps on the palms of my hands, they are only right in the middle.  I thouhgt at first they were like sweat bumps since my office is so hot, but it hasn't been for about a week and they still persist.  Been using hydrocortisone but doesn't help much.  Have cleaned my keyboards, mice, etc really well.  Anyone else ever experience this?
RU masssaging the scalp back and forth...sm

with your fingertips - not just a light massage.  I mean digging your fingertips into the scalp, holding on, and working the fingertips back and forth for the fraction an inch that anybody's scalp does move?

I swear by it, told the board about it, have seen 2 successes, actually 3 with my own, within 4-8 week period of time.  You're only at the 3-week mark.  The way you massage is the ticket..........

Please come back in 3-5 weeks please and post again........I don't know if it stops hair from falling out (doubtful) but it does bring hair back!  Have your thyroid checked lately?  Hormonal?  No, seriously, these things affect hair loss.  My daughter (mid-20s) losing her hair too but think it's thyroid (or nerves).

Best luck...keep us posted please!  :)

...buildup on the scalp as well. Sorry, not enough space before, LOL. nm
no message.
Google DermaSmooth Scalp Oil

I complained to my dermatologist about itchy scalp and he recommended this. It is peanut oil based I must note to those with peanut allergy.   He also recommend Triamcinolone Cream for itching skin.  



....here. If there is a single egg or nit on the scalp, the kids aren't