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packing materials

Posted By: Janine on 2007-09-15
In Reply to: Pack the cookies in more than 1 reusable container with lots of wax - paper & lots of padding. Should be fine! NM

Your comment reminded me of my mother telling me that during WWII when she sent packages to our family members she used popcorn for packing material so that everything in the box would be a treat.  I always thought it was a great idea.

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I think I can dig up some WW materials...

I have been to WW before, and I still have info about the point system and the brochures.somewhere  My house clutter reflects my body clutter, so it may be hard to find them, but I have a couple ideas as to where they are.  I'll try.  I absolutely hate to diet and exercise.  This is all very depressing. 

If you can get the materials like the above poster
It's easy to do yourself. I did the point system on my own and it worked really well. My daughter was on WW with me so that helped also. I lost 20 pounds, unfortunately put most of it back on and I'm at it again. My daughter on the other hand, became a vegetarian and lost 30 pounds in three months. Wish I could do that, but I like my meat too.
I collect scrapbooking materials but haven't made one yet!
She needs more than just packing tips sm
She just told her father and I that she changed the message on our answering machine. We listened "Hi, the Hurts are in New York right now so we won't be able to call you back for about a week." This is a straight A student Geesh! Don't know what she was thinking, actucally she wasn't thinking at all.LOL
Moving/packing tips???
My husband and I are moving to another state on FRIDAY!!! I can't believe how quickly the moving date has come around. We still have well over half of our packing to do. Do you guys have any tips or motivation techniques to get my butt in gear? I do NOT want to have to be up until 2:00 in the morning Thursday night, but that's what it is starting to look like. HELP!!!
I started packing last month,
but have slacked off. We're leaving in 3 weeks for another state too. All I can suggest is try to do 1 room at a time, throw out anything you haven't used in a year or so, and try to clean as you go. We're having DH friends help us move stuff into the truck, then my friend and I are going to be cleaning as they pack and do the heavy stuff. I try to do a little bit every day but have been slacking the last couple days.

Also, if you have cats or dogs, lock them in a room the day you are moving and post a do not enter sign on the door so they don't try to escape as they can tell what's going on. Mine are going on the patio until we're all done.

Good luck with your move
packing tips for the 14yo and Today (sm)
If you're not already gone...

My daughter went to NY with a high school tour a couple summers ago. They went to the Today show and Dave Price stole her basketball!! It was some promotion they were doing where some of the crowd was given a basketball. He wanted to use it for his segment, grabbed it from her, and never gave it back!!

I did see her on TV, but she didn't look her happy self. Poor thing!

It was funny because even though we live in Florida, we had the NY feed when Dave Price was on a local NY channel and she just LOVED him. But after he stole her basketball, she was not as fond. LOL.

Oh, and the packing. Quick, fast, easy, and it keeps clothes in somewhat good condition is to roll them tight. It's easy for kids to do, especially impatient, busy teens.

Have fun!!
BTW, my 14yr old daughter wants packing tips. Any sugestions? nm
Larege amount of horses at packing plants/feed lots
coincidentally happen to be TBs.  They are a huge throw-away market.  Once they are done racing, unless they are one of the incredibly lucky few to be adopted out to knowledgable homes for other careers or are of breeding quality, they usually don't wind up in too good of a place afterwards.   I'm a nobody, and I've had 3 of these throw-aways land in my lap.  Yes, there are some responsible owners/breeders who ensure these animals are taken care of for the rest of their days, racing career or not, then there are an awful lot of others who see them as the cash crops they are and nothing more.