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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I love my office,,,

Posted By: Happy IC on 2005-09-10
In Reply to: If you had your very own office at home, - Survey Says

Two of my walls have a step back, meaning there is an oak shelf that cuts the wall in two.  The top half is painted a soothing sage green with the bottom half a shade or two darker.  The two walls without the shelf are painted the lighter green.  Have white crown molding and closet doors.  Initially my L-shaped desk was facing into a corner but changed that so now I sit facing into the room with window on my right and door on my left.  Desk, filing cabinets, window molding, shelf are in oak.  I have little fridge, microwave, TV, Bose radio with DVD and CD hook-up, dark green love seat that I sleep on (I am short, lol), Nordic Trac ( which I seldom use), dog's crate and hubby's old desk in here with me.  The floor just has a remant of blue carpet because puppies and baby-sitting dogs spend time in here with me and I don't want to have to worry about "accidents."  When I decide to finish the floor, will probably be in hardwood to match other wood in here. Also have ceiling fan with remote, which was a wonderful idea.  I LOVE my office.  I call it my cocoon room.

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Love my office
We had our home built about two years ago.  All the rooms are big except for my office, but it is really all I need.  It has a built-in oak desk and cabinets.  I have a shelf with all my Precious Moment figurines.  Also, I have an antique Singer sewing machine in front of the window.  I also have shelves on the wall with more PMs!  I have a bulletin board with pictures, etc and lots of pictures of my kids on the wall.  It is small but I consider it my little hideaway! 
That's what she said! Love The Office!!! NM
I love your office...sm
I looked at the pictures. It looks great. I have to redo my office. It is actually my office, and my junk room right now. My christmas decorations are still sitting in here. I have got to do some redoing. I love your garden view from the window. You have a lovely garden. I too love flowers. I have planted in flower garden I am quite proud of in my front yard. Thanks for the pictures.
I got a chair at Office Max and I love it.
I only paid $89 as it was on sale, down from around $150. It sits wonderfully and adjusts to any position I want. Even the armrests adjust. I can positions throughout the day if I get uncomfortable with one position. I don't know the brand, I'd have to look on mine at home if you are interested.
Don't you love these doctor's wives who have to be in the office
but we all know they're just keeping an eye on the checkbook they married. So pathetic.
Dell for office computer and lap top and love both. (nm)
Our third bedroom serves solely as an office. I love it! nm
I work in-house for doctor's office now and Love My Job!
Good Luck.  I accepted an in-house position at a doctor's office after being laid off from a very large hospital. It is wonderful to be able to go and ask the doctor questions and get feedback directly from them.  It really is the way to go now instead of working for the really big transcription companies.  I feel like I am appreciated.
Have most people had good luck with their MQ office closing and moving to the regional office. Have
things gotten better or worse for you.
Yes, I lost mine. I upgraded the Office 2000 package to Office 2003. sm
I have over 2000 autocorrect entries and lost them all as well as my supplemental dictionary for my Stedman's spellcheck. Lots of grief!

Maybe you will be lucky and not lose anything. Good luck to you.
Might be able to rent one from an office supply or office machine repair shop
I gave a tin of toffee for each office and a Lia Sophia necklace to each office manager. ~nm~
I gave a tin of toffee for each office and a Lia Sophia necklace to each office manager. ~nm~
Office politics. That is why I enjoy working at home. In the office,
people are in other people business. Just mind your own business.
Can anyone suggest an office in MQ that is not run like this Amherst office. They are absolutely
pathetic. I wonder how many other MTs are in that office in the same situation.
Just DQS from my office was transferred and the rest are getting on DQS before the office closes.
Pay kids work around office, renovate office.
Office 2003 so far, but going to Office 2007 as soon as I can. nm
love, love, love the show. hate american idol. this show is for real.
the only reason i entertained watching it was because of mark burnett and as usual he has such genious casting and editing. btw, don't know who anything about "metal" music but these performers make me like it. love marty and jd as performers. HATE JESSICA. susie is so nice and so emotional. it seems they all support each other and enjoy each others skills. regarding ty and bob marley, ty was excellent but he also lucked out on the song! bob marley was genious too and his music is very easy to listen to. i don't like 3/4 of what the others are given to sing but their performances make me love the music. dave navarro shines on this show, very gracious for the most part and letting the contestants down easy when they have to leave. he was great last night with brandon (?). sweet, sweet show. i am so impressed with everyone involved.
Yep that's it, 4000. Love, love love the zoom
But I feel like a dork typing...every time I try to type But it is coming out as Nut!
30 day TAT in this office ... office politics at its best

I have kept in touch with an MT I worked with at the last in-house job (radiology).  This was inpatient radiology and also an outpatient radiology clinic the hospital operated.

One of the girls, a person who at one time folded towels but who was hired as a clerk, was just discovered to ahve not mailed out reports for 30 days.  These include both in house reports and outpatient reports.  They have been sitting on her desk because she "has not had time to do them." 

What do you make of this?   The lead MT is close to this girl (hence her being moved from housekeeper to clerk) and is trying to minimize the impact that not having the reports mailed to referring physicians' offices, as if it is a minor problem (how they found out about it is a doc's office called the MT's supervisor and asked why 30 days worth of reports were mailed to their office yesterday.

They were keeping it from the director of radiology.  I think this is BIG and that heads should roll for negligence.

What do you think?

at home vs office - i am in office
well, I really was referring to the MONSTER MANAGER that I have, who has her favorites here, and she assigns them the easy doctors who say the same thing over and over, you know.  I have to do something.  I am losing my SELF at this point, with no church and no family.  The stuff on here about running out of work, my lack of computer savvy, all  has me just frozen. MOre about in-office.  Do you have little habits like talking out loud to the dr?  Someone will complain about you.  Do you ever say a cussword?  Someone will complain.  Do you ever sigh?  Complaints.  About age - I was offered 2 trans. positoins in San Diego before I came here.  I had gone to a seminar about how to look for work over age 55, had revamped my resume and my "presenting" self, and it made all the difference.  Things are way different than they were evern 10 years ago, you will be judged by someone younger than you, but in this line of work they do appreciate experience and reliability.  And the computer doesn't care if you're pretty.  It's not your age unless you are sickly.  Don't give up!!  if that's what you want. 
I love it too - love doing my nails 5 hours a day and staying awake

Love NOT getting paid while sitting doing my nails too.  It's a real turn on.

I tell all my friends to try it -- sit in front of your computer while you have no money to pay your rent and instead do your nails, you get a real buzz down in the pit of your stomach.


Also LOVE LOVE ESCRIPTION and make good money but...
Can I ask how you sit there for 8 hours. Lately, I'm having a motivation problem. When I focus, I can rack up the lines, but lately, I get so easily distracted. My mind wanders and I struggle to get my lines. Any tips on how you stay productive who do you work for?? I work for Transcend.
People either love it or hate it. I personally love it
but I know a lot of people say you cannot make any money on it and will not work on it. I do okay. I'm obviously not getting rich but I am making a living. I found it easier than Dictaphone and faster such in downloading and uploading job and you only have to log on one system and not like Dictaphone where you have to log onto the VPN and then log onto the program. It's always worth a try, but yes, the biggest complaint I hear is that no one can make a living and the cpl isn't that great.
I went back in house and love it. I love not being
secluded. I was working in my PJs, less organized and feel much better now that I get up and dress for work and see people (even those in traffic aren't so bad anymore). I find that I have more of a life now, and my family says that I spend more time with them now.

Working at home served its purpose for a long time; I was ready to go out into the world again now that I have no little ones at home.
BD WONG! I love him! I love all CSI and Law and Orders!
I am so addicted. I actually schedule my job and family around the shows LOL.
Love love love my chair
The arms can be lowered so they won't be in your way, I don't know about the tilt limiter. But I bought my off ebay about 6 years ago and can't do without it. No I do not think you can find another chair that even compares to the aeron, changed my working life completely, no sore back or butt. You won't regret it, but you will if you go for a cheap imitation.
LOL. I love it. I also love the song sm
I wouldn't take nothing for my journey now. Miss the Happy Goodmans!
Repeat after me: I love my job, I love my job. :) nm
You can love a job and still love being home! sm

I got into medical transcription for many reasons.  Yes, one was that I wanted to be home with my children, another was that I wanted to be in the medical field, and yet another was this just fits me.  Medical terminology and grammar are two things that have always come easily to me.  So, this fits.  I can work early, early mornings and late nights when they are asleep.  Also during afternoon naps.  Yeah, doesn't leave a heck of a lot of time for myself, but THAT is a sacrifice I am willing to make, leaving my kids for someone else to raise/care for all day wasn't. 

I do not love money but I love what it can buy
for me. I work 4 days a week now and was not bringing home what I wanted every 2 weeks, for some reason that is at least 1,000.00. I just decided to turn up the speed and put my mind to doing at least 3000 lines a day and figured by that should get what I want in the pay line. Worked well for me. I tell people if you want to talk with me call before I go to work, do not let outside influences bother me during my hours. Other than a bathroom break, glass of water, here for the straight 8.
I love Google and I love MTs
Okay, who in their right mind would not only discuss but have passionate opinions about hyphens and apostrophes? I love it!

Anyway, in googling grammar rules I found numerous references that two days' time would not but hyphenated but when used as a modifier like two-day history, it would be.

I remember telling an OB nurse friend of mine about fretting over 38 weeks pregnancy and whether the hyphen belonged in there and she just laughed and said she thinks she would get the point either way. Well harumph!
What office are you out of
and how long you been there?
not with every MQ office
It is on the list of "dangerous abbreviations" and is to be coverted to mL.
all along with the ATL office also
and just now trying to enforce all of the sudden. I have only met quota a handful of times since starting DQS over a year ago. NOTHING has ever been said to me directly. Even contacted the office numerous times concerning this and just get blew off. So frustrated!!
Is this every MQ office?
I have been with them 8 years and I have not seen or heard anything about a check other than on this board.
my office

My office is also my study room.  It is lovely with a nice corner-style desk.  I have a nice music set-up with cd changer, etc. and a nice sofa with a really pretty pine cabinet that holds all my extra "stuff".  I have nice wall grouplngs with pictures of the grandkids and other things that make me happy on the shelves that are amongst the photos.  It has a large window looking out to the front yard and a ceiling fan for a breeze. 

 I have another picture that I picked up at a yard sale last week that I also want to put up.  It's a neat and quite large original pastel that looks like something you's see on Antiques Roadshow.  In fact, if they ever come to my town I'll take it in and hope it's a treasure.

which office?
what region are you in and did you have to ask for it if you don't mind telling?

For tax purposes I have my own office.  Also helps me to be able to "go to the office" and shut the door when not working as it seems I get more done this way.  It might be small 8 x 8 or so but is large enough.  I also will not keep any of our household finances in my office -- strictly for work related items only -- others are kept in a small office in the spare bedroom.   That way I do not feel I am at work "all day long."   But that is just me.  Still work in sweats the first few hours, start to work within 15 minutes of getting up with coffee.  Tried the other way with office in spare bedroom or living room and just did not work as I felt that the work was always there with me.    Patti 




I have my office,
Not in my office
If you hang up or get cut off for some reason, you go back to the report you left off with.  OP, can you tell us which office?  I am in Chicago and hope it's here.  I get stuck doing all of the ESLs and 20+ minute reports too.    
why not ask? if you were in an office,
would you ask your friends there their thoughts/opinions?
What does your office look like?

Redecorating my home office..Maybe a newer/nicer surrounding can get me more motivated.. going kind of retro decor.. what does your work environment look like?  Just curious..

Mine is in an extra bedroom (converted to office).  Working very well for me.  Away from distractions, can close door if I need to.   
I started off in the bedroom, moved to the dining room, then as our family expanded from 2 to 4 kids, I divided the dining room in half (It was huge! Have sat 27 people down at one time, the largest room in the house), had walls built and what do you know, I know have my own space!  With a door and a window!  My two older kids are in their teens and I have been finishing the basement and moving them down there.  I thought about going down there myself, but I like my little office and I can hear the little ones and the window leads right to the backyard too.  Nice and peaceful!  But it wasn't always that way!
The last job I had in an office the office..sm
manager seemed to think we would not see this take over for a long, long time and that many were trying it and going back to using transcriptionists. Let the doc know you will be happy to help him out should he decide it is not working out for him. I am so sorry for you, hang in there.
office pet
Awww - thanks for sharing the photo of your kitty and in reading your "blog" thanks for reminding me why I enjoy working at home so much.
Office Pet

I hope this link works.  I wanted to show you who keeps me company every day while I transcribe--unless she runs off to sleep half the day, which I wish I could do!!!  When she's not around, the birds visit the feeders in the window.



An 8 x 10 room, with window seat for my dog, big light colored L desk with bookcase and armoire.   White walls (which i hate!) and lots and lots of photos around of family and friends.  
Does it actually ask you about one office or is it about