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I *only* make $40K a year for full time work. Now I find that isn't decent is or fair?

Posted By: Gee thanks on 2008-10-09
In Reply to: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you wanted the fairy tale version of the truth. - FedUP


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One year and you make decent money? What is decent money to you?
I work a full time and a part time, but not sure about 2 full-time...
My hubbie is disabled and I am the only one in my family working also, so I fully understand. You will not have a day off at all working 2 full-time as that is going to be the only way you will get in all your hours. I work one job in the mornings from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the other from 5 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and do have off one day a week, but if I had to get in the extra 15 hours to make the other job full-time I am not sure how I would do that other than lose my only day off. Also, make sure you have your account specifics in front of you at all times because you will get yourself confused as to who is what and having notes will help in that area. Good luck to you, as it is possible, but forget about your house being clean, having any social life, etc. Feel free to email me personally if you just need someone to talk to, as I have been where you are and still am.
Full-time without OT. Made about 40K last year. nm
I'm 46 and I went back to school this year full time for a BSN...sm

I was worried about because, let's face it, my short term memory isn't what it used to be LOL. Plus the program is ONLY full time. They had 1000 applicants and picked the top 70 of us. If you didn't have a 3.5 GPA, you didn't get in. But I am doing really well in school - after I got past the shock of the first 6 weeks - tons of work- and I am at the top of my class. My husband, bless his heart, is doing all the cooking and we are basically kind of ignoring the dirt. My house will be clean again another day. I am finishing up my second semester, have 3 more semesters for a BSN, and then another 2.5 years to get my masters and be an advanced practice nurse. 41 is definitely not too old! You will have to work smart to save your back but it can be done. Also MT is starting a slow slide out...you would be smart to start your second career now while you still have a job... IMHO

good luck!




Working 2 full-time jobs (for a year now), and boy am I tired!!
If I worked full time I would make
at least $40,000 per year at my job. I only work part because just tired of working all the hours I have in the past. The majority of my work is VR (about 95%) and straight but am fast. I don't have a lot put in Expanders but do well over 3000 lines per day total.
If I worked full time I would make
almost $35,000 a year, made more than that in the 80s, just do not want to work full anymore.
I work part-time hours with full-time pay...
I made over 26,000 this year...
Fair pay? Decent benefits? Wow, you really
I work 1 full-time, 2 part-time....nm
Yeah, but full-time lines does not necessarily mean full-time hours, so I would do it if your produc
Has anyone breast fed while trying to work at home, can you do this and still work full time?
It seems like the more literature I read on the subject, the longer it seems to take, especially in the beginning when you are breast feeding every two hours, or does it really just depend on the baby?
I work 2 full time IC jobs. nm
I work 2 full time jobs..
I work from 8:00 - 4:30 then get home and start working about 6 pm. until 12-1 a.m. It's tough to do, but can be done if you are determined enough. I've been doing for almost one year now. The bad thing is I work salary during day hours, and paid cpl at night, so nothing is overtime pay for me. Would be easier to have one job with overtime allowed. We girls just do what we gotta do, don't we?
Those people obviously do not work full time or want to
make a good living. I would work at McDonald's before I would let someone take my house. If someone is not making enough money in this field, it is them, not the industry. Tired of everyone tip-toeing around this issue. The money is there but you need to buckle down and do the work. Stop whining and start working.
I work as an IC, get .105 with full -time schedule. NM
Anybody make less than $12,000/year, part time - sm
I know at just part time (minimum 25 hrs a week) I won't be pulling in a ton of $, but I thought it would be a little more than that.  Am I alone?
How does it work full-time to have rotating weekends
My brain is fried with all this job hunting and I can't think.  All MTSOs want weekend commitments now.  If I offer to do rotate every other weekend for Saturday and Sunday, what does my schedule look like so that I still have two days together off, and without working 7 straight days (hope this makes sense...I'm so tired :(. 
You can't take care of an infant all day and work full time.
I work 2 full time IC jobs and made just under 50K. nm


Do you work full time and home school? (nm)
can you not work 6 hours a day and still qualify for full time? sm
i know most places it is usually 30 or 32 hours constitute full time. if it is 30 hours, then you could do 6 hour days 5 days a week and get in 30. is there a possibility you could do a split shift and that would allow your feet and you rest time between shifts? guess no possibility of working from home, LOL. i definitely understand your frustrations. sometimes the good employees get the short end of the stick cuz they need you the most.
Can a national require full time MTs to work overtime?


You work full time, manage a house and cut 11 acres? No way man! Not me :)
Great opportunity now. Work full time, show
How much do you make per year doing MT and do you work PT/FT and
for a company or have your own clients?  Just wondering how I compare.  I work for both and made just over $24,000 last year.
I always have more work this time of year
I have my own office account and patients try to get in their yearly appointments before their yearly deductible is due in January again so my work always picks up this time of year. January is usually a little slow for me but it picks back up by February normally and stays quite consistent the rest of the time.
I would quit. I work part time and only make about
$250 a week.  Just having become a grandma would influence my decision! I can't keep my hands off the little one!  1K a week would suite me just fine!  To bad I don't play the lottery. 
How long to make decent $$$??

This may seem like a stupid question to all of you "veterans" out there, but how long until a "newbie" can expect to make a decent wage in this business?  I have only been employed for about 5 mos, so I am trying to cut myself some slack, but minimum wage is hard to swallow.  I do reports from a pool of doctors so I can't seem to utilize the full benefits of expanders, and on my best day, I can type about 110-125 lph.  Again, I know I just started, but I can't keep making this kind of wage forever.  Are there tricks I am missing?  Any insight would really be appreciated!!  Thanks in advance!! 

I am, but not because of pay. I make decent money, more than I would

make in most fields today that don't require a degree or experience.   I'm just burned out with the monotony of it.  Type, type, type and then type some more because the account is behind and others aren't pulling their weight, so type, type, type, go to bed without spending time with family, exhausted, kitchen not cleaned up, and get up the next day and do the same thing all over again.  You have no control over your paycheck because you are paid by production.  If you have one of those days where you get the worst dictators or the sound quality is really bad you don't make your lines.  If you don't feel well you don't make your lines.   

I've done this nearly 20 years, about 19 more than I ever thought I would, but I'm tired, I don't enjoy my job, and I want to do something different.  My problem is that I need to be home 5 more years and I don't know what I can do and make the money I need to make. 


I make decent money at my
I just feel like a cog in a machine,  unappreciated, unnoticed. I work for a hospital. I have also felt this way working for large services. I would like to feel that my time and services are valuable and appreciated, but I just don't seem to feel that way.
That's the only way to make a decent wage --

Not anymore. For some time now, I've been working 32 hours and am considered full time to receive
Working full time at home with small children is hard but part time works great
is almost impossible. You will either have to work when your spouse is home or for only a few hours during the day and then more when they are asleep. I work part time at home and my kids (2&5 now) have done very, very well. They are great kids, very well behaved, don't get into much. I stop working to check on them/give them some attention every hour or so while I work (5 hours each afternoon or so) and they get all my attention in the morning and at night. It has worked out beautifully for us.
How long does it take to make decent line count?
I am considering joining an outsourcing company. Can you tell me how long it took you, as an experienced transcriptionist, to get up to snuff that you were making a decent wage? And what is your average rate per hour when paid by the line of 65 cpl?
Other than it really is broken a lot, you cannot make a decent line count on it.
It is a horrible disorganized program that is not user friendly like some of the other ones i have had. Sound quality has to be the worst of any company there is. Tech support is nonexistant for at least 6 hours to 6 days. Pay is horrible, especially if you get stuck on editing an account (about 4 cpl) Happy bankrupcy
RE: Other than it really is broken a lot, you cannot make a decent line count on it.
Your opinion is not shared by many who work at Transcend. I personally get all the lines I need using BeyondTXT and I think it is a great platform for transcribing or editing, and I do both, and believe me I have never gotten close to starving. Editing compensation is 60% of transcribing line rate by the way and my compensation is not 4 cpl as you so erroneously posted.
I have a flexible schedule, I make decent money, better

than I could make working in an office, even though I haven't had a raise in 5 years and not likely to get one anytime soon.  I homeschool my children, we don't have a 9 to 5 lifestyle, DH doesn't have a 9 to 5 job and it allows him a 3 day weekend so we like to travel.  I am able to work anywhere I can get internet access so we can pickup and go at a moments notice w/o me having to worry about work.

I hate office politics.   I don't have to spend $$ on clothes as I work in jeans or sweats, or can stay in my jammies all day.   We only have 1 car and that works for us now, but wouldn't if I worked outside the home. 

Life is just less stressful not having to get my kids up at 6:00 a.m. to get ready so they can catch the bus by 7:00.   My DC would be getting home at 4:00 or later if they were in school and by the time they did homework and we had dinner it would be time to prepare for bed and we wouldn't have much family time.  By homeschooling my DC have been able to explore their passions, have really developed a love of learning and we have developed a wonderful family bond.  We spend hours every week talking about world events, relationships, etc.   My DC are my #1 reason for working at home.   When they have left the nest I may consider working outside the home, or at least exploring other work-at-home options. 



Does this seem fair? To charge .16 per line - includes printed reports, copies on disk for one year

and delivery.  I do travel twice a week to this office.  Plus, at times I will fax or email the reports free of charge.  I live in Southern California in an upscale area. 


Thanks again!

full-time in office/ part-time at home
I currently work full-time in a physician's office and have started part-time online. My hope is to eventually go full-time online; however that will be done the road for a single mom with a son in college. My suggestion would be try to type part-time for a MTSO and see how that goes i.e work and money with a decision down the road for ultimately being home all the time. A guaranteed paycheck is always a necessity for me. Hope this helps.
Why would any decent MT waste their time with MQ

Don't be fooled by their latest spins. If it didn't benefit them, they wouldn't be doing it.   The only ones with a good deal at MQ are the suits. They should be eating some of the slop they feed MTs.

$15.00-$18.00 for part-time is fair.

I've beat my head against the wall trying to make a decent

the ESLs, I can't get much past 1200 lines daily anymore.  Anyone else in the same boat?

full time, part time, statutory
newly defined full time...

newly defined part time....(which is an added classification)

I believe statutory just was not mentioned because there is nothing new about the definition of statutory.
full time/part time/statutory
The definition of full time is new.

There is a new classification called part time.

I believe statutory was not mentioned merely because that has not changed and they do not receive PTO/benefits.
I don't know about you, but I've got kids to feed, clothe, and house. I need to make a decent

living.  I'm not going to be cheated.  It sounds as though you've decided to let yourself be used and abused aby the MTSOs all with a big smile on your face.  Whatever!  It's MTs like you, not I, that have caused the pay rates to decline.  MTs like you who will accept whatever abuse they companies hand out, accept being cheated, and accept losing jobs to India. 

You'll be back on here next week or next month posting under a different name, crying about your paycheck and looking for sympathy. 

I would be 43 and have no life at this time and wish I was making decent money, but not ;0( ...NM
Folgers, but Chock Full O' Nuts if I can find it.
part-time or full-time
I'm curious. Are you FT or PT? Thanks.
1 full time and 1 part time for now
I am still pretty new, so that is all I am taking on. I may take on more after I get more experience, if possible.
Good MTs won't work for 7-8 cpl. Pay decent $