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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I was leaning towards Toshiba because my tech believes they are the best, but

Posted By: me on 2006-06-08
In Reply to: for those of you using laptops - MT NY

I bought a Dell as a friend told me they are actually very reliable and cheaper to fix if they break. I don't think you'd go wrong looking in either direction given you. You just decide what you want. I wouldn't settle for less than 1 gig of RAM, 80 mg hard drive, internal wireless plus ethernet or a modem in case wireless is not available (but there are several internet cafes that you can use for a small fee and the wireless would work there). I bought a refurb off e-Bay from a trustworthy seller and have been very pleased. If you go that route, just check their feedback for the good, bad and downright ugly. You can save a lot of money if you hit the right offer. Best to you and yours.

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Thanks, we have been leaning toward

a Grey, but they are more expensive and will have it for a long time, so want to make the right choice. 

I've wanted one for a long time, but felt we didn't have the time to spend with it.  I'm now working from home and my husband is home most of the time also, so now seems like a good time.

Thanks for the input.



I was leaning towards sm

Plan B.  I have already jotted down some questions I need to ask her to get a better idea of what she needs first and then fax or email the proposal to her. 


I would. My son got his job at the bank he believes by
hope it didn't get cut off.
Well said! If she believes it so much, she's not trying very hard!
I'm guilty of leaning (sm)
in towards the monitor to hear more clearly. I don't even know what that means. It's just something I've done for 12 years. ((The monitor is not the doctor. The monitor is not talking to me.)) ;)
Mine did last year and believes I could to, if I got up
Experts NOT leaning towards biofeedback...
much better success rate with medication than alternative treatments. Here's a link to an info video on "Not Just for Kids: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults" that you would find helpful. The information comes from Patricia Quinn, MD and Peter Jensen MD, Columbia University. Jensen has does some really fascinating research in ADHD. There are some more videos on the site too that you might want to wander through.



Definitely real. Anyone who believes it isn't can borrow my ADHD kid for a while.
Your husband tech guys are not the bible. You have go give access for tech sm
support to get onto your computer. Just sit there and watch everything they do. If you still feel uncomfortable do not take the job.
Agree. You could be a Surgical Tech or Respiratory Therapy or a Med. Tech. nm
Try leaning back in your chair and typing with your keyboard in your lap. I had terrible neck sm
back and shoulder pain, as well as pain in my elbows and hands from rheumatoid arthritis. I tried this method and have been using it for almost 6 years now with excellent results.
Lost account of 28 years to Dictaphone because hospital believes it will eliminate all transcription
Curious if any of you are working for Dictaphone or Infomatics and doing an account out of Miami with mainly ESL dictators?  I was convinced I would not lose the account after a few days with VR. However Dictaphone is not using VR right away and will transcribe reports the regular way until they have a database. I am certain this hospital will never be done by VR. I posted a job on here about a year ago offering 18 cents per line to help with this account and not one person  accepted after hearing the ESL doctors we have. They are that bad.  Anyone else have this happen to them? Losing to Dictaphone  And we have had to do most of the work for over a month since they supposedly took over because their system is not working.          
I have a Toshiba
and I like it very much. I have the Core Duo processor and it has not failed me yet when it comes to working with so many different windows and programs open. I have the Windows XP Media Edition on mine.

I have had mine since October when my primary PC crashed and had to go into be fixed. My brother-in-law has a Dell and he also likes his very much.

do you know if they are in US?    I hate to deal with India. 
i like my toshiba!
I've never owned an Acer, but last year I bought a Toshiba laptop and it's great.. no issues whatsoever, all the bells and whistles, nice keyboard as far as laptops go...

This is a bit late.. I wasn't online yesterday.. have you already made your decision?
I have had 2 Toshiba Satellites.
My Satellites have been great, but bear in mind I use my computer exclusively for MT'ing, surfing the Net and e-mail. If your son is doing lots of downloading of music or games, or doing other more sophisticated stuff, you probably need to check how that affects the specs he needs.
I have had a Dell, HP, and a Toshiba. The

HP has been the best, but brand isn't that important. I wouldn't get a Gateway and  I wouldn't get a Celeron processor.   My Dell didn't have the speed that the HP you linked does and I was able to work fine, but I would definitely agree to get faster.   I download and then work off-line.  If you worked on-line you would definitely want/need faster. 

I am using a Toshiba Satellite and it has a lot more RAM, a  much faster processor, and a 17'' screen and I paid less than the HP you linked. 

I have a Dell, HP, and a Toshiba. The

Dell is a piece of *rap.  I've had to replace every major piece, fortunately the majority was when it was still under warranty.   I've had an HP for 5 or 6 years and other than a hard drive crashing it has been a very good computer.   My Toshiba is the newest, just a year old, and I don't like it near as much as my HP and I'm probably going to switch back to my HP as my main computer.

I don't know about Acer laptops, but we had a desktop and we had so many problems with it, we got an HP computer under the lemon law in exchange for the Acer. 

I would recommend getting an extended warranty on whatever you get.   Check to see if you can get your computer serviced locally if it is still under warranty or if you need to ship it off somewhere.  Dell's customer service is in India, don't know about other companies.  When I dealt with HP they were not offshore and I haven't had to deal with Toshiba yet. 

i opted for toshiba
after much study on various aspects of this, largely because of Consumer Reports recommendations and reviews by users. I also found what i was looking for in that brand in a bundle at the right price. I understand Toshiba support is very good. I've heard a lot of stuff about Dell's service and didn't consider them. I'm not worrying about getting extended warranties. I wanted to get the AMD chipset as it is said to extend battery life and be better...and at least 1 gig of memory (essential for Vista as i understand tho 2 would be better). Make sure it has plenty of USB ports for your footpedal, keyboard, mouse, etc. and express card/media card reader. I wanted the dual-core as it is supposed to give the processor a boost and keep the machine cooler. Most people will never need more than 80-100 gb hard drive. I'm very happy with mine so far, which i got on line from Circuit City.
Acer or Toshiba?
Hi. Bought 2 computers tonight. Which one do I keep? They are both approximately the same price -- Acer is $50 cheaper. I just want to know pros and cons of the brands. Thanks for any advice.
Any new Toshiba Satellite with XP. Mine is a
Get a TOSHIBA!!! They're great!
Dell I found to be extremely limited, only 1-2 models.  Order a XP Toshiba!  $899 in Dec got me free shipping, no tax (it was a special), and a good workhorse XP with a DVD/CD multi format RW on a laptop, all the stuff I need without anything I don't. 
I have a Toshiba and hate it. I have a keyboard

that also has the number pad on the side and the keys are enough out of position that the times I have used the keyboard I backspace half of what I type. 

I use an external keyboard the majority of the time. 


Right now I have a Dell, HP, and Toshiba laptop

and an HP desk top.  The Dell is a piece of junk and I'm fixing to piece it out.  I haven't had any problems with the Toshiba but I still prefer my HP and if I were to get a new computer it would be HP. 

The cheaper computers of any brand tend to have Celeron processors and they are really a cheap processer and I personally wouldn't buy one, but otherwise there is nothing wrong with the computers, they just don't have all the bells and whistles.  If they last 2 years you've gotten your money out of them and they have become practically dinosaurs by then anyway. 

I bought a Toshiba Satellite with keypad and hate it.
I use an external keyboard 99% of the time, but when I need to work in a mobile situation I don't always have room for an external keyboard.   Having the keypad throws off the position of some of the keys just enough that I'm having to delete a lot because I'm hitting wrong keys because of key placement. 


Just wondering if anyone had any info on Med-Tech in Lousiana. I didn't see any good or bad in the archives. Thanks!



Hi Bobbie,

Thanks for your input. Their schedule didn't work for me anyway-they were going to hire me without even doing an interview! I hope you had better luck in whatever you chose next.


Did you like being a vet tech? I'd like
to hear more about it, if you don't mind.
oh yes, but the tech guy did all that for me.
Can't really help you much in that way, but you can get it online, I think that's what he did.  It has junk mail files, suspected junk mail files, and then of course my "wanted" email file.  I'm not very computer "savvy" so that's why I needed help.  But it looks to me like you can just go to SpamBayes and load it. I know it has a "wizard" to load it.  Good luck because this spam thing has gotten way out of hand.  Should be a law against it!  Maybe someone else has heard of it, maybe try the technical help board if you can't get it to work.  I'm sorry that I can't help much more than that.  But yes, in answer to your question, you can set up your email as you would like.  Good luck, and hope this helps.
Hey, you tech MT's, help please.

I got a LinkSys router at Wal-Mart and with tech help, I got my Vista computer and other computer going at the same time; however, I unplugged the cable from the phone jack one night, as it was storming, and could not get both computers back on line after that.  I actually have returned the router and doing without for now.

I would like your experiences and any help that you could give me. I have used cable router before, but not for phone line -- DSL.  Thanks.

I would think the tech could do it. At my
former job they were able to switch them from Medscribe to DQS.
Must say, as former vet tech myself, that
need tech help

maybe posted this on wrong board earlier:

I have a daughter vet in another state that would like me to transcribe her work.  Is there is way to do this via digital and/or a call-in dictation system without going through an MTSO?  Any suggestions? I'd sure love to be able to do that for her!

Need tech help, anyone!
Help!  I have my expansions in Word 2003 autoaorrect, called MSO1033.acl file.  I wanted to transport this file to another computer using Word 2007.  I got it over to the other computer, have installed it in the proper directory, and have renamed the Word 2003 file so it is called MSO.acl, which is what Word 2007 calls it.  Yet, when I open Word 2007 on the destination computer, my expansions are not there.  The file is showing in the directory, verified by my last date of change before I moved it, and is more than three times the size of a normal .acl file.  Can anyone tell me what boat I'm missing here?  Thanks, appreciate it.
What about an x-ray tech? Seems like there

MT becoming RAD TECH

I have heard MTs switching over to nursing, coding/billing, but has anyone else considered training for Radiology Technology.  I was considering this but found out the course work is very intense for 2-3 years while working in the hospital as an intern.  Can't do it now but still considering it in the future.  I hear the demand is only growing in this field and can't see it being outsourced. 

Med-Tech, Mediscript in LA

Any info on these companies would be appreciate-I haven't found very much yet. Thanks!


TRS, SoftScript, Med-Tech


Just wondering if anyone has worked for any of these companies. I'm down to making my final choice. Thanks!


What's the tech number?

What's the tech number?


Tech support will help you set up a
shortcut on your desktop to access your ACO (shortcut) file if you ask them.
Re: tech support
I don't know if it gets back to our supervisors, but I wish it would get back to theirs! What I do now is tell the "real winner" support person that I have to hang up suddenly. Then, I call right back. I suddenly get a different one who is a whiz and very helpful. It's worth the hang-up and call back unless you have to wait 45 minutes for the next "helpful tech." ;-)
Help on tech board please!

Seriously need help on the Tech Board
Cannot open hyperlinks.  Popups open as blank white pages.  Can't find help on Microsoft.  HELP!!!
Check with tech there. sm
I don't remember if I asked or not, but I did import my shorthand files into ExText, so I didn't have to start from scratch.

Good luck! I hope you're as happy with Amphion as I am!
Cardiac tech here....

Not sure what you mean by weird heart murmur.  That should have been checked at least with echocardiogram.  I'm thinking mitral valve prolapse which can cause chest pain and exercise symptoms but is generally benign. 

At  your age and being female it is highly unlikely it is cardiac disease.  They would probably do an EKG while you're having the pain and check enzymes. 

Chest pain is very very common and often is not cardiac.  It's cause is unclear, sometimes costochondritis, sometimes GI, sometimes just unknown.

You still need to see a physician very soon to determine if NSAIDs or other simple meds (Protonix) are the answer or more tests are needed.

A4 Tech antiRSI
I've done the MS natural and also the Kinesis but I keep coming back to this thing. It has pyramid shaped keys that seem to be a little bit closer together than a normal keyboard. It only costs around $7 at Dealsonic. I should probably pick up another one for back up.
med-tech company
Has anyone heard of this company?  It is out of Marietta,Georgia.  Any information would be appreciated!  Trying to pick up some part time work.
Vet tech/transcriptionist
That's interesting...I used to be a vet tech in the '80s and got tired of not being able to explain to the animals why I was causing pain. I also like more focused work. Loved radiology so now radiology Transcriptionist for 15 years. So you and I had flip-flopped career paths...good luck on this new endeavor as a veterinary assistant.
Texas Tech