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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

I work 2 part-time IC jobs..sm

Posted By: frost on 2005-09-13
In Reply to: how many of you work - more than one job? nm

I feel like I have more stability that way just incase I want to leave one job or run out of work I always have a back-up.

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I work two part-time jobs
and that seems to keep it more interesting for me. I work on two different platforms. One is a small hospital where I am an IC, and the other is an MTSO where my account is a huge hospital. I think having to juggle the two jobs, supervisors, etc., keeps me more distracted. But, yeah, it can get really boring at times.

I quit for 2 years a few years ago because I was seriously burned out and felt brain dead, but when I started looking for work again could not stand the thought of going to an office, so here I am again.
supposed to be, after people lose their jobs, they are forced to take part-time, lower-paying jobs..
with little to no benefits. service jobs. where are you going to work in a few years, when Medical Transcription is replaced by technology? McDonald's, Walmart? you really going to like that?
Depends on how part time the part time jobs are.
You can do it. You just have to work out a schedule you can live with.
Where are all the part-time IC jobs?
It seems like most companies are only hiring 3rd shift, acute care, full-time employees right now. The few places that do hire PT don't pay diddly. Come on now, $.06-.075 cpl for someone with 10+ years of experience? Did the medical transcription market totally tank in the past year since I last tried to find a job? Where did all the good accounts go?
My children don't have part-time jobs
For my kids, their job is to be excellent students and sons/daughters. As a parent, I pay for their financial obligations, and as long as they fulfill their end of the bargain (do exceptional in school and be respectful, successful, and good children), they will not be expected to have part-time jobs. They do volunteer work, however, so they do know the value of hard work. They are just not paid monetarily for it.

Plus, with as busy as they are (Boy Scouts, many sports, afterschool study groups, volunteer work, acting workshops, etc.), they simply don't have time to hold down a job.
I work part-time hours with full-time pay...
I made over 26,000 this year...
I work 1 full-time, 2 part-time....nm
part-time work
www.thomastx.com - Hope to hear from you soon. Dee
If you are only looking to work part-time (sm)

why not put an ad in the yellow pages for a word processing or typing service?  Typing is becoming outdated and I wouldn't waste the time and money on school.  Besides it takes a long time to get up to speed.

I'm the one who posted below about seeking medical care.  So now I have a nerve compression in the neck after years of being hooked up to a machine typing.  So the time deadlines add to the stress and do not help either.  I will try to enjoy my early retirement, I'm pretty young for a nerve compression.

Part-Time Work?
I am interested in training as an MT and would only want to work PT. Is it realistic to think this is possible?

My husband already has great benifits so that is not an issue. And I do not need full-time income, just enough so he does not have to travel so much.

Any info would be appreciated. Thanks!
Clinic MT looking for part-time work
Clinic MT with 3+ years experience in family practice, internal medicine, ENT, and cardiology looking for part-time work.  Prefer to work in Word, 2000+ lines per week.
part time work at home
medquist will provide partc time work and equipment, call 1800dictate for more info or apply online
I work part time for Spheris...(sm)
They will hire you part time for the hours you're looking for; however, they don't hire IC status, which is what I wanted.

Spheris is not working out for me at all, but maybe it'll be what you're looking for.

Good luck!
I only work part time statutory and
full time with another company, I have a little bit extra withheld from my FT job each paycheck. I try to save 30% of my SE job pay to have on hand when tax time comes, even though I don't need that much, it covers me for everything plus after tax time I still have money in savings. It does depend a lot on your life though, what deductions you have, what tax bracket, etc. I am single with no kids, so I wind up in a higher tax bracket, therefore feel comfortable only when I save more.
Yes, you can train as an MT and only work part time. sm
But the training period on average is 2-4 years, depending on how you go about it and what you want to do. If you have excellent spelling, grammar and listening skills, you have a chance. In order to do acute-care work, you would probably be wisest to train through one of the on-line schools recommended by AAMT (whatever the initials), since they are recognized by the national companies and you can get a job, if your grades are good.

If you just want to try for a clinic job and you have some background in medical terminology, you MIGHT find someone willing to work with you as a trainee, but that is difficult.

Any way you look at it, it will be several years before you can expect much if any income. In my experience, most MTs make between $12-$20 an hour, depending on their speed and luck finding the right job, and years of training.
Pitiful actually but I only work part-time..sm
I work part time for the same place and same account I started as a newbie 1-1/2 years ago. I cannot find a job with more work because I either don't have 2 years exp or I don't have acute care exp. I have sent numerous resumes. So far now I am destined to make very little income while gaining the exp I need for a better job. Thank God my husband has a good job.

1. Approximately $600.

2. This is just one job only part time sometimes as little as 11 hours a week. On a good week 20 hours. Haven't seen 20 hours in a while.

3. Rate is .075 cpl.

4. About $2500 for food and bills and gas.

5. I would be $1,900 short of enough to make it if it wasn't for husband. :( All I can do is keep trying and maybe in 6 more months when I have the 2 year exp. someone will actually hire me. Believe me I have applied at SO many places.
Anyone work two jobs at the same time?
I only have dial-up and it is so so slow and now the company I work for has "updated" their system which has made my downloading even slower and can only download two jobs at a time.. so now I have to sit and wait for the next job to come through.  The hours at my present job are becoming less and less flexible too and most places I have inquired about want you to put in an 8 hours shift.  My situation is that I was getting my line requirements in in about 4 1/2 hours, but now with the so slow system, I fear I will be sitting and waiting for work and I just can't stand not being productive... after all I'm not being paid to sit.  Was thinking about taking another position, working 5 minutes on one computer, switching to another and working 5 more minutes while my work downloads on the first, and back and forth.   Anyone else do this?   Can it be done?  or am I just taking on more than I can handle?    This downtime really is killing me, not just $$$, but psychologically too... I'm a Type A and I just want to Git Er done.  Any suggestions? 
I work part time at my daughter's college sm
book store, looking for something else to do besides MT, I am bored.
hospitals will allow you benefits if you work part time sm
They will cost you a little but still a HUGE savings on paying all on your own.
I would quit. I work part time and only make about
$250 a week.  Just having become a grandma would influence my decision! I can't keep my hands off the little one!  1K a week would suite me just fine!  To bad I don't play the lottery. 
I work 2 full time IC jobs. nm
I work 2 full time jobs..
I work from 8:00 - 4:30 then get home and start working about 6 pm. until 12-1 a.m. It's tough to do, but can be done if you are determined enough. I've been doing for almost one year now. The bad thing is I work salary during day hours, and paid cpl at night, so nothing is overtime pay for me. Would be easier to have one job with overtime allowed. We girls just do what we gotta do, don't we?
Have Part Time Flexible Work in the evenings available, have emailed you. nm
I did work three jobs for quite a long time. Then it dawned on me that

(1) I was always tired (2) I was never finished working (3) It wasn't worth it.

I quit EDiX, and I quit my hospital job, and I've never looked back. I usually have what money I need. I work about 5 hours a day plus a small weekend job recently that's no more than 10 op notes.

I work 2 full time IC jobs and made just under 50K. nm


Any suggestions for a good MT for part time other than MQ as far as a nice company to work for. I
think it is time for a change about now.
Part-time work using Extext/word client/dictaphone
Anyone know any companies that are hiring that use this system?  I really want to start part-time and then probably commit to full time later.  I really want a company that supplies your equipment!  Thanks.
Does anyone work a part time job that is NOT transcribing or related to the transcription field?
If so, what?? 
looking for part-time Emdat work, preferably with clients in the East Coast
I have been making an average of 10,000 lines per pay period (bimonthly), on QA-optional status, but my accounts are based in the West Coast while I am in the East Coast. I usually work from afternoon to night to reach my daily goal of at least 1000 lines, which is not good for my family.

I would like to find part-time work to keep me busy in the mornings instead of nights. I prefer clinic accounts, ESLs or American dictators. I am willing to take a test anytime especially in the mornings EST.

For most companies how many hours may part time employees work. What is the minimum and maximum
I work a full time and a part time, but not sure about 2 full-time...
My hubbie is disabled and I am the only one in my family working also, so I fully understand. You will not have a day off at all working 2 full-time as that is going to be the only way you will get in all your hours. I work one job in the mornings from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and the other from 5 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. and do have off one day a week, but if I had to get in the extra 15 hours to make the other job full-time I am not sure how I would do that other than lose my only day off. Also, make sure you have your account specifics in front of you at all times because you will get yourself confused as to who is what and having notes will help in that area. Good luck to you, as it is possible, but forget about your house being clean, having any social life, etc. Feel free to email me personally if you just need someone to talk to, as I have been where you are and still am.
Does anyone know if you are a part time employee for 1 company and part time IC for another can you
still claim deductions for IC on your income tax even though you are one of each.
FT jobs is not what is available for the most part.
Slave labor is what Wal-Mart is all about. Why does that shock you.

It's okay if you shop at Wal-Mart. I forgive you.
Working full time at home with small children is hard but part time works great
is almost impossible. You will either have to work when your spouse is home or for only a few hours during the day and then more when they are asleep. I work part time at home and my kids (2&5 now) have done very, very well. They are great kids, very well behaved, don't get into much. I stop working to check on them/give them some attention every hour or so while I work (5 hours each afternoon or so) and they get all my attention in the morning and at night. It has worked out beautifully for us.
full-time in office/ part-time at home
I currently work full-time in a physician's office and have started part-time online. My hope is to eventually go full-time online; however that will be done the road for a single mom with a son in college. My suggestion would be try to type part-time for a MTSO and see how that goes i.e work and money with a decision down the road for ultimately being home all the time. A guaranteed paycheck is always a necessity for me. Hope this helps.
full time, part time, statutory
newly defined full time...

newly defined part time....(which is an added classification)

I believe statutory just was not mentioned because there is nothing new about the definition of statutory.
full time/part time/statutory
The definition of full time is new.

There is a new classification called part time.

I believe statutory was not mentioned merely because that has not changed and they do not receive PTO/benefits.
part-time or full-time
I'm curious. Are you FT or PT? Thanks.
1 full time and 1 part time for now
I am still pretty new, so that is all I am taking on. I may take on more after I get more experience, if possible.
Part time
I work part time from home, and I graduated about 7 months ago. It fine doing part time, just don't expect to make any money.
part time
I was told I had to work 20 hours minimum and there was no maximum. Since I'm paid by the line, I could work 100 hours a week if I wanted.
Why don't you try getting a part-time job? Try
Don't want a part time job
I was hired as a fulltime employee; I have benefits and want to keep them. What kind of benefits do you have for parttime; not what I have now that is for sure.

We want to work. Yes it seems like we are complaining a lot but you just do not understand what is going on and obviously do not work for MQ and until you do or are in our shoes kindly do not respond to us. We are letting each other know what is going on on this board because management does not care no matter how much complaining we do.

Many of us have quit already and more and more are going out the door.

All we want to do is work and be treated like human beings and not machines.
Part-time job

I need a part time job but I can't work more than 10-15 hours a week.  Is there any such animal? Everyone I have contacted wants me to work 20 hours.


$12/hr QA, IC, part-time
will be working on VR tech, I believe. Is it worth trying?
I will look for a part time
i liked this one, but oh well, if they are taking my money......well they claim to have so much new work coming in. I don't think they are in financial trouble, just being cheap.

I know from my experience that the smaller companies do not follow the same AAMT style as nationals, rather notes are typed the way the doctor wants it. You should have some examples. Talk to someone there before you leave. I bet in the end it will be a lot less stress!!
I do part-time

I purchased a laptop mainly for when we go RVing in the summer as sometimes I receive a lot of work (on tape) from my own local account and instead of needing to stay home so I can complete it by Monday I can now go camping and work and do my work. However, at home, I mainly use my laptop for my on-line job. My laptop has more RAM than my regular PC and everything seems faster on, so I prefer using my laptop.

I am waiting for the new ExpressCard to hit the market from Verizon (or Sprint) and hope to sign up for their unlimited Internet pkg. which will be faster than the dial-up that I currently have (which is all that is available to me), then I can actually do my on-line job (live on a platform) when away from home on my laptop as well if need be. I did check with the tech dept. of the software program and was told that I could connect to their platform this way. My laptop did not come with a PC card slot, just the new ExpressCard slot that all laptops will be made with in the future (is my understanding).

Do you have any particular questions about using a laptop for work???

Part-time job
Part-time weekends at a local hospial as a unit secretary.
Bascially trying to read docs handwriting and ordering labs, scans, etc through the computer, answering phones, helping nurses (placing a calls to doctors, ordering different tests, etc) It sounds like an easy job, but there is a lot to learn and trying to read doctors handwriting is a pain. After ordering all of these tests, and all of the medications have to be documented on the nurse's bedside for that patient. A lot of work for little pay!  
Looking For Part Time
I am looking for part-time. Could that be the problem? Is there just not a need for experienced MTs right now?