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Internet settings and are they causing a problem with fastness?

Posted By: Don't know about DSL on 2007-10-12
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I just checked with my carrier, having slowness and was told my download is 6.4 mbps and upload at 435.7 kbps. I have Dell with XP and yet I am out typing the words appearing on screen. At first was told by AT&T the 6.4 might cause the slowness and then after they checked said all was well. Does anyone know about this?

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MT causing problems
I understand that and agree with you.  I work for a company that is not completely perfect, but then again, no company is completely perfect.  It is just sad that I you have these "disgruntled" MTs that obviously have nothing better to do than to stir up trouble or at least try to. 
I can't figure out what is causing this, but since DQS
my line count has never been the same -- some of which is due to being switched from account to account, which will slow ANY/ALL MT's down, but it is MORE THAN THAT ! DQS is hungry for MQ MT's lines somehow. We will never know, as we do not configure it ourselves, but it is done by others who will not reveal any such information. I just know from MedRite to DQS has not been a good experience for me as far as lines go. The software itself is okay -- not that at all, but where my lines are going is my struggle with DQS !!!
so in other words, kill everything that is causing--sm
an epidemic. What about HIV and other diseases? Kill them too?
Yes, I know I have .tmp files that are causing problems.
That's the problem. They don't go away when they should and I'm tired of the problems that they create. Deleting them, which I have been doing all along, hasn't solved the problem so there is some other reason they are being created and taking up program space/memory, which may be why the whole thing is crashing. I also suspect it has something to do with Works (although I don't have it on my computer) because it was a huge crash problem when both Word and Works were on the same computer. Uninstalling Works seemed to work back then but we're still stuck with the winword.exe file and there may be where the problem originates. Got me. Thanks anyway.
As soon as I notice that someone is causing stress in my life

Relationships are meant to make our lives better, not miserable.

You have leftover .tmp files that are still causing problems. sm
Lots of tmp files don't flush out when you have a crash so you need to manually delete them. First, open your task manager and make sure winword.exe is not on the list. Close task on it if it is. Now close all of your open applications and do a search for the following files:

*.tmp, ~*

You can delete all of the files directly in the search window.

If you still have something running in the background like antivirus or a firewall, you won't be able to delete those temp files so don't panic if some say they are in use. Just delete all that you can.

Umm, actually you haven't been "saying" anything. You've been causing
If you don't like it here, you know what you can do, right? For one little newbie, you're sure causing a big stink, aren't you? Accept the people here for who they are, and we'll do the same back for YOU. It's a two-way street. Stop trying to cause so much trouble. You remind me of some spoiled brat having a temper tantrum when she doesn't get her way. Honestly.
Settings, Playback settings.
Increase or decrease the steps in Rewind.
mostly trees limbs causing damage by falling on wires and rooftops

much minor roof damage and blew signs down around in those towns, enough to tell there was a storm, but NOTHING like further south!

Has anyone asked their eye doc about heavy computer use causing glaucoma. I read that article on
that. I plan to ask my ophth next month about that.
Internet based transcription - need advice on how to go internet
Can anyone offer any help/advice on how go about becoming internet based from a call in system, or how to keep the call in system for the docs and put transcriptionists on the internet?  Not sure where to start to get information on how to go about doing this. Any help will be appreciated.  Thanks.
If you want to work on the internet from home, take an internet course
But only from Andrews School or M-TEC. Many companies will waive the 2-years' experience requirement and will test and hire you if you go to either of those schools. Do NOT bother with At Home Professions, Penn Foster, US Career Institute, or ESPECIALLY Trans-Am, which is also known as Trans-SCAM and is a total ripoff. You will have a VERY difficult time getting hired without experience unless you choose Andrews School or M-TEC. Yes, they cost more, but that's because they are excellent training programs, not "correspondence courses."
Yes . . . it is under settings
Playback tab, then Auto-backstep on stop
I am using Express Scribe, and I tried the settings and that didn't help. Thank you!
Yes, I am afraid I did all of that. It keeps coming back and saying that it is not a supported file. Thank you very much for helping!
Under settings. sm
Click Playback tab. For Rewind, I have set mine to 500 and Speed at 150.
Try the Settings.
Under playback tab you can change the rewind. Mine is set at Step (ms) 500 and Speed (%) 150.
Go into Settings.
On the Control tab use the footpedal setup wizard to set what part of the pedal does what. On the Playback tab, you can change the backspace. On the
Have You Tried the Settings?
I haven't used Express Scribe since school, but have you changed the settings?  I had to change it to change the settings for what food petal I was using.  The one I chose was V-something (VEC?  VRC?) 3-pedal, I can't remember. 
It may have to do with your settings sm
under File, preferences. Make sure you don't have verify target window checked. Also, may be the pause....after so many keytstrokes. Play around with that one. Every body is different but what works for me is pause 5 msec after 1000 keystrokes.

Also, try waiting for the expansion to appear before you type the word after it.

And below, make sure you have simulate Keystrokes checked.
On Exp Scribe, click on settings,file type, and if you don't what type of file, just check them all. Then give it a try and see what happens.
Did you try the settings on the
monitor itself.  Mine has buttons to push to change the screen size and my old one had a dial.  That's about as much as help as I can give. 
Did you check all your settings and especially....
your password in OE? If so, is the Spamgard on in Yahoo so that it is keeping from going to your OE?
Settings, control and then where?
Settings, control and then where - can you help me?

Thanks so much!
Settings on my computer??? sm
Do you know how to check those?  Thanks for your help!
see message for my settings. sm
variable speed 50 to 150
tone low frequency 1500
back step 1500
mode: constant
rewind: 500 and 150
forward: 500 and 150
I DID go into the settings and *told* it what to --sm
count. It was still very inconsistent and would not count headers, even though I *told* it to. I would count lines with it and then recount with Sylcount and Abacus was always fewer lines. This was just MY experience with it and I don't need to be made to sound like I am not familiar enough with these programs to not do the *settings* correctly. thank you.
it depends on the settings
I worked before for gross lines, but it depends on the margins and the font setup.  I had one account that was Ariel 12 and the other was only a font of 10.  With the 12 font I got more lines credited as opposed to the 10 font.  Working at 9 cpl without spaces actually evens out to about the same as the lesser amount with spaces.  You can download Abacus and then take a document you have typed and have it count it without spaces and with gross lines and then see the difference, it's really not that much.
click settings then...sm
under Playback tab, adjust the Auto Backstep on Stop (0-5000ms). 1000ms = 1 second.
Go to settings, then file and
it gives you a spot to put the number of days to delete files.
Thanks so much - still having problems.  Got the wizard to work on a couple of ports, but only to the push rewind pedal - then will do nothing - locks up and goes crazy with buttons on Express Scribe flashing continuously...any ideas?
Will do both, but how do I get those settings back?
Mine won't let me do that. Wonder if it could have to do with the settings? nm
Changing settings

You can change the settings.   With your mouse on the main desk top screen, right click and go downto properties.  Go over to the settings tab and this will give you options for changing the font size.   You can change it in that setting by changing the pixel settings, or you can click on the Advanced button and change your DPI setting (or both).

Hope that helps.

I believe if you go into your settings while booting up. SM
On my PC if you push F2 or F8 during the boot up process it will take to your configuration settings.  There will be an option that will be able to clear the password so that you will not be asked for a password anymore.
Yes, I had looked at settings, but I don't see how
to do that. My screen is stretched now, and maybe I'm looking at the wrong place. I dunno....I'm seriously challenged when it comes to this stuff....thanks for replying
Playback Settings for ES
Hello.  You can go to the Playback Settings in ES and find the Auto Backstep on Stop heading.  Mine is set to 1780 that allows for a reasonable auto backstep. You can adjust to your liking.  Once you do that, go to "Control" and run the Footpedal Setup Wizard.  That should do it!  Best of luck.
Daytime 70, nighttime 65 for my AC settings. nm
In the settings, click the Incoming tab...
and then you can select file(s) for Express Scribe to scan. Then it will scan those and will load files automatically.
Did you try the Settings in Express Scribe?

The pedal controls won't work until you open Express Scribe, go to Settings/Settings.../Control, and select VEC Pedals USB or something like that; 3-pedals.  Then, you click on "Foot Pedal Control Setup Wizard" and it will have you to press rewind, fast forward, and play.  After that, the pedal *should* work.

I received ByteScribe with my USB foot pedal but I didn't like it so I uninstalled it and downloaded Express Scribe with no additional software.

If that doesn't work, I really don't know what to tell you.  Sorry .


I could see much better but the settings slowed down my computer..sm..
I didn't have any trouble getting it back though.  Hope you find something that works. 
I didn't like what settings I chose (sm)
using Tonks directions so I tried changing back to the original settings and had a bit of trouble regaining them. Just a heads up for anyone wanting to try changing your settings using the wizard. You might create a system restore point before you make any changes so you can easily restore your old settings if need be.
Click on Settings and it is under the Playback tab.
You would have to change the margin settings.
Under Styles, find the List Number and change the hanging indent setting. This will then apply to all documents based on that template.
click settings then files nm
EMDAT pedal settings
*silent screaming*  Is there any way to change how far back the voice file goes back when you take your foot off the pedal?  I disabled the pause/play option because I went it to rewide a second or two but not the 10 it is currently doing.  This system is a pain.  I'm hoping it grows on me!
emdat pedal settings
Go to options - date/time and is there. 
Express Scribe settings
Try going under settings, files, and select .dss I have been using ES for 4 years and there are always quirks... not sure how I get the solution each time. Hope this works.
Did you go to your settings and do the control set up wizard? nm
Yes - DSS files are checked in settings


Sort of. The software usually has a settings

where you just click on it and press the pedals as it requests.  You can also change the function of the pedals - for example make the left one rewind and the right one FF, etc. 

Some software will only work with certain pedals.  Generally a USB-1 pedal will work with the majority of the software, but not always.  Some software requires a special foot pedal.  

Anyway the programming is very easy, takes 2 minutes tops.