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QA is Quality Assurance, QC is

Posted By: nss on 2005-07-31
In Reply to: What is the difference from QA and QC TIA - MT

Quality Control, for what that is worth

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Quality Assurance
Don't get discouraged. As time goes on you will get better and better at what you do.
Medical Editor/Quality Assurance

Could someone please tell me if a medical Editor is the same thing as a Quality Assurance person? Wondering if this is a good position to take or not. Thanks and have a great day.

Hahah!a! Funny typo: not quality 'scAre', quality 'scOre'. LMAO!...nm
I think that depends on the quality. Do you honestly think there is good quality just throwing every
MT on any account like they are. I also think QA has been told to not waste a lot of time on blanks so I think the hospitals are getting a lot more blanks. I certainly have more when I get in a hospital I dont know and they talk 100 miles an hour.
I thought quality was a given. Speed and quality are not mutually exclusive. sm

I maintain 99% accuracy above on my reports.  However, the original question was regarding personal preference, and I have stated mine, and I respect your opinion as well.  :-)    I do think if I was working in an office or hospital setting, the setup you mentioned might be more profitable in the long run.  There are too many interruptions and such when you have other people running in and out, phones ringing, etc. 

I doubt that anyone but me really cares about the lines per hour it takes for me to do a report.  They just want an accurate report in a timely manner.  I take pride in my work, and would never just slop something out for the sake of the almighty buck.   And, as an added incentive, I work for 2 companies, and one of them has my name on each report.  I don't have a problem with it, but I did think it was a bit unusual at first.

Oh well ... I must confess that what I'd TRULY like is to be paid lots of money to just sit and play Battle Phlinx on Pogo all day long, but as of yet, no such luck.  

Quality is quality whether you are an MT or CEO.

How good is the quality of the performance of your managers or the guys at the top?   Anybody want to evaluate that?   Can they get their raises based on our evaluation of their quality?  

Let's see now.  Which CEOs were named in lawsuit?  F for quality.  How many managers do we need to give us stupid pep talks?   F for managers.  QA this post MQ and all other nationals who decide they reward us on "quality"   Look in the mirror and fix yourself.

what is your quality like?
Oh, the quality! Well now we know.
I totally agree with you. There should be some kind of feedback on how you are doing. Not only for mistakes, but also if you are doing a really fine job. I know when am not real sure of something, or if I did do something wrong, I really do want to know. How else do you learn? I know too, that when someone notices a job well done and lets me know, it makes me want to strive for that "perfection", and it just plain feels good. I think the circumstance has become if nobody says anything, then it's ok, kind of leaves you in the dark. Just always remember, everything you type becomes a legal document. I'm sure you do a good job.
I can't believe the quality.
This year I had to subcontract out because I have too much work to handle, and frankly, I can't believe the appalling quality I am getting from transcriptionists with 10+ years of experience. To put it bluntly, it's shameful. I pay 11 cpl to my transcriptionists but after a year of searching, testing, and training, I have only found 2 that are actually worth it. My doctors are so easy. They are clear, they repeat everything, and there are no ESLs, but these people just don't read directions, don't proofread their work (when they clearly need to), and don't have even the basics of grammar down.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if doctors that have switched from an over-priced American company to an offshore firm didn't notice any difference in quality at all.

I know this isn't going to be a popular view but it is the truth, and I can tell you I was just as shocked to learn this as anybody.
98% quality
Hi peers,

Can someone describe me how to calculate 98% accuracy. Any description or link would be appreciated. Thx!
quality, etc.
Case in Point ~
with a union, we could at last demand to stop being treated like cattle and/or factory piece workers. What in the heck has happened to hourly salary!!??? How about straight salary? These records are, after all, LEGAL DOCUMENTS. When we are forced to type at the speed of sound instead of making the production of the highest quality possible documents our top priority, this demeans our profession.
better pay is better quality/less pay=less quality
I just took one and know I did not do well, quality is not
an issue with me, but knowing I am timed my fingers just don't work.
should be quality - should have had an ESL MT do this for me
so sorry!
Why is it only for SEs? If its really quality they want it should apply to

Quality is quality whether an employee or not.

Bad quality dictation
What in heavens name do you do after starting work with a company and the dictation is so lousy qualitywise with static and the voice fading in and out.  Is this normal? Left lines in every report.  ??? Help?
Can you tell us who this is with the bad sound quality? nm
The other will be cheaper but no quality
The quality of the dictators is SM

pretty bad overall--even the Americans.  I would say with most national services, the accounts are about 75% ESL (30% terrible ESL), 20% fast Americans who don't care and 5% really good gravy dictators.

This is for acute care dictation--large hospitals.  Another problem is there are so many dictators in 1 facility that you hardly ever get the same ones day after day.

I think in QA you are seeing the low quality of MTs, not dictators sm
If I were you (and I admit I did QA for awhile and hated it, for so many more mistakes than the blanks they had sent to QA for) I would go back to MT. There is lots of money to be made, especially when you become familiar with dictators and accounts. I wouldn't do QA for anything. $15 an hour for QA versus $35 an our for MT. Go back to MT.
quality vs wages

While I do agree that there is a vast majority of MTs who are of extremely poor quality, there also are very high-quality, well-seasoned MTs like myself who are tired of making the same wages we made 10-15 years ago.  If there is such a discrepancy in our work quality and ethics, these corporations (who, by the way, are not slacking at all in their 6-figure income pockets!!!!) should pay MTs based on quality and experience, not just experience alone. 


I remain,


sound quality

I'm totally with you!  I used a Lanier station for the first 15 years of my career and the sound quality was superb compared to the internet dictation.  One thing you might try, if you have not already, is to make sure your speakers have a tone dial.  Lots of these companies provide speakers that only have a volume dial or they want you to plug right in to the PC but there is no tone setting on the voice program.  Turning the tone to high helps un-muffle the sound.  Good luck!


Yeh tell me about it!!! Produce more reports if you want more$$$ but don't make any mistakes or you don't get incentive. This way they get out of having to give raises or pay more money, putting the responsibility back on the MT. Its all our fault right? Its BS!
quantity vs quality
Hey y'all, it's a buyers market out there. There a tremedous demand for transcriptionists. Just move on. Things are going to continue to change quickly in transcription over the next few years. Everybody hates change, but try to embrace it for a while, it'll put you in the catbird seat.
quality vs wages

Pay versus quality
I understand that experience warrants more pay - however, if working means I take a lower rate, and work up to a higher rate - than I take it - it does not mean I give less of myself - Being a Transcriptionist I take pride in my work and work hard at whatever the rate. Too many jobs going over seas for a much much lower rate than 7 cents a line - if we want to get it back, and / or continue working than you do what you have to for the time being. I have companies that pay me 7.5 and clients that pay me between 7 and 14 - and thank goodness I am busy enough to make a decent living. I am not a prima dona who picks and chooses - I have a responsibility to my family to make money, and a desire to work and maintain a household.

However, I will not work for someone who does not pay at all, bounces checks or disrespects me in any way - but my quality never wans for any reason - that is my reputation on the line not any one else's.

So, yes we should make more money - but if this is what is out there, I will take it.
quality of dictation
for the most part and filling out demographics, etc. Escription they just started recently.
Sound quality may/may not be the
the wav player but your sound card.  You can get a new sound card or you can get a USB thing and bypass the sound card.  I'm not sure exactly what the thing is called but the one I have is by Turtle Beach and is called Audio Advantage.  I got it at Best Buy for about $30.   You can Google and read about them.  There are 3 different ones to choose from.   I didn't think it made a huge difference, but I went on a working vacation once and didn't bring it and realized how much difference it did make.  You can adjust all kinds of things on it, which will be a trial and error thing for you.   If you have Win98 or less you can't access all the features though. 
company quality down...

Would you stay with a company that is getting multiple complaints from a client?  I work on as an IC for a company and the account I am on is recieving complaints about quality of reports and MTs not following formats, ect.  I'm trying to decide if I should stay on with the company or find work elsewhere.  My work has never come into question and my QA scores are always higher than required.  I'm not sure I want to stay on though with a group that apparently is not doing a proper job.  Apparently the client has requested several specific MTs to be taken off the account and is threatening more if things are not fixed. 

Would you stay or go? 

you mean Quality? not qaulity

hmmm, maybe the US MT needs some editing.
Quality and verbatim

Even though you type verbatim does not mean you type all the mistakes the doctor's dictate.  I would NEVER type an error.  When in doubt, it is blanked and sent to QA.

The company I work for is known for their QUALITY and we type VERBATIM on all accounts except stated otherwise in account specifics. 

sound quality

I have had a couple of at-home jobs in which the dictation was received by phone line.  Is it true that the sound quality is better this way?  I am currently looking for a new job and wondering if dictation via internet will be a rude surprise in comparison.  Appreciate any comments.

Med Workshops... Quality?

Hey Everyone.

I need a decent training program. I have looked into Career Step, Andrews, etc...

As I was browsing Craigs List, I discovered Med Workshops.  They have a six month program and then a two month internship program for TNI Transcriptions.  They told me that they would train me to work for TNI during the internship phase of the training.  Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone has any experience with this program or company.  I had never heard of them before.  Thanks!!!!

Sound quality.....MT : QA
This is an excerpt from a post from an MT some while ago and I AGREE 100% WITH IT:

'Is it me, have I totally lost it, or is the sound quality on the QASAR playback FAR better than the quality on the original job?

Last night I had job after job dictated by a gal who mumbles, speed talks, fades in and out, rattles papers, and it sounds as if she is talking through a shoe. I listened repeatedly. I had my husband listen. I even stuck the headset on the cat to no avail; none of us could understand her as she rattled off study meds.

This morning I check QASAR and while QA couldn't get everything she said either, the sound was crisp, clear, and sharp as a bell. I find this very frustating. If the sound on my end had been this good while I was transcribing I could have gotten the majority of these blanks and saved QA some work.'

All I know about quality is from the test,
and the test was easy. The sound was so good that I was able to hear the abbreviations correctly - I could tell D from B. Just because the test had good sound quality doesn't mean the work would be like that. If I'd just been able to get my foot pedal to work, it seems like I could have flown through it.
you say ESL MTs have better quality and should replace US MTs?
Can you back up your claim? I do not believe for one second ESL MTs are better in qaulity than US-based MTs.

Have you had first-hand experience editing reports from ESL MTs?

Blaming the MT is almost ridiculous in my opinion. Blame the MTSOs and the managers for it is their responsibility to hire/train/mentor/teach and deliver ongoing support and supervision.

Blame the hospitals who demand we as MTs single-handedly carry the entire burden of quality all the while cutting nurses jobs (jobs that directly and adversely affect patient care), who got in bed with the devil (offshoring) to make their profits, who day in and day out come up with new ways to 'cheat' patients of care and make more money for themselves.

...and the MT is supposed to carry all the burden? we are not martyrs, we are working women most of which just trying to make a living on what are now becoming third-world wages thanks to every suit in this business that used to be more of a humanitarian effort rather than a cash cow.
Some people put out quantity, some put out quality and
there are very few who can do both.  If you produce a quality product you shouldn't be penalized for not putting out more lines.   It is sort of like the bonuses, in order to get more $$ you have to work more - like dangling a carrot.   99% of the other companies don't pay this way and manage to make a living.  
Are you a bad MT with lousy quality work?
My calls are answered immediately, i've been on the same account for years, i'm praised for my work, receive emails thanking me.  Maybe its YOU and not THEM?
As a new MT one should not worry about production but quality. A lot of MTs old and new sm
don't take the time to do the work accurately.
quality versus production
I would say they are keeping you hostage with this 99% stuff. You should be reading as you go, then spell checking and move on. Try making some more $ that way, then if your quality dips slow down. We all make mistakes, we arenot machines. It sounds like you are afraid to have amistake and itis tying up your hands. Don't you love how these companies work??? They get you one way or the other.
Most contract goals are 98% quality
Poor quality of food

I agree with the posters who state the quality of some of their foods are poor.  I would not buy the WM brand of anything.  Have tried a few things and my family would not eat it.  Their meats look and smell horrible.  The only thing I might buy from WM if it was cheaper, is name brand frozen foods. 

I think one of the reason WM has had a boost in the last few months is due to the Hurricane tragedies.  Cities in Louisiana are crowded and WM can't keep their shelves stocked.  Stopped at a WM on the way home from Christmas shopping late one night and they were closed (suppose to be open 24 hours), every since the hurricanes they have been closing at 11:00 p.m.

It's the quality, not the size that counts

Is the quality of the food first rate...

Sounds like a good deal!

Quality Healthcare Insurance...SM
Does anyone have this insurance.  According to their website it costs $85.00 a month for individuals.  Sounds too good to be true.  Any info appreciated.
Another thing is that the quality of MTs is getting worse
and therefore those who do know what they are doing have to do the truly difficult stuff. Not fair at all IMO!!
very good quality speakers


Does anyone have a particular brand name, other than Bose (much TOO expensive) of speakers that you use for you job.  I had good amplified speakers that you can wear a headset with, but 1 of them is no longer any good.  Warranty is over with.  Any suggestions?  Thanks 





Any idea on how to improve quality.

This could be a spin off on another post.  I started with a national 3 weeks ago and they sent me a QA score of 95.5%.  I need 98%.  They did make a note there were no major patient care errors mostly minor errors in formatting and some omitted words.  What passes at my regular FT job won't pass at the MTSO though.  One of my errors is I forgot to put a period after q.  I wrote q 4 hours.  At my FT job that would have passed but  MTSO wants q.4 h.  It is stuff like that that brought my score down.      I like a challenge but gosh when I have already typed 1300 lines in-house then I have to come home and type some more at the MTSO.  Not as easy as I thought.

Quantity versus quality
I did an internship recently at a local hospital in Michigan.  I kept hearing the  supervisor say to the transcriptionists to type faster, type faster.  I could not believe the mistakes in the reports.  When I brought this up to the manager, she would look at the mistakes, and say go on to the next report.  The mistakes were never even fixed.  The worst part was that the manager of the transcription department was the QA, and she wasn't even a medical transcriptionist!!!
Quantity versus quality

If the company wants shoddy work, let them keep outsourcing to foreign countries.  If they get sued, they deserve it.  The office where I work will shortly be sending our work to India and doing away with us.  I saw a few reports from India, and they can't even spell our doctors' names correctly.  Their grammar is awful, not to mention the terminology.   Quality no longer counts, and I no longer want to work for companies that don't care about quality  They can take transcription and India and shove it!