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Thanks for the boost!

Posted By: Thank you on 2008-01-22
In Reply to: i'd minimize the 'where the industry - sm

Just not use to speaking although I am getting better.  Just became at lector at my church.  My husband is the big ham when it comes to public speaking.  You have at least outlined some things that I need to address.  The high schools in our community are changing the curriculums to gear each school towards certain professions.  Medical, Computer, agricultural or academic.  So that they may have a choice of school for their interests.  Thanks again.

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Thank you Amanda, what a boost you made for me.
and let's not forget cherrypicking! That'll boost your lines way up nm

Strangely, your post helped boost my ego when it was wavering....
I was so sure I was doing a good job, but had a hard day today. The docs are spelling out simple things, and I am afraid my company is screwing up big time. Then I start second guessing myself and wondering if I am the one screwing up, (although I had a nice QA score and some nice comments from QA.)

But, judging from your post, no, I am not screwing up. Everyone makes mistakes, but I am not making constant HUGE mistakes like you note in your post. And I have a good attitude with QA, and they have always been nice to me. So I must be doing okay. I am sorry, though, that QA is finding the quality of MTs in the U.S.A. so low!!!! This is very discouraging. But I have noticed that most high school graduates do not know how to spell nowdays. It does not seem to be a priority like when I was in school. Do you think that is most of the problem? Are simple words and basic grammar the problem, or maybe a matter of not wanting to look up the medical words?
Thanks, Mimi. Guess I better boost that production - I'm sure you're right
Study found that electronic health records did not boost patient care. sm

Link to article on yahoo news stating that electronic health records fail to improve care, study says.
