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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: nn on 2006-10-26
In Reply to: I'm 1 hour north of Sacramento but lived in Citrus Heights/Roseville areas for 10 years (sm) - hvlmt

Hi and welcome to California. I live in the S.F. Bay Area, but have lived in Sacramento. You might try Sutter Memorial or Sutter General...both are large, both do a lot of interesting surgeries...heart transplants, etc., and the pay is very good. Sutter seems to want to do a lot for their employees. As to the weather, it gets HOT! At times it has been as high as 110. Winters are wet sometimes, but fairly mild. Sacramento is near Lake Tahoe so skiing is near, and also the Sacramento Delta is a fun place to water ski, swim or fish. Public transit is very good and reliable. People are usually quite friendly and helpful. Anyway, best of luck on your marriage and your move. I wish you all good things!

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Is it RAS? of Sacramento?
If so, I was paid $10/hr for RAS typing same as above on Lanier in-house (basement).
Welcome to Sacramento!
First of all, let me say congrats on your impending marriage!

As far as the transcription job market in Sacramento, I couldn't really tell you because I work for an MTSO that is out of state. I know there are some local agencies though. And I do see hospital openings for experienced transcriptionists. I'm pretty new (been doing this about 8 months) so I don't qualify for a lot of those jobs. If you Google Medical Transcription in Sacramento California you might find some leads.

Yes, the cost of living is higher here, and housing prices are inflated, unfortunately. If your fiance has been here for a year already, he can vouch for that.

As far as climate goes, we have very hot summers (although this one seemed to be mild in comparison to past years), with temps averaging in the 90's and heat waves in the 100's. Fall and spring are practically non-existent, in that it goes from warm to very cool quickly in the fall, and warmish to very hot in the spring. Winters aren't too bad. It gets cold, but not as cold as some places. Our rainy season isn't too bad, but there are areas that are prone to flooding (but those are few).

Traffic has been getting progressively worse as growth continues. Downtown Sacramento is where a lot of people work and the commute in and out of downtown can be rough. If you are able to continue to work at home, I would definitely do so!

Please feel free to e-mail me directly if you have more questions. Welcome to California!
Several Kaiser Hospitals in the area that have placed ads from time to time. Also, there is an MTSO in Citrus Heights that I have seen post on MT Jobs a few times, maybe you can do a search. My daughter lives in Rocklin, just outside of Sacramento. I don't know what you will think of the weather compared to Alabama, but compared to the mid east coast, it's really, really nice.
moving to Sacramento......
I am in Loomis, about 20-30 minutes away. It is hotter than heck here in the summer and they last till, well we have the last of it now. This year was the WORST in my opinion, and I have been in the area for 25 years. I have never had a problem finding work, I check the various MT boards and Craigslist also yes occasionally Sutter does hire, but not so much MTs in this area - more in the Bay Area. Most of the Sutter Hospitals in the Sac area outsource their transcription. I worked there for 7 years in transcription, and another 4 years in other departments. Not so sure you want to work at a Kaiser Hospital, they aren't so nice. Good luck to you! Really this is such a great location for CA, you are close to mountains, ocean, etc. I think you are really going to like it!
born big town Sacramento, CA
Born in Sacramento, California
Moving from Alabama to Sacramento, CA
Getting married in December.  Fiance' has been there for a year now.  How is the transcription job market in California.  I have a work-at-home job, but thinking maybe I can get something local.  Compared to Alabama, the cost of living is extremely high though.  How is the climate there, any and all info appreciated.
I'm 1 hour north of Sacramento but lived in Citrus Heights/Roseville areas for 10 years (sm)
and pretty much 'ditto' everything CAMT says... Kaiser very big in Sacramento but you could start applying to nationals and have a job by the time you got there!! Congratulations and good luck on your move!!