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yup, for Mississippi

Posted By: me2 on 2006-05-31
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    Any Mississippi MTs out there?
    I'm sure we haven't met as I live in south Mississippi. I am a IC for Alphamed Solutions. I am pretty new at this with only 7 months exp. How about you?
    Mississippi MT here!
    Big town of Brooksville MS. Where are you?
    Not in Mississippi!!!
    Heck, they don't care, at least the county I'm in, if you have small children with no one else to watch them or are caring for an elderly family member, handicapped, or otherwise. They drag you regardless in front of a pool of potential jurors and question you about very private things for everyone to hear. I sat in there one time while the judge and attorneys questioned a woman about why she couldn't sit for jury duty when she was only 3 weeks postop a mastectomy and was to start chemotherapy!! Questions were very personal and downright infuriated me. I wanted to stand up to those dimwitted pompous MALE attorneys and ask them how many times have they had their breast removed and about to undergo cancer treatment!! FURIOUS!

    A truckdriver, who is the sole caregiver of his mentally retarded brother and takes him on ALL his runs, was asked why he couldn't find someone to take care of him. He told them that's why he was taking him EVERYWHERE with him, there was no one else. His parents were deceased and he was the only sibling. He told them his job was the only means of income and he only got paid for loads made and he didn't have anyone to care for his brother anyway. They just continued to ask stupid ignorant questions about "couldn't you find a daycare for him", "don't you have any money put back for these things".......I thought I was going to puke.

    Most of these jack*ss attorneys have never had to worry about anything in their lives when it comes to child care and elderly parents. They pay for someone else to do it.

    You are wrong about the primary caregiver with minor children; birth certificate does no good unless that state says it does. Here, it doesn't matter. They just want to know why you can't just drop little Johnny off at the neighbors if you can't pay for daycare........they see no problem with strangers keeping your child either; just show up!!!

    I wished more states had consideration for the plight of mothers with small children and those that are caregivers for their elderly parents..

    Maybe if they had to actualy do it and had no extra income to pay others to do their job, they would get the picture!!

    Thanks so much for your help here.  We're retired,  my husband is a retired truck driver and THANK GOD we have the ability to help others in need.   If we can just find out who, what, when and where, we're prepared to rent a truck, do a drive here locally and bring the stuff but we've made phone call on top of phone call and no one seems to know how we can help except to donate to the Red Cross but we want specifically to help the forgotten people.
    Or New Orleans! or Mississippi!
    Katrina in Mississippi/Alabama

    Does anyone know of contacts in Mississippi/Alabama that are needing help for their people who have lost everything?  We chose to donate cash to the Salvation Army.  By the time I got around to cleaning out my closets, neither the SA or ARC were taking clothing donations and I'm one of those people who is very bad about buying things and then never wearing them so much of the stuff has tags still attached, not exactly junk.  Now that it's gathered up, I'll just donate it to our local Helping Hands but would like do whatever we can do to help the people of Miss/AL in particular.   It seems they are the "forgotten refugees."  At least in our area, we see very little about them but did see a news clip last night that looked like they were as devastated as NO, if not more so.  Surely they need help too?  TIA for any info.

    RE: Katrina in Mississippi/Alabama
    We had the same problem. All kinds of good stuff and no one had room left for donations of clothing, etc. Our community came up with the idea of a gigantic garage sale and donate the proceeds to the Red Cross. So that is exactly what is happening next weekend. Sorry if this is a double post, my cat ran over my keyboard. He feels so good every morning!!