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Alcoholism is a terrible disease. sm

Posted By: MT on 2006-08-01
In Reply to: The Other Side of Mel Gibson...sm - Democrat

I wish him only the best and hope he is able to find help and solace.  He is a deeply religious man.  He needs to lean on that.  As for the rest, having been raised in a family where alcoholism was very prevelant, I have learned to turn a blind ear to things people say when they are intoxicated.  It's between him and God.  He was making a film about the holocaust, so it's kind of hard to believe what he said was true.  More likely alcohol and the moment talking.  I know many in Hollywood are attacking him, but many are not.  I wish him the best.

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Religionopathy. Terrible, debilitating disease.

That is a terrible, terrible thing
How sad that you think this way. So negative.
I wish alcoholism on no one
I wish the disease of alcoholism on no one.  Once again, you jump to conclusions and post what could be looked at as inflammatory accusations against me..however, my shoulders are big enough to let your kind of disturbing post roll off them. 
Costs of alcoholism are enormous...so we should add another?
This is from Harvard - hardly a bastion of conservatism:

disease is not a choice
Do you actually think disease is a choice? What about babies born with congenital defects - what bad choice did they make? My new grand-daughter was born with an ASD and PFO. What did she choose to deserve that? My daughter has a friend who was born with CF? What do you think he chose? I don't think anyone makes the choice to be ill. My best friend's daugter just suffered a miscarriage, late term. what bad choice did that baby make? By the way, I am calling you self-righteous because that is how you sound, not because I don't like your belief but because I don't like the way you present it. And Tiller did not have the choice to repent; someone cut his life short before he could. Had he lived, you have no idea whether or not he would have lived to regret his actions but you are okay with him being deprived of the opportunity.
Aids is not a gay disease!

I'm sorry but you sound like a huge homophobe full of hate here.  Mental illness....what...are all old people in homes with Alzheimer's secretly gay and this is their punishment for being gay?  Listen to yourself.  You are so full of hate for gay people it isn't funny.  Even other people who are against gay marriage can see this. 

I type psych reports for a living and I see a lot more mental patients who are there for drugs, alcohol, and gambling problems more than because....Oh I'm gay.  The reason some gay people do have issues is because of people like you who hate them.

Again oblivion is a disease in this country
We have absolutely no grasp of the horrors that go on in the majority of the world.
Religionopathy - an incurable disease.

Religionopathy is an incurable disease.

regular pot smokers have less of every disease.
Incoherence is a contagious disease in McC camp
LOL You prove the ugly part of mental disease.
I can't believe this obsessive hatred you have for gays. Are you maybe closeted or something and fear coming out? Because usually the amount of vitriol you spew makes "me think you protesteth too much". Is your own sexuality so fragile that you are threatened by gays? The scientific community is pretty much convinced that gay is not a choice any more than the color of your eyes is; you can try and disguise it, but you are what you are. Free yourself, friend, and embrace your inner KD Lang.
No, I think it is terrible. It is way too far. And
not that you were implying it, but Obama had nothing to do with this (though I have a feeling he will somehow be blamed). The people that did it are some group, which I can't remember the name of off hand. They have done this before as evidently they hacked into some Scientology accounts a while back.
yes terrible tragedy
Well, you picture me and my life all wrong.  Yes, terrible disaster..  However, the ones to blame have to be pointed out and everything gone over in detail so it never happens again and so New Orleans and other cities/states at risk will get the money they should from the federal govt to protect the land and the people who live there.  You can bet if this happened under a democratic president, you guys would be screaming for his head by now.  However, I dont think it would have had the same devastating effects, as no democratic president is going to give tax cuts to the rich while waging a war.  I have always been taught, you need to keep a little bit of money for emergencies.  Bush, with all his family money, Im sure never was taught that.  Just run up the bills, there is always money to pay for it all.  Well, there isnt and there wasnt and the federal govt cut back on aid to all states due to Bush's extreme deficit.  The people are in agony now and it will get worse before better and the rest of the country will begin to feel the pain when gas shortages start happening and gas is $8.00 or more/gallon.  We probably will have other shortages also as the gulf is a major port.  Then the rage will be turned to where it should be turned..to Bush. 
many terrible things are done in
the name of Christianity. That doesn't make Christianity terrible.
oops, terrible mistake, but looks like some
Right. Because Obama has done such a terrible job as president....(sm)

Oh, wait....no...it can't be....the audacity of this man.  He isn't even president yet, and just look at how he has changed this country.  He has given people hope for a brighter future....the nerve.  Things were much better when we could just torture people at will, invade who we want, pi$$ off the world, and not have to deal with those pesky civil rights.  Oh, those were the days! 

Keep counting.

Isnt he terrible? I tried watching too and he comes
Ummm....yeah, it would be so terrible..(sm)

If we just "let it go" then we have said it is okay to torture and to break the law.  We are supposed to be a nation of laws.  Those laws apply to everyone, even the former administration.

You guys constantly try to justify the war in Iraq by saying that Saadam was a tyrant (which he was) and that he was committing inhumane acts on his people.  We also ridiculed the Taliban for its treatment of women.

How much credibility do we really have to judge anyone else if we don't hold ourselves accountable for our OWN laws?

I hope the whole Bush bunch that came up with and ordered torture go to trial and are given the most severe sentence possible.  Maybe that way when other countries look at us they can see that we mean what we say instead of having a double standard for ourselves. 

'A mind is a terrible thing to waste'. - Unfortunately,

The Mind is a terrible thing to lose

thus spats out another great repub VP choice, Dan Potatoe Quayle.


Terrible debate! Jim was not direct or specific enough in his ...sm
questions and allowed too much of the same old retoric from both candidates.
Yes, because he could not get elected no matter what he tried, like the man, terrible, worn-out, in
The exact quote is "What a terrible thing to
have lost one's mind, or not to have a mind at all.  How true that is.".....Dan Quayle   If you Google Dan Quayle, there are more quotes made by him which are very funny. Amazing how Americans form their decisions to vote for these people. 
and that should have read "NO MORE than being a Republican means," I am typing terrible, migra
and that should have read "NO MORE than being a Republican means," I am typing terrible, migra