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I'd be more touched

Posted By: gourdpainter on 2008-11-27
In Reply to: Did you see where Bush "pardoned" his - Stardust

if he had done the right thing and pardoned Ramos and Campion who were only doing their job and a fine kettle of fish that got them in.  Surely these 2 men are at least as deserving of a pardon as a turkey.

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It seems I touched a nerve ~

Healthcare reform is a much debated subject.  We, the great people of the United States, should adopt the attitude that we can set higher benchmarks in the area of healthcare.  Wouldn't that be something to be proud of?  The great difference between the liberal and conservative stance on healthcare is that we liberals view it as a human issue whereas the conservatives view it as a business. Who is right and who is wrong?  Depends on your personal point of view.  I am certainly not trying to change anyone's fundamental way of thinking, I only want to people to start talking about, researching it, talking to your friends, your neighbors, your family, your doctor, your representatives, and make up your own mind about to make a reality.  I am not endorsing any particular or single proposal that is currently on the table and I am certainly not attacking anyone in particular.

Piglet touched on a point in one of her....

posts that is important to understand the profound difference in liberals and conservatives...while I don't agree with the exact wording...it is in the right vein.   She said "liberals view it as a human issue and conservatives view it as a business."  That is not entirely true, because that suggests conservatives do not view it as a human issue at all.  They do.  The difference is, I believe, that while conservatives do have the same compassion, that is tempered with sober thinking. Thinking about what it will cost.  Thinking about the long-term effects.  Thinking about how it affects everyone.  There has to be that balance.  One part of the family needs to try to keep the other part of the family from giving away the farm, to put it simply.  You make similar decisions in your personal lives.  Your kids want a lot of things.  You can't afford to give them everything they want, so you have to make choices.  There just needs to be that balance.  That is obvious from the postings.  Any long-term effect or cost of an entitlement is not entertained, and if it is brought to light, it is greeted with, for lack of a better phrase, "Why do you want to rain on the parade?"  And that really is not the intention.  Conservatives are not against everyone having health care.  Conservatives are not against helping those truly in need.  Conservatives are against keeping people in poverty and beholden to the central government for their every need.  That is a dangerous path.

Why can't we ask the government, instead of just adding yet aonther entitlement, to look at how much money comes in from income taxes as they now stand.  Then look at how much is spent on entitlements.  If it is the consensus of the nation that national health care is the most important to them, then that should be funded first.  Without raising taxes.  That would be reform; you say you want reform.  

Why not reform the welfare system?  Much money could be saved there.  Tighten it up.  Stop making assistance permanent if the person is able to work.  Give them a check, and with that check mandatory participation in job training and placement program, and when they place you, the check stops.  No more endless welfare checks for people who are able to work.  If it is a low wage job, then other entitlements can help...food stamps, etc.  Get people off the government tab who are able to work.  I think we would all be amazed at how much money that would free up for other more important entitlements.   That is what I am talking about.  Let's not create yet another entitlement and raise taxes yet again.  Let's tighten up the government belt.

All that being said, I still have great reservations about national health care from a socialism point of view. Reform health care, introduce more free market negotiation to get the cost of health care down....all those things I am not against.  We don't know if it will work or not, but I would think we should try that first before starting down the slippery slope of socialist programs.

In closing, I would just like to say....we are all Americans, and we do have that in common.  Our lives are probably very similar and we probably come from about the same economic group.  We have differing views, but that doesn't mean we can't treat each other respectfully and not take postings personally, and yes, I am guilty like others of the "pouty postings."  I would like to start away from that, and am going to make a concentrated effort to do so.  I hope others will join me.  We can have discussions, disagreements and lively debates...without disliking someone we don't really know because their opinions differ.  AsI have said and others have said...we have friends or family members with opposing views, but we manage to get through that.  My stepdaughters both are verryyy liberal gals, and we have lively discussions, I agree with them occasionally and they agree with me occasionally...and in the end...we all know where we would like to go, we just differ in how to get there.

God bless, and have a great day!

whooo hooooo guess I touched a nerve there...
listen, friend. If someone posted something like that about one of Obama's children, I would be on here ragging them the same way! Candidates' children should not be fodder for the public. It is wrong and mean spirited to involve them...be it Obama, McCain, Biden, or any of the rest.

Obviously no one here did make it up, but several have tried to defend it and one did post it.

I try to avoid the KOS at all costs.

I have a life. I also have people I love. I feel terrible for Bristol Palin. What did she do to what daily kos printed? Like Bristol, admit the child is yours.

Again...if someone printed some rude innuendo about one of Obama's children I would be screaming about that just as loud.