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Psssssssssst, GT!!!

Posted By: American Woman on 2005-09-10
In Reply to: WooHoo..Party Time! - gt

I was looking for you at Bill Maher's site!!  Posted a Looking for GT post.  LOL.  (Had to register Outspoken American Woman because American Woman wasn't available.

Doesn't look like much has changed in a week. You're still being viciously attacked, and they're still not happy with their own board and want to control the entire site.

You're a better woman than I am, that's for sure.  Hope to see you on Maher's site.  Have to leave now.  Hard to type and hold my nose at the same time.  This board now reeks of the stench that IS the Conservative board.  Too bad the administrator refuses to control this mob.  Nobody is bothering them on their board.  I guess when someone is consumed by hatred and ignorance 100% of the time, infantile posts such as the one I've read attacking you today are inevitable.  You know what would happen if the same number of argumentative, insulting posts appeared on the Conservative board that are here right now.  The administrator wouldn't tolerate it.  But nobody is bothering them, and they can't stand it.  They're not happy unless they're spreading their hatred all over the planet.

I'm outta here!  This place will never change.  Hope to see you at Maher's site! 

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