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Rolling eyeballs here

Posted By: Quitefrankly on 2008-06-16
In Reply to: Bible - I'm Scared of Barack

I have absolutely nothing to say to this whatsoever, but I am definitely rolling my eyes.  Sheesh.  Can you say FANATICAL?

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He is *innocent* but is up to his eyeballs in lies and deciet...sm
If he had been honest and up front, you know the way you expected President Clinton to be about his sex life, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
She's too busy rolling them!
Seriously though, I think it all depends on your views (no pun intended) who you like or don't like on that show or elsewhere for that matter. I happen to like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, democrats hate them.
Rolling Stones and Green Day
Someone the other day asked is there a site to listen to the Rolling Stones new song Sweet Neocon.  On Huffingtonpost, there was an article about Green Day and the Rolling Stones singing political songs and it gives a link to listen to a sample of the Stones song and also Green Day's.  If it is still there, it was on the R hand side, quite a way down the page.
There's tumbleweeds rolling around in Washington
because everybody else is gone on a real vacation.  If I recall correctly he's been making public appearances and working while in Texas.  Oh, excuse me, he was WORKING on his ranch last week and got sunburned, but if you qualify that as vacationing then I throw up my hands.  He could let government paid staff do the work, but then you'd be whinning about that too!
Love those rug burns...keep rolling

Merv's Rolling Stone interview. sm

He loves Bush, Rumsfeld, and Condi.

I thought McCain was going to have a stroke. He was grimacing, rolling his eyes, showing extreme
anger.  Not much poise at all which is needed. 
O was wise ... wait... wait... I'm rolling in the aisle.

Osamabama 'distances' himself from every lame association he ever had with his rat pack of radical nut job friends.

And if he's lucky enough to get elected, he's going to distance himself from his fawning flock as soon as his advisors tell him there's no way in hades to pay for his free po'folk tax cuts he promised without throwing the economy into the tank.