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That's okay, O probably gets a thrill up his

Posted By: OWN leg at the thought of himself.... on 2009-06-06
In Reply to: If I remeber rightly that was a comment made by...sm - get real

And let's face it, gods have always been known for their destructive tendencies (floods, famines, pestilence, plagues, Zeus weilding thunderbolts, Neptune with his wind machine).  I think so far he's proving himself quite godlike.  He is so almighty, in fact,  that we truly are not worthy to have him as president.  I suggest we point that out to him in 2012 and elect someone a little less divinely destructive to the office.... 

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What? Get a thrill up their leg?
Well....although this choice does not thrill me and...
certainly is no "change" from Obama as usual....let's wait and see who the rest of his inner circle will be. I "hope" that he will have the "audacity" to pick someone not so far to the left they can still see the middle and right 48% whose trust he wants to gain. That is, if he was even serious about that or it was just rhetoric.