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These are TODAY'S news.............sm

Posted By: () on 2009-06-19
In Reply to: Oh boy....you are kidding, right? - watcher

Istanbul, Turkey - Iran's supreme religious leader threw his weight behind the disputed landslide victory of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Friday, calling the vote "God's blessing," ruling out any fraud, and ordering an end to massive street protests.

In what may prove a pivotal point in the post-election crisis that has shaken Iran for nearly a week, Ayatollah Sayed Ali Khamenei took an uncompromising stand at Friday prayers.

"If there is any bloodshed, leaders of the protests will be held directly responsible," declared Ayatollah Khomeini, speaking to an overflowing crowd of tens of thousands at Tehran University that was bolstered by a large contingent of basiji ideological militiamen.

Defeated candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi has brought hundreds of thousands of Iranians onto the streets for peaceful protest in recent days, harnessing public outrage that first burst into riots and clashes when results were announced last Saturday.

Another march is slated for this Saturday, though it has already been declared illegal by authorities – as have each of the previous rallies. But now all future marches will be higher stakes and held in direct defiance of Iran's most powerful authority.............

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Saw on the news today that
Obama is currently reading 2 different books about FDR and his presidency. Perhaps you will get a break from Lincoln references soon.

As a side note, it will be nice to have a president that reads.
saw that on the news today. How patriotic of them,
Ron Weisflogg was on Fox News today

You know the guy. He stood up at the McCain rally and told McCain he has to get tough with the O.

He had a very interesting take on the whole thing. I can't go into it because I was too busy listening. Hopefully, it will be posted on their website.


So far in watching the news today
there is one person who wants this stimulus to pass. I agree.

So, look out for a depression coming soon or is it almost here. I think there are pockets in our Nation already in a depression. I do not see it getting better, just being realistic, but still hoping that government know what the he** they are doing. I wonder what it would be like for some of our representatives were "layed-off" for awhile with no pay and no health care benefits like some of the other 4.8 million who gave money to the bailout that was supposed to be used to buy up bad assets, but instead gave the money to banks who used it for vacations and bonus packages. Uncle Sam seems like a mean, backstabbing, evil dude.
On the news today Governor Richardson said it.
on camera.
Pay close attention to today's news!!

MSNBC,  CNN, all the liberally biased news telecasts have focused their reports on nothing but drugs, guns and violence from Mexico, North Korean, you name it....  ANYTHING but discuss the joke that stood on our national TV and ran his mouth about carrying this country into an absolutely catastrophe!!  When highly socialist countries, who have seen how socialism DOES NOT work and are begging Obama to get his act together and not take this country down that road, doesn't even phase Obama and he hasn't listened to a word they say, that should tell you how bad it's gonna be.  Of course, what Obama is going to do is take this country FAR FAR away from socialism and straight into dictatorship if the American people sit idly by and let it.   This man has never been an American, was NEVER raised American, and NEVER has had a loyalty to this country EVER!  It's high time people see this....

FOX news is the only one trying to focus the attention to this country's future and the fact that foreign countries are actually begging Obama to NOT nationalize and NOT do what he is planning to do; they know all too well what he is up to!

Mexico certainly needs to be addressed but the day Obama sends our troops down to the border to shoot on sight any and all crossing our borders, then we won't have to worry so much about illegals and their drug runs into this country.  That won't happen just like it didn't happen with Bush......... our government has become a big joke!!!

FOX news IS the news. The only 1 that tells BOTH
It's all over the news - and I mean ALL news stations.
not just the ones you don't like.

Today is a new day.

I have decided to not even read the conservative board any more, let alone post there.

My suggestion is we respect their board and stop posting there, as they have asked us to do, and that they in turn stop posting on our board, as we have asked them to do.

Anybody want to bet on who can't stay away from which board?

Where is sam today?
I am missing her viewpoint on today's issues.  Sam, are you lurking? 

No flaming, please, by the peanut gallery. 
the one today at the U of K
The men were charged with disorderly conduct related to the hanging of the effigy. They were also charged with burglary and theft at a fraternity house where police said the materials came from. They were not charged with a hate crime.

UK President Lee Todd said the effigy violates the university's code of ethics, and Fischer faces punishment that could include expulsion.

From what I read, it is not considered a hate crime because: It's also true that as long as it was clear that the hanging figure represented Obama or another prominent black politician rather than a private citizen, it wouldn't be legally actionable as a hate crime. Our laws give broad latitude to clear expressions of political opinion, as opposed to incitements to violence against ethnic groups.



is that as of today?
Is that as of today or as of Nov 4th. I am asking this seriously, not a smart aleck comment. I have read that since 11/4 something like 42 electors have joined in one or more of the suits to order production of the B/C before they vote. No, I am not sure of the actual number, but I know I did read that they had joined in the suits because they felt it would be a constitutional violation to vote until the issue had been definitively put to rest as apparently they felt enough doubt had been raised. What I read said they felt this way because the SC is actually considering the writ of certiorari instead of just tossing it.
Yes, that is as of today.
This is a clear-cut, speculation-free figure.
But they said it was today.
Well, then if it is old, CNN SUCKS.
Where have you been today?
why is it when something you perceive to be negative towards Obama comes to light,you choose to believe it ain't so?

No pot was stirred. Decision was made with the blessings of Obama to basically let the terrorists off the hook who blew up the USS Cole. Now, if you don't know anything about that or you don't have a family member who was blown to he!! on that ship, then I suppose it wouldn't concern you, even though it should. These families were not "organized". They heard the ruling that said all the terrorists who blew up their children will get a free pass!! Bush didn't drop the charges against them! Obama did! Where have you been?

And no, if you were watching your TV, you would see they are not being let back on the grounds; even the liberal cameras are now focusing on that.

Since your head has been in the sand, you might like to know that Obama stirred this pot. He asked the families of those murdered to meet with him. HE asked THEM!

Sorry, but he started this little ball rolling all by his lonesome.
How sad that today
people are so willing to throw their children to the lions. If they're not aborting them, they're encouraging them to engage in a behavior that will mean a multitude of disease, early death or lifelong mental problems, and all under the guise of "tolerance." You should be ashamed. This mother is on the right track.
I read about this today.
What I find the most interesting is that he feels "...and he said that a controversial legal theory then in vogue -- of directing employers to pay women equally to men for jobs of "comparable worth" -- was "staggeringly pernicious" and "anti-capitalist."

Say WHAT Mr. Roberts?

What is it with these links today?

Today is voting day!
Don't forget to vote in your local elections today ~ Your vote does make a difference!
I got the same joke today ..
but it also had "go to Indian casinos and buy prostitutes and beer!"
that's all well and fine, but today's
world never sees any racism as funny, so given the serious nature of this particular board, humor just did not come on the radar.
I'm hearing that a lot today
I've been all over the internet today and everywhere I go I'm seeing woman who feel like McCain is being condescending to women by throwing out this nobody who is ruby red as they come and expecting to get women voters just because of it, especially Hillary followers. These women are insulted and now finally have both feet firmly on the Obama train.
She was in Wisconsin today,
so they didn't send her back yet.
Served Today
USA Today poll

9/5 - 9/7

McCain 54

Obama 44


No, that would be you......several times today and beyond...nm
Polls as of today....
Gallup Daily: McCain 47%, Obama 45%

McCain retains a three-point advantage for the third straight day, 50% to 47% (see recent daily results).

Real Clear Politics
RCP Average 09/05 - 09/13 -- McCain 47.5 Obama 45.2 McCain +2.3

McCain has also diminished Obama's lead in many of the "swing states" and is even within 2 points in Pennsylvania, which is unheard of. Pennsylvania nearly always goes democratic. McCain leads in Ohio. He has gone into the lead in New Mexico and Nevada. That has been steady for several days now.

All that being said...the polls said Kerry should have won many states handily...but he didn't. Polls can be very misleading. We won't know until election night...although this is the first time in how long that a Republican was leading in the polls at this point?

It is a very interesting campaign, that's for darned sure.
That was then and this is now...He just said it today of ALL days!!! sm
WHY WOULD anyone in their RIGHT MIND say such a thing TODAY of all days???? Unless they were completely out of touch with the people of America and what they're going through.

He is another Bush - PERIOD.
I think I heard today that it was
foreign policy, but they will have to address the economy at some point, that's a given. The true poll numbers will be next week, after the debate. Polls are so skewed though anyway, I never put any trust in them.
Yes, I also noticed this too today. Not sure if I saw this before or not.
Could be a sign of a stroke or somethin if it was not there before. Would have to look at previous pics of him from a few days ago or so to see if it was there. Hope not. Do not wish that on anyone.
I saw Obamanation on TV today

talking about how in America hard work is rewarded and I about spit out my pop I was sipping at the time.  Under his regime....hard work will not be rewarded.  What you earn with your hard work will be given to others who don't work hard.  Reward my rear end.  Sheesh. 

This whole bail out thing has me irritated beyond belief.  The idea of us having to pay in taxes because some irresponsible people got greedy and screwed us all.  This only makes the idea of universal healthcare worse to me.  Once again, having to pay for other people to have health insurance.  How is it my fault wall street crashed and how is it my fault that some people don't have health insurance but I guess as long as we all pay out the ying yang....everything will just be peaches n cream.....oh please...give me a friggin break. 

The View today
Love, love, love Joy (Go Girl!).  Bill O'Reilly is an arrogant, egomaniac and Keith Olberman so has his ticket.  Elisabeth is know-nothing, simpering little twit who most of the time doesn't have a clue what she is talking about.  Whoopi is the best -- so much common sense!!  I would vote for Whoopi in 2012!
Yes, I saw him speak today as well
Believe it or not, the Today show
spent some time on this issue this morning. I was surprised since it's supposed to be buried. They cited all the lawsuits from the different states. But, since I was a bit shocked, my ears went dead and I didn't hear the rest of the story.
There is no hearing today.
Your statement here is patently inaccurate. The SC is not taking the case. For the sake of not wasting too much time on this fairy tale, I am posting this article link that can explain that better than I can.

You will notice that the article clearly states that the merits of the claims will not be heard (essentially because there are no merits).

For an excellent explanation on the Supreme courts porn king/sexually harassing above-the-law judge's motivations for his "lone wolf" move to attempt to shove this nonsense down the throats of his fellow jurists, read this:

Here is an excellent article that discussed the underlying pathology of conspiracy theorists:

You are mistaken about the timing of this "knowledge." Unfortunately, the citizens of this country learned of this lunacy long before the Nausea or vomiting 4 election. In fact, Berg's lawsuit emerged the minute it became apparent that Hillary was not going to win in the primaries (08/22/2008). Andy Martin's failed action occurred 10/17/2008. Steven Marquis' impotent attempt occurred on 10/18/2008. David Neal's action fell flat on its face 10/24/2008. Your delusional statement about "many people" is a fabrication that I notice you have not backed up with any sort of credible source.

There is no truth to fight for, fool. The conspiracy theorists who are the driving force behind this abomination are scam bags who are picking your pockets to keep this stupidity alive....and you are marching lock-step alongside one another and coughing up.

The rest of the stuff you have included in your post is nothing more that regurgitation of garbage that has been answered at least a thousand times already. My advice to you is not to hold your breath waiting for the SC justices to show the same sort of self-serving interest in usurping clean and legitimate election results as Clarence the porn king Thomas has in these actions. Out of 842 cases in the last 8 years, they have dismissed 782 of them and heard only 60....and not all of those heard succeeded.

I'm just touchy today..sorry.
OMG - about a third of the posts on here today are

I had one with hiccups today. (nm)

The PAST says a lot about what you are today.
Sure seems to be a lot of ignorance around here today.
I saw this on TV earlier today...
... right before I threw my shoe at the TV set.
The child is due today.
They'll probably be crossing each other's paths in the hospital corridors shortly.

Here's the deal, Ms. New Englander. JTBB has summed up the reason I posted in the first place. You can't have it both ways. If you insist on making something out of nothing with Obama and his so-called "affiliations," then you should have no problem when others try to insinuate connections which may or may not be true between two expectant grandmothers.
Wel, today they're all DOWN. HA HA HA HA
See - anyone can make a moronic post, can't they? Of course, it comes harder for some of us than it does for you.
In this country today...
you have to be a person of color to get away with racism. The paler your skin, the more at risk you are to be accused of racism. For example, if you say the words, "You're my nigger," you had better be African-American or you will be lynched. Yes, it's a double standard and a it's sad day for this country.
Today's latest on Rove

WASHINGTON - The White House is suddenly facing damaging evidence that it misled the public by insisting for two years that presidential adviser Karl Rove wasn't involved in leaking the identity of a female CIA officer. President Bush, at an Oval Office photo opportunity Tuesday, was asked directly whether he would fire Rove -- in keeping with a pledge in June, 2004, to dismiss any leakers in the case. The president did not respond. For the second day, White House press secretary Scott McClellan refused to answer questions about Rove.


This article says that the White House may have misled the public.  And, they apparently pledged to fire anyone who had leaked this information.  This has become interesting, hope it doesn't fade right away from the public view.

Thanks for the post, here's some more info from today

Here's a snippet from a piece on CNN from today.  It's an interview with John Dean.  He points out that this Rove thing is not all that simple and there may be other things involved than just outing a CIA agent.

DOBBS: In a perhaps bizarre piece, it appears that Time magazine leaked some material to Newsweek magazine. I can't say that for certain, but it appears that way. The fact is: It's unclear whether what Karl Rove may or may not have done here is even illegal.

DEAN: That's right. It isn't clear.

DOBBS: What's your sense of that?

DEAN: We can't tell on the facts we have alone whether we have a law that's been violated or which laws have been violated. The attention is focused on the CIA Identities Protection Act and that hasn't really been my concern.

I think probably the lawyers involved in this case are looking at the other potential concerns. You take the prima facie facts we have and this could very well be a couple statutes that are involved with Mr. Rove.

He could be, well, converting government information to his own political uses and putting it out, and that is a violation of the law. It could be the statute that got a lot of those of us involved in Watergate, which is if he is conspiring with others to do what he's not being paid as a government employee to do, which it would be in this instance, to leak information for political purposes. That in turn, could be a violation as well.

DOBBS: Effectively, fraud and conspiracy.

DEAN: Yes.

My flag flies every day, not just today.
Always has, always will.
You're particularly nasty today
I don't think a liberal has lost an election anywhere today, so what's the the nastiness?
A powerful statement I ran across today...sm
Regarding whether we are winning or losing the war in Iraq.

*Who can win or lose a battle of morality, religious beliefs, and or political ideology? Nobody wins or loses. People just continue to fight until one side finally decides it's futile to try and change the minds of the opposite party!

Peace and love...*
I have been reading up today...and will
later this evening. I am trying to find out if there is a provision for where the recipient lives, because as you stated, the cost of living differs greatly in certain areas and that should definitely be taken into consideration if it is not being taken into consideration now.

I am also looking into the illegals issue/states. Many states require only a driver's license as proof of citizenship, and we all know how easy those are to obtain...illegals are caught driving on them all the time. And they use those same driver's licenses to obtain social services.

At any rate, I am looking more deeply into the issue. I will post what I find.
today on radio, they were discussing
his own party is in controversy over flip-flops. disgusted almost with the whole lot of them. someone said government growth has been 60% in the last few years. Don't know about that, but upsetting story on medicare losing millions by having doctor's available info on line which, of course, has been abused. Some of these guys have been dead for years and so people have been using their id's and #'s to scam/order wheelchairs. oh well, we'll always have more taxpayers, right? The name of the game is money, and they are all to blame for this energy problem, alternative methods have been squelched for almost 80 years. We could very quickly find ourselves in a fine pickle if they shut off the tap over there and I don't put it past them. After all, we have already made them filthy rich, they won't need us anymore, especially with our losing economy. Indonesia and Viet Nam won't even accept american money. or so I heard a couple of weeks ago, not like I tried to spend any money anywhere! I strongly feel the need to become self-sufficient and I mean that on an individual level as well, think 1800's. our people are much too busy fingerpointing to get anything accomplished and I am sick of all the bickering and wastefulness. I really feel for the ones to come after us.