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Posted By: gt on 2005-09-26
In Reply to: and you can smoke your reefer in peace - what the...

Another broad sweeping ignorant post.  Because I am liberal/democrat/anti war, I smoke reefer?  I beg your pardon.  I guess since you are conservative/republican/pro war, you all still drink moon shine, go outside to pump your water and pee in outhouses.  Stupid, ignorant generalizations from your post and from what I have posted above..

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This is unbelieveable and ridiculous - your comparing two totally opposite things
You cannot compare the two. You evidently approve of the bible studies and that is fine. There is nothing wrong with a bible study if you keep it under a certain number.

These people are assembling more than 15 people in which case they need to get a license according to the law. There are certain rules why (fire codes, etc). This is being done on a regular basis. Therefore it becomes a business.

The playground for the kids have a license and is zoned for such.

The "folks at the airport for their plane. Lawbreakers?" Are you for real? That is what the airport is for. It is zoned for that and they pay their fees to whatever state, and they abide by the laws.

It's not what they are doing in their home. It's that they are assembling a large congegration of people on a regular basis in a home that is not zoned for the business.

You cannot compare this with a playground, airport, or a tupperware party (which occurs on an infrequent basis here and there).

Having a social event like scrapbooking, tupperware party, having some friends over to watch a sports game is a whole different issue (unless they have it on a weekly basis with open bar and more than 15 people - in which case they need to get a license and follow the law). It's not that we hate what they are doing. That has nothing to do with it. The law is specific and they are breaking the law.

Here's a question for you...if I lived next door to you and I belonged to a Wiccan group would you mind me having 20 or so people over every week so that we could have our ceremonies to celebrate our wiccan holidays and rituals. Would you mind that 20 or so people were in the backyard next to yours completing our ritual of praying to the moon goddess (or whatever gods/goddesses for the ritual) at night. Sometimes we build a fire and dance in circles and chant our prayers. Would you mind that. Some groups even complete their ceremonies in the nude. Would you be fine with that?

It's very simple. The law states that if you have over a certain number of people that hold regular meetings/functions you need to have a business license and follow the law. It doesn't matter what they are doing. They need to follow the law.