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au contraire

Posted By: bluestraveler on 2008-08-30
In Reply to: yeah McBush will get all the feminist votes now - unfortuantely

He has most likely mobilized them in anger.  What an insult to intelligent women. John mcCain just does not get it.

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Oh, contraire.....
Once you start the ball rolling, you give them an inch and they will take a mile. One brigade cannot possibly control one area in a "disaster" so what will come next? More brigades, all under the excuse we need more because this isn't enough.

If you only saw this brigade would be ready ONLY for natural disaster or national emergency, you saw what you wanted to see.

Hasty road blocks, bullets, shields, civil unrest; these are all just scare tactics to make everyone feel so much safer. I certainly don't feel safer.

The National Guard units in our area are trained for bombings and chemical attacks....don't know about your area, but they should be the only ones doing the job they are supposed to do, protecting our country here on our soil.

Au contraire
I held these same beliefs for several decades before O emerged on the scene. You are the one who is not dealing with the reality that a sound majority has delivered a mandate on these ideas. Where were your concerns about our freedoms and the Constitution when W launched his slash and burn campaign on them?
Au contraire. Would't be asking if I weren't interested.
wanna help me out here?
Au contraire big mouth........but I do participate!
According to your method of thinking,one should vote for the guy they "think" may be getting the most votes instead of voting their conscious for the candidate that will actually uphold the constitution of this country. Yep, you're a smart one alright, just not in the way you might think!

I volunteer for candidates and spend a lot of time campaigning, which I'm quite certain you've never done any..... I see plenty like you all around here; they have HUGE mouths, sig on their stoops yapping and yapping and absolutely do nothing else but run their mouths.

I have absolutely NO responsibility for the outcome and so glad I can honestly say I didn't put that crook into office!! You darn right I can stand from the rooftops and say it.

Like I said, I don't like his crap and I do constantly fax, write, and call my senators and leaders and let them know my thoughts.

Why do you think I take the time to correspond with nutjobs like you? I'm trying to get the truth out..... you're just kissing backside; there's a big difference!!
Au contraire. I've had really good luck
most recent example would be my 18-year marriage to a rough, tough tom cat 14 years my junior.
au contraire.....what they do on the conservative board is bash the left....plain and simple. I thi